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  1. As far as armor aesthetics goes, Asura and Charr are far worse off than Sylvari by far, in my opinion. A lot of armor and outfits that you put on these characters, no matter gender or size of these two races almost always comes off looking lack-luster and basically generic in the long run, unless they are pieces specifically targeted for these 2 races. And no amount of dye jobs will pretty them up really. Sylvari, at least, with having an elongated humanoid shape does have a better shot looking decent in their armor, though, I do hate most of their "hair styles." That being said though, between the races, Asura, Human and Sylvari are actually far better at doing certain things than their bigger counterparts, like Jumping puzzles, like someone else mentioned. With Asura being FAR superior at JP's by far, as long as the puzzle in question isn't overcrowded at the time. Being on the smaller side of things, gives it a bit more room for error. And if JP's are your jam, make an Asura Mesmer for this type of play and you are basically set! I also have a thief that I tinker with as well. I used a Sylvari for this, just because I liked the night-time glow feature of it and I figured it sort of looked cool to have a blue Sylvari with a bit of reddish/pinkish glow to it. And after some tinkering with a Make-over Kit, I finally got it looking the way I want it. So, there is that. Looks great now! Then again, my Sylvari thief is female as are all my characters, I don't think I've ever tried to make a male character in my history of gaming ever. It's crossed my mind a time or two, but never really had too much desire to really do so.
  2. You mean...They're not android robots set on world domination?! And I thought the robo-pacalypse was finaly under way! 😕 On a more serious note, though...I'm waiting as patiently as I ever wait for the roadmaps of the future. Which is to say, I'm good for now. I mean, I do like them and am excited for when they come out, but I'm not in any sort of rush for them. And I'm glad that Anet gets them out for us now to give us a heads up for what's ahead for the next few months.
  3. Because of how massive and confusing the QoL thread is, I don't bother to go there any more to even look at it to see any suggestions. I don't want to burn my eyes out and get a migraine trying to find any of the things that players have attempted to discuss there. It's just too confusing to look at because of how disorganized it has become. If it became it's own sub-forum/topic where people could post threads and I could pick and choose which of the topics I would like to discuss, like I do under GD or PHP? I would be so much happier to add my voice to a QoL discussion, as well. But until that happens, I'll remain silent on that topic.
  4. Hmm, to have or not to have? Well, I can see how other people would like/love a feature like this. Me? I prefer a good mystery, especially if it involves myself! I probably wouldn't use such a feature...But, I can see the appeal for other users. I mean, I was wrong about the fishing. They actually made it more engaging than some other games clickety style way of doing it. There's actually something to do to actually fish than just click the mouse! Of course, not everyone likes it, but...I do find it a bit more enjoyable than I thought I would. So, who knows...if they do add something like this, I may like it. May use it in the end as well (if not just for a fictional purpose for my character).
  5. I'd rather be playing the game than watching the streams honestly...Why am I going to waste my time watching someone telling me how awesome something is and not going in and doing/playing it myself? Also, when I need to take a break from the game, I'm not going to spend my time watching streams about the game either. Break time is a time to unplug from the game and go and do something else for a change, like read a book or knit or crochet for me or actually talk to friends and family. I mean, I've plugged into a few streamers here and there for different games and honestly? They're not that entertaining to me. I mean, sure, if you're new to any game, they can be informative to a point...but, if I need information...I'd rather employ some google-fu and look for the answer than going to some stream and type in a question that may get missed and have to wait forever to get it answered, or not. I can find what I need faster on my own than going to twitch and hopping onto some livestream. But...perhaps that is just me showing my age...
  6. First time I did this achievement, I burnt myself out roflstomping it when it came out. Now I know better with my alt accounts and am taking my time. My sweet, slow, doing it when I want to time. No worrying over time gates. No worrying over the currency grinds...just build everything up slowly after looking over everything that is needed. Better for my peace of mind.
  7. Sylvari Salad - 1 Bottle of Ascalonian Dressing, 1 Sylvari (Male or Female to taste) Asura Kebobs - 1 Pile of Zesty Herbs, 4 Mushroom, 2 Bell Pepper, 1 Asura (Male or Female to taste) Charr London Broil - 1 Pile of Salt and Pepper, 1 Mushroom, 1 Onion, 1 Charr (Male or Female to taste) Human Cordon Bleu - 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Pile of Salt and Pepper, 1 Slab of Red Meat, 1 Human (Male or Female to taste) Norn Monster Cheese Burgers - 3 Cheese Wedge, 1 Cayenne Pepper, 1 Norn (Male or Female to taste) Seems to me that they could all be pretty tasty with the right preparation? But, that's just me...
