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Everything posted by gerberlyfe.9736

  1. Aurora and Vision keep LWS3+4 maps populated. Keep them the only legendary accessories. It's a wonderful journey to get them.
  2. Bad thread. The problem isn't "muh ambiguous theoretical minorities that we must protect!" The problem is that the only danger in GW2 is ground pads.
  3. Like evolution turning everything into a crab, I have always suspected that power creep would eventually turn every class into a scourge. I find it really depressing that group content is going the same way, just a phalanx of boons doing a rotation without even looking at other players, just standing on the tag. It's not even fighting at that point.
  4. 80% of the squad being reduced to a boonb*tch upkeeping like 1-4 boons is such dogsh*t. I guess it's great for the tagalong wenches who don't want to actually fight. Not so great for actual players.
  5. You will get ONE guild as an anchor point. Everything else will shift around you like sand. FOREVER. What do we gain? A player across the whole game can be recruited into a guild one month later on reset, instead of requiring server transfer. No more perma dominant servers, but they will of course be replaced by perhaps even more vicious elite alliances. What are the consequences of this? Guild slots 2-6 will be useless for WvW players. Guild slots 2-6 will be an insulting tragedy when those relationships are shattered every month. Zerg mains will no longer have a stable population of roamers to chill with off-hours. Ever again, ever. Zerg mains will no longer have a stable population of secondary guilds with known commanders to run with. Ever again, ever. Roamer mains will never have a stable population of known zerg guilds to hot join. Ever again. Ever. Players who don't interact will the guild system will NEVER have any stability whatsoever. Guild Leaders now have the tyrannical and actually crazy power to take away the ONLY stability you have with a single click of a button, to throw you into the trash. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY. You gain nothing from Restructuring. NOTHING. Your opponents already cycled through. If you had a bad matchup it ALREADY cycled away. If you wanted diversity it ALREADY cycled in. The only thing this restructuring has done is shatter everything except a single guild that you can cling to. You will never recognize the roamers again. Every month they will be genocided and replaced for no reason. You will never recognize any other guild ever again. Every month they will be genocided and replaced for no reason. You will never be able to maintain a Discord list of secondary guilds that you run with over months and years. Those relationships are shattered and nothing equivalent will ever form again because secondary guilds will shuffle away after a month. Every month they will be genocided and replaced for no reason. There is nothing to be gained whatsoever from restructuring. It is a perpetual genocide of WvW. It is structurally guaranteed to turn you into a slave to your guild leader, and to turn every single other person in the entire game into a hostile and foreign stranger. You will never recognize another player for the rest of your career. Every person that you encounter or DM, even if they are temporarily aligned with you, will be genocided within 30 days, This is a monumental crisis and must be stopped immediately. ArenaNet, you must CANCEL WVW RESTRUCTURING. DO NOT DO IT. It's over for WvW. ArenaNet destroyed it.
  6. Put a target cap on all bubbles and walls and limit them each to 5 or 10 projectiles denied. Why does aegis block only one melee attack but then a bubble blocks infinite projectiles? it makes no sense and it's not fair or fun. It shouldn't be omega aegis designed only to immeserate and obsolete entire weapon types and classes for really no reason. You could still get strong value if there was a reasonable cap of 10 projectiles denied. There is no other effect in the game that has infinite effects like that and the fact that they bubbles are naturally chained together gives zergs an intrinsic and unnecessary advantage over roaming builds and allows harassment of spawn etc. Often off-hours on my roaming ranger or deadeye, a group of maybe 10 of a larger server can just infinitely harass my spawn because they have access to an uncounterable trump card for many roaming builds. Infinite projectile denial has no counterplay for most mesmer, ranger and deadeye roaming builds and other builds for no reason. Just abolish it.
  7. I'll let the pros hash out the details, it's jsut when skills on my bar turn into blue squares it becomes unplayable and the high population moments when it happens is exactly when a wvw map queue prevents a client restart to fix it.
  8. Every 50v50v50 3 way in center castle, textures start to fall out of RAM and are replaced with BLUE EVERYWHERE. The longer the fight goes, the more textures fail. Trees, skills, icons, the map, anything and everything starts to turn blue. Why does GW2 still cap at 4GB ram again?
  9. They changed the title of my thread but actually it's even WORSE. "Into the Spider's Lair" the brand new meta is ALSO broken. It says says "Zakiros is vulnerable" But a lethal red haze still surrounds the entire citadel.
  10. The map meta "THE FANGS THAT GNASH" is completely broken. It says to assist by joining Frode or Major Emund -----but Frode is standing peacefully with green tag and doing nothing and the timer is running out. Just like Skywatch Archipelago they launched ANOTHER broken meta! What is going on with their internal quality control?
  11. Yes, but the critical error is that you have to play PvE.
  12. PvE problems make me laugh. Just do the Bitterfrost PvP track and get 100 berries per completion. EZ
  13. Reminds me of Google Play Store updates. I remember back in the early days of android they'd produce detailed lists of all the ways apps changed. It was extremely cozy and I loved seeing the notes. Now it's just "bug fixes and improvements" like they don't even care. I feel your pain.
