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Posts posted by gerberlyfe.9736

  1. Let me explain how 5 minute invuln timers (Righteous Indignationcause most teams to fight mostly NPCs instead of other players, and how it leads to an incentive structure in which objectives are rarely defended, and how increasing the timer to 10 minutes might solve this problem. 

    With a 5 min objective invuln timer, especially on EBG players are forced onto a moebius strip conveyor belt where they rotate left - right- left because 5 min is also the approximate time it takes to cap and commute to the adjacent camp or tower. If a small team or even solo players heads left from spawn and caps camp then tower, it will take 3min commute and 2min cap on camp, then the adjacent tower will be a 1min commute and a 4min cap. By the time you finish the tower and rotate to the far side, the camp you just liberated will already be up for grabs and as soon as you rotate away to the opposite side to repeat this on the other side, the opposing team sees the objective come off cooldown so they swoop into the camp and cap it undefended. Hence the moebius strip of fighting mostly just NPCs and undefended objectives. 

    I know the obvious retort is to "spend resources to defend " but the current model actually disincentivizes defending camps or towers at all because you can just cap cap cap cap cap left-right-left-right as long as the adjacent teams are also capping in a complementary 5 minute cycle. Hence the primary enemy becomes NPCs and walls and commuting --not other players, and no seige equipment except that which can break walls. The 5min invuln timer essentially means there is very little defending occuring because the invuln timers pop exactly when teams are naturally rotating away from the area. 

    If the invuln timer was increased to 10 minutes, it would give players time to coordinate because they can actually anticipate and prepare for when something is about to come up for grabs instead of constantly commuting in a circle. It would give small teams the time to leave, cap somewhere else, then return to defend because there is nothing left to cap (everything nearby is fully on invuln timer) which lead to larger and more exciting skirmishes over legitimately contested objectives because players would have more time to accumulate to either attack or defend, and the objective would be more valuable because it would be guaranteed for two ticks. Whatever comes off cooldown then becomes a more valuable target because it's the only contested objective nearby. It would also give more time for supply to accumulate inside of the towers and more incentive/time to hunt dolyaks because you don't have to spend as much time commuting and you know that a tower with a ton of accumulated resource will be harder to cap once the 10min timer expires. This deserves another post entirely but I also think the invuln timer should be applied to walls+gates so that you can't just camp on top of the champion with all the npcs dead---the fact that walls can be damaged before the champion's invuln timer expires functionally turns towers into camps if you think about it. 

    If the invuln timer was increased to 10 minutes, and the timer also applied to walls, the epic sieges that you know and love would not just be semi rare occurances on a treadmill of otherwise undefended caps--they would be the core feature as intended by the developers. 

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  2. We ought to be able to right click -> inspect and see other players' equipment.

    Would be great in PvP, open world, group content. It would help noobies see what is good by inspecting advanced players, and it would help advanced players mimic each other, learn what's popular, and sort each other out. It would also help to reveal transmog and dye combinations. Curently the only way to sort out noobies in end game content is to look at ARCdps which is sort of a workaround.

    The argument I could see against this would be a bias against newer players, but that's just how mmorpg's work and even could be a positive incentive for noobs to ... stop being noobs and engage with systems like exotic crafting.

    • Confused 6
  3. This really is an egregious bug. It's fully exploitable, it badly affects matches, and it's quite common. It should be top priority for the studio to fix this.


    Just to reiterate, this is not just something that happens once in a while. I regularly am crashing out of PvP matches 2-3 times per day. It affects groups of players at the same time so that teams have 2-3 DCs at the same time.

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  4. Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

    It’s important, but they need info. Just saying fix crashes when it could be any of a thousand causes won’t generate a fix. Maybe try a support ticket and send crash reports so they can identify the issue. If enough people do that, they can spot a trend and that will speed up fixes.

    I've sent like 5 crash reports. It's always the same. Right before the gates open. There are rumors that it's some thief animation that can trigger it so my bigger fear is that people can grief by abusing crashes.

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  5. Guild Wars 2 client is becoming so unstable that I am crashing at the beginning of maybe 25% of sPvP matches. I have a fast SSD so I can usually load back in before the gate opens, but other players typically don't.

    Why are multiple people crashing together? Many times, 2-3 people all crash at the same time. You see it in the roster screen. Their health bar disappears and maybe 15 seconds later you see their account name pop up as their client opens, then their health bar reappears as they log back in.

    ArenaNet needs to stop whatever they're doing and fix this. Fixing literal constant crashes is more important than developing content right now.

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  6. Metabattle dot com just demoted ALL builds except Catalyst, Auramancer and Spellbreaker out of the meta. That's right: the least amount of builds are considered "meta" in GW2's history.


    For those out of the loop, this is the worst balance patch the game has ever seen. PvP matches are now determined by how many Catalysts there are. There are no other variables in a PvP match now. On November 29th, Catalyst got insane buff for no reason and now everything else is obsolete. Guild Wars 2 team decided this wasn't a priority for them to fix.


    Honestly, this is sort of the final humiliation. The amount of damage this has done to the scene cannot be overstated, the fact that they just let it roll without hotfixing it. It's a total humiliation to the Guild Wars 2 team and a shameful display of indifference. Even MightyTeapot was just dejected casting the tourney. The top team was litearlly just 5 Catalysts wearing fairy costumes. As someone who runs 2-4 automated tournaments a day, you cannot understand what a shameful crisis this is for the community.


    ArenaNet honestly should apologize to the community for how they have handled this, and they need to face their investors and explain why they decided to turn their game into abandonware.

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  7. Their entire balance team is ele mains and they don't care. They abandoned pvp years ago. They'd rather we just play League of Legends if we want a PvP experience. No, but really, it was apparent on Nov 30th that this scepter buff was unacceptable and they haven't done anything for MONTHS. Gw2 is abandonware.


    They care more about banning minis from WvW than the entire PvP mode being broken by horrific balance for months at a time.

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  8. Anyone who plays knows. And it should have been clear if you watched the Monthly AT that someone was deeply wrong when the winning team was FIVE catalysts.

    ArenaNet has let this disgusting patch roll since Nov 29th because THEY DON'T CARE. They don't care about the despair and crisis in the PvP community caused by their disgusting, out-of-nowhere scepter buff.

    This should be a five-alarm fire for ArenaNet. They should have dropped what they were doing and gathered all of the relevant people and SOLVED THIS with a hot patch. Then they should have issued an apology letter to their players and investors. But no, they are letting it ride because they hate you and they want you to play other games.

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  9. I had the same error but then it worked perfectly when I turned off my VPN. I guess Digital River automatically rejects known VPN IP addresses from some list. It's a shame they don't at least give you a proper error message why the payment failed. What a horrible payment provider.

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