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Posts posted by Theroi.9536

  1. Seems like a few strikes have issues now.

    Xunlai Jade Junkyard (Normal Mode)  

    Hallucinating Shot - Lich form  :  The middle lich, decided to do a half turn, walked back a few meter then went on the normal path again.


    Cosmic Observatory (Normal or Challenge Mode) :

    - We got the phasing @25% hp while she was on the side. She didn't moved from there anymore & forgot to go back to the center of the platform 



    Here are the logs, hoping this may help

    Xunlai Jade Junkyard dps.report    < happens around 65 seconds 

    Cosmic Observatory dps.report    < happens around 290 when she reach 25% hp 

  2. Look at the pinned topic, they mentionned a few effect disabled runes :



    • We have temporarily disabled the effects of the following relics while we address an issue: 
      • Relic of the Adventurer 
      • Relic of the Centaur 
      • Relic of the Pack 
      • Relic of Durability 



    • Like 1
  3. Hello, 

    Had a bug occuring quite a few time over the last weeks.

    The Harvest temple strike reset for no apparent reason. 

    I have two arc dps logs showing the issue, one happens during mordremoth phase fight, the other one happened while the last ball was pushed (soo won phase at 50%)

    Booth bug occurence appeared in previously failed instance where we just restarted the encounter after a wipe.


    Not sure the dps reports may help but there they are (since those were training runs & i don't wanna display names of those who were there i anonymised the log).


    Reset during mordremoth - https://dps.report/1YMr-20230809-170336_void

    In this log around the end, while some players are still alive, boss just disappear & instance reset.

    Reset during Soo Won ball - https://dps.report/cB9f-20230804-181207_void

    In this log around the end, while 4 players are still downed, the orb disappear & the instance reset.


    I apologize that i can't provide any more precise way of reproducing this bug since i have no idea how or why it may have happened, but it seems it would only occur after the instance failed (at least) once. 


    Good luck & thanks for the time spent reading this.

    Have a nice day

    - Stéphane - Theroi.9536 - 

    • Haha 1
  4. Tried with a few others scroll.

    Lily of the elon : Works

    Mistlock Sanctuary : Works

    Season 3 Portal Tome : Not Working 

    Icebrood Saga Portal Tome : Not Working 

    Arbostone Portal Scroll : Not Working 

    Lion's Pride : Not Working 


    Seems the ''premium pass" are the only one working, pretty boring it's not working to tp between strikes hub at least 😞

    • Haha 1
  5. Heyo,


    Not sure if this is a bug or an undocumented feature from the 27th patch but 


    The first mace skill from engineer > mecanist used to give barrier on the last auto of the chain

     Barrier Blast ¾   Smash your target with a final heavy strike, inflicting additional confusion. You, your mech, and allies near you gain barrier.

    Now it doesn't provide barrier anymore.

    Skill was renamed to MACE BLAST Smash your target with a final heavy strike, inflicting additional confusion

    Barrier application has been moved to second mace skill Energizing Slam


    So Is this change intented & undocumented in the patch note for some reason, or is it just a bug, an oversight ? 

    Have a nice day,



  6. Please, you still have time to change what you'r planning.

    Heal Scourge is an awesome build for trainings.

    Maybe it's not the greatest heal, maybe it's not the greatest boon provider but it was the greatest thing you could get to help others learning.

    Maybe you'r not really useful during most part of an encounter, but if anything goes wrong, you can show your true potential !


    The groups has issue with some mechanics ? 

    No problem you'r here to pick em up, res & keep trying to learn.

    The healscourge isn't meta, it can't be meta bit it's ok, it's a niche build.

    GW2 needs niche build. Not every spec needs to be able to do everything.

    We needs build able to help others. We need build that offers time & flexibility to newer player to learn mechanics.


    I wanted alac on healscourge to be able to play it with experienced group 

    But with the changes you'r planning to do, you'r just destroying the thinking man, the healscourge.


    Please, I know there's not a lot of arguments here, but I truly love this build, I truly love when you get new player happy to clear some content they would else have issue with just because you accepted to loose a spot for a meta build and accept a lil niche build, I truly love all the players I've met in training, commanders, newcomers.


    Beeing able to offer this extra support, that extra utility, that extra something, no one else has.


    All this message may seem a bit confused but I'm just writing it from the bottom of my heart.


     A healscourge lover.

    Theroi.9536 aka Moréline 

    • Like 19
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    • Confused 3
  7. Hello there, 

    Some times ago there used to be a bug with the sniper, when killing her while she's not on the main platform would make her friendly and futhermore blocking it's progress.

    But it's been quite a few times that i get to kill her while up a tower, so i was wondering if this bug has been silently fixed or it's still somewhere out there.

    Asking it cause i would like to update wiki to remove the mention of this if it was fixed 🙂


    Sorry if it's not the right place to ask this.


    Have a nice day 


  8. On 4/26/2022 at 4:54 AM, Manfredthestrong.7518 said:

    Thanks for the attitude. However, a simple post doesn't answer my question as to why I still haven't seen it spawn for a week. 
    >Sitting at the POI in Lutgardis
    >Am a Guardian
    >I can do 2+2
    >I'm not the only person STILL asking this question

    So over the last few days i went to new kaineng, about the 5 times i went there, i waited about 10/15 minutes at 'Ludgardis market' POI, the 'twart the purist event' spawned, completed it then heads to Old kaineng, and everytime the purist lieutenant was there waiting.

    Then it seems the bug of event not spawning has been resolved.

    You'r probably doing something wrong, but it doesn't seems to be any problem with this collection

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, SandraSolace.7682 said:

    Had to look the food up on the wiki. But it's description states it's account bound.

    And the wiki states:

    Account Bound items and Soulbound items may not be placed into the Guild Vault.

    I then checked again for ascended foods, and on there it's also account bound


    So as far as I understand right now, you can not place this food in the guild storage.

    I might still be wrong though, so check to see if the food is actualy account bound!


    Your English is fine by the way!


    In fact all ascended food are account bound, but interacting with Tavern proprietor allows you to deposit the food in guild storage.


    Wiki only mention it : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_storage#Ascended_Feasts


    here are screen of Tavern Proprietor NPC with menu to deposit food 


    • Like 1
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  10. Hi, 

    I just crafted some Ascended food : 


    Plates of crispy Fish Pancakes ( [&AgEifgEA] ) 


    But it looks like this ascended food can't be deposit in guild storage when talking to tavern proprietor. 

    I don't know if this is a bug, an oversight or working as intented, but since all others ascended food can be deposit in storage, i was wondering about this one?




    Sorry if this topic has already been discussed, i didn't find anything in the bug section of the forum.

    Please excuse my imperfect English.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Have a nice day.

  11. 21 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

    Use the search function next time. Making multiple threads on the same topic does nothing but clutter the forums.

    Sorry for the multi post, but i already saw some responses from Anet members on other platform than the forum ( on others subjects), but until yesterday (i think) there was no official answer from them on the forum so i was just asking if there as been any, on any other platform ( like reddit )

    But since, there has been un answer, i will check if this is possible to close topic here




    • Thanks 1
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