  14. I have two sets of infinite tools and I've really come to adore them. It's just a nice QoL that makes your account feel cozy. I have a set of volatile magic tools for one character and then a set of Choyas that came with Prospector/Herbalist/Forester glyphs built in, but in random configuration so that it produces extra mats of the other types. I keep one on my PvE main and one on my WvW main so I don't feel pressured to move them around or use shared slots. For other characters I just put on consumable tools because who cares. But if you are more dynamic than me, i can see how the unlimited tools would cause some stress. But you'll find a system that works for you.
  15. It's not changing. I like that they've held their ground against addons. To see what a hell it would be if they allowed addons, just look at WoW. Asmongold just did a stream where he almost broke down crying at the arms race between the addons and the raid designers. He came to the conclusion that it would be best if they just straight up banned addons. That being said, I do wish I could disable the XP bar at the bottom.
  16. Oneshot Stunlock is Call of Duty level, where you turn the corner and the first one to react wins. I get it, you like Call of Duty. That's on you, that's your choice, and many people do. But anyone who has played GW2 PvP for a while will tell you the game wasn't like this before, and it has become like this due to power creep. In this environment, burst damage is the only viable DPS tactic. Let's take a look at the current top DPS metabattle builds as a sample: Power Melee Stancebeast - glass burst pigstomp Burst Gyro Scrapper - glass burst nades Power Chronoshatter - glass burst shatters Power Hammer Cata - ok, an actual bruiser. 3/4 of them are literally just glass burst. That's your choice of DPS in pvp. So now you get exclusively ultra burst specs, on mesmers because they can not only burst but have the invuln to resist enemy oneshot bursts. On scrappers because they not only burst but have superspeed and stealth to resist the enemy oneshot burst. And soulbeast because right now they have a shadowstep pigstep burst, and a sword invuln to cheese away. And btw the cata is only viable because it uniquely has access to two 3sec invulns on its utility bar. That's why the game is now Call of Duty tier. It's just invulns vs oneshots. (And by the way the supports are only ones who can provide aegis or stuns, more cheese). It's not intentionally like this -- it's like this due to negligence. It's because over the years power has crept upwards, and invulns have creeped upwards like with the introduction of Distortion on all the different mesmer specs. They HAD to introduce literal invulnerability buttons onto Mesmers because as a class Mesmers did not have enough actual mechanics to counter a radical power crept environment. So they gave them more cheese. Invulns have grown in importance as the power has crept upwards, beacuse, again, in a radically higher power environment the only solution is literal invulnerability, because Guild Wars 2 class and skill balance team did not create any other tools, and failed to properly balance the numbers, and this is the cope that remains. That's it. That's all there is left. Burst and invuln/stealth. Take your pick. Btw, you don't get a pick, only a class with both can succeed. All the other mechanics have fallen away. Condi is on life support. Anything else, any interesting skills or mechanics, they've all fallen away beceause the only viable strategy when you encounter a foe is to oneshot them or invuln to avoid their oneshot. That's power creep. No longer is it a numbers game really, or a strategy game. It's a reaction time game. Ok, fine, so you like that, and that's ok. But Call of Duty is a very different game, with different pacing than what Guild Wars 2 used to be, or even what they intended GW2 to be. It's power creep, and it's like this due to negligent design. It is possible for the game to be different. And you don't see it because of a fundamental lack of a vision of what it could be or how the game used to play. I don't blame you. The devs also have this fundamental lack of vision.
  17. I would say the #1 thing I've noticed is the powercreep. The TTK is now ultra short. I never used to even consider "TTK" (time to kill) as a concept in GW2 PvP but with the soulbeast pigstomp cheese, and others, it's now reaching frightening levels of damage, I'm talking 2-4 seconds, like 8k -> 6k -> 4k dead if you are out of position and get hit hard. I've noticed it especially with Reapers, I don't know why this class sticks out, but if I get hit with a reaper elite freeze, you're just DEAD. There's not much you can do because the power levels are so high and there is not much of a solution to long stuns.
  18. ARENANET: READ THIS ARTICLE AND LEARN https://www.wowhead.com/guide/diminishing-returns-in-pvp-6024
  19. One thing that really gets me is that the power creep of rangers, but also other classes, over the last few patches has created a toxic interaction between stunlock and oneshot. The ranger power creep over the last month has taken this problem to crisis levels. Either a hammer warrior or reaper freeze disables you for 4 seconds, and there is a ranger that just pigstomps you dead and there's nothing you can do. This game needs a solution like WoW's Diminishing Returns where consecutive disables are shorter each time on a global level. Guild Wars 2 has never seriously addressed the stunlock problem, it was never such a problem when the DPS was lower, and they even did address it at one point when they removed almost all the damage from disable skills, but the problem in Conquest is that there is no solution beyond stability and stunbreaks, which are scarce, to stuns which are common, and becoming meta for that reason. TLDR the combination of disables and powercreep has made teamfights unenjoyable, because if you pair a long stun with a soulbeast, there is literally no solution in the game.
  20. The winner is whoever gets their cheese off on first contact. You either oneshot the opponent, or stunlock them / activate your 3s invuln and hope that someone else on your team has a oneshot (they will). TTK (time to kill) is now 2 seconds. This game is becoming actual trash.
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