  8. My SO, who plays other games on other platforms, makes female and male characters both. It all mostly depends on the the asthetics for him mostly. What he can and cannot handle looking at on any given game or what he just feels like playing on any given day. Some game makers do better with the male characters and some do better with female characters, according to him. The same could be said of me, though, I have more of a preference for female characters in any game that I play. Of course, I'll do pre-research for outfits and things of that nature to see what looks good on what type of character's body, and almost always end up with a female anyway (I'm female, myself). On games where I've been stuck with male characters? Well, I deal with it and try to find cool things to kit them out with. I also sometimes tend to make them a bit nerdy...since I like nerdy male characters...I don't know why, just do. For both my SO and I, it's not just a "booty" thing...it's more a fashion wars thing, no matter what game we play. Any game you play can be turned into "Fashion Wars" if you try hard enough.
  9. Okay, I guess this would depend on what mode of the game that I'm playing? Also, it can depend on how my mood is during my gametimes and my level of arthritic pain any given day as well. Like, getting me to play Core Engineer? Probably not my best spec on any given day, the kits get a little confusing for me. But, the other Elite Spec Engineers are my better spec options, definitely. I have yet to test any of them out during any sort of PvP, though. So I don't know. I'll probably be lackluster though. I rock the Thief in all specs in PvE, but not in PvP. I don't have the hand/eye coordination for the faster paced combat style this class requires in any PVP mode. The other classes have either had massive success for me in both game modes, or have only been used in one game mode only because I haven't been able to test them yet in the other to see how I would stack up.
  10. What are they calling it now anyway? A Reinforcement or something. I'd like to be able to use Tailoring, Armorsmith or Leatherworker to be able to make the canisters for "Reinforcemnts" now that they're no longer Repair Canisters. Of course, give us the ability to make them at level 500 crafting, and I'm sure the mats needed to make them would be 1 or 2 rare things, 1 ascended thing and then other things of course. Or, if not in crafting, in the Mystic Forge? That could be cool too. But, now I'm rambling. I don't always remember to visit the anvil, myself...but if I had the ability to carry as many canisters as I wanted on me all the time? I'd definitely not forget to use them. Kind of like food. It'd be part of my buff up routine prior to engagements in the game. It does seem to help some, for me at least.
  11. I've heard weird noises from time to time too coming from different things. One time it was a mini of mine, another time, it was something completely random in the world that I didn't notice until it happened again and I finally spotted it in the bushes. I wanna say it was a weird bird or ambient animal that I hadn't noticed was in the game before until I had paused to do something like inventory. I applaud Anet for making me think that I was going crazy with some of these interesting things that they put in the game. It's kind of like a game of hide and seek sometimes. Or a slasher-movie...depending on how you wanna look at it...
  12. LOL!!! I shot coffee out of my nose with that one! I could almost hear the Vogon tone of voice announcing that. Thanks for that! 😁🤣
  13. I was able to give it a proper try, for the first time, last night during the Beta. And yeah, it was pretty neat. I actually got into the map I chose early enough that I was in a short queue (which took long enough, but wasn't hours long). I'm hoping to get a little bit better results tonight, though, since a few more of my guildies weren't able to get as lucky as I was and had to wait in long queue's last night. That way I won't have to stick to running with the zerg blob all night. I'm just glad that my teams name isn't something lame.
  14. If my own guild hadn't told me about pre-selecting a guild prior to 11:59 PM on Thursday night, I don't think I would have made it into the same alliance with them. The original post that mentions about the time frame is sort of buried by other (and in my mind, nonsensical) things on the GW2 front page. And though I've been monitoring the forums, I didn't really catch sight of a post that mentions it. Probably would have liked it better if the GW2 front page moving/flashing banners at the top of the page perhaps had a reminder of it. Something to the effect of "Prepare for the WvW Beta Event Here! What you should know!" Then I could click on it and it would redirect me to a page of things I should/would like to know for a WvW Beta event. Things like: Preselecting a WvW guild, Tips, What's being looked at, etc. I mean, I frequent the main site often enough (for news on the game and such), there's no way I'd miss a banner like that 1 week out, before any kind of release or test. I actually rely more on the main site rather than social media for Guild Wars 2 news, because a lot of my social media notifications get lost in the ether. Same with e-mail notifications. Thank goodness for Discord and my guild, though, or else I'd never have known about preselecting the guild for the event.
  15. It was my understanding that when condition damage says something like Bleed 860 damage, 6 1/2 seconds that 860 is the cap on the damage done, over 6 1/2 seconds time. Meaning, that, if the bleed is left to last the full duration then bleed damage will achieve it's full 860 damage. At least, that was how I took to understand it when I read any kind of condition damage text. If I'm wrong, please, someone correct me...I'd like to understand this as well, because this is interesting to say the least.
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