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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Underwater is crappy for a lot of specs , rev. can't use kalla underwater , pits don't work for chrono , but the 1st place for most unusable e-spec is indeed the mech . Necro has his flesh golem turning in a ba dass undead shark , why can't we have a "submarine" version of the mech underwater ? Think it's too much animation work for a dead content who is underwater fight ?
  2. Thats the problem all other domes or walls are very window like and clear , not so much effect , you can see clearly trough. But for that one you have that cloudy effect going back and forth , the "distorted space" make it look like your character is drunk , i fail mechanics cause of that stuff ... And setting my shaders from high to medium is a tune down , but as i said , thx for the tip i will surely use it as a resort solution , just hope anet make that thing a firebrand like dome , but just green , i franckly think that it was made for pvp to visually confuse your enemy.
  3. So i have a to tune down graphics because i have an untamed in my team ... sorry don't want to feel salty , i appreciate the idea (at least one solution) but you get my point , it's like i have to wear special glasses whenever i have an ele or mesmer in my team cause flashy lights ...
  4. Any weapon (even a mace) but with a full skillset at least 900 range to 1200 range , we are playing elementalist , in any other mmo it's a ranged class , here 3 e-specs have obvious melee design : tempest Ol , sword for weaver , hammer , all mostly melee ...
  5. There is a same topic about that , and i franckly think that making those two skills targetable aoe would be way better , so you can choose to move to your target or go away (with or without targeting) and aslo choose the range of it (like druid staff 3 , but with a trail of fire or earth spikes)
  6. Yep tested too i can confirm i end up about 11 secs of alacrity when overloading fire , and ended up 9 secs of alacrity in earth ... Ele is truly a master player game class , now you have to avoid quickness in fights in order to give full alacrity ... interesting concept !
  7. No , cleansing fire , armor of earth , mist form and tornado have not the cd reduction (some have in pvp , but pve none) , proof : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cleansing_Fire https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_Form https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_of_Earth https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tornado thats 75% of your cantrips , ... but whatever ...
  8. Hello , Don't know if i am the only one that have issues with that skill , but "enveloping haze" is a visual nightmare to me . Whenever the untamed use it i can barely see trough , it has some distorsion trough and is vomit green (almost fell like someone puked on my screen) Could it have the same treatment as catalyst sphere had , reducing the opaqueness of this skill ? And before somebody ask , i run everything at maximum quality.
  9. Tested on the golem with and without quickness , same duration at the end of the OL +- 10 secs in the two cases , which leaves you with 6 secs free to start another overload ... great gameplay ... this i swhy ele needs sand squall to upkeep that tight timing .
  10. druid has better aegis than Hat , white tiger can pull off an aegis every 25 secs , and while stab isn't great on druid , still better than healmech (2 glyph can give you stab , and one is a pulsing stab) , and in term of pure healing , the avatar can simply play yoyo healing with all your group , what a hat or healmech can't do cause healemch has poor healing , but great accessibility , and Hat has strong healing , but poor accessibility . So overall druid , hfb and healmech are the most played for a good reason , while Hat and his cluncky alac is behind them all , source ? https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity Hat was at 2.3% right after patch , now it's already under 2% , ppl tryed and are now running away from it , while in strikes it goes up i agree , still healmech and hfb are far higher than him. Pulsing alacrity isn't enough and it's funny now that you struggle more to upkeep it ...
  11. Just replace the equipement slot you need as ritualist or draconic with celestial , you won't even notice the difference. The post is a bit controversial , as example when i needed a specific world boss for a leg weapon collection , it bored me to death to wait for that world boss to spawn (and doing it , is actually also boring), so much i fell asleep and actually ... missed the boss , great ... 2 hours more to wait (kitten you , too confortable gaming chair) Almost everything is available in OW , you just miss actually those two new stats and the leg. pve armor. Think about us , having some stuff locked behind boring content that our eyes can't even stand open , and i am not joking , falling asleep is an actual problem for me , it happens so many time when i try fishing ... and on boring OW metas . In gw 2 , there are Ow players , endgame pve players , pvp players , wvw players , you cannot satisfy them all , really pisses me off to do wvw for a leg. weapon , but i get over with .
  12. In pve it would be a great add indeed , but think about that in pvp or wvw. (the added might is purely for pvp/wvw , you don't care about self might in pve) One main problem with balancing things is thinking about the impact it has in both pve , pvp and wvw . They can change it on differents levels for each part of the game , but they avoid making it too complicated , like completely having another effect on a skill (like firebrand heal : giving aegis in wvw/pvp , and prot. and resolution in pve). They just need to get over with , separate completely each game modes , make all skills that need to be tuned down weaker in specific game modes , while making them powerfull enough in another mode , like in gw 1 ... get the skill completely different or act differently. look , elementalist ... you barely see one in pve ... and in pvp last tournament it was 5 ele versus 5 ele ... complete unbalance ... how can you balance a class like that to be competitive in each game modes , it is obvioulsy a monster in pvp , but is only played by high apm kinda elite players in pve (a very low % of the playerbase) So they really need to get ridoff their mind "If we get this skill x more y in pve , it is gonna be op in pvp ..." no just make the skill less powerfull in pvp , add more cd , remove half of the boons it get if you think it is too much.
  13. If balance updates , new rewards , rework of traits or skills are not content updates , then wvw players have been without content updates for ... when did the warclaw came out ? and not talking about pvp either then . free to you to think what you want Op , but having something that shake up the meta is content . Example : i never played vindicator before it got buffed to 2 dodges , and now i like it .
  14. What would have been great is to make those skills little aoe target , like druid 3 staff , you go where you want , max range or somewhere between and the direction you need, it would just loose like 1/4 sec of reactivity for the players who have the habit to play with it.
  15. Golem can maintain 66% of alac completely afk , and if you choose to "auto" all his skills it's easy 100% alac , fury , might , with some prot. , aegis , and stab . .... vs a tempest who has to go trough overloads , but all that trouble make tempest a far more efficient healer no ? not at all ! Think people don't want an easy healer as mech is , but at least not such punishing mechanics .
  16. This is not really the problem , water traitline has many damage modifier (+20% and +10% if in water) if it is to take powerfull auras , but it will completely disable tempest condi alac (it is alerady ... but whatever) . And if you wanna completely comit to that you can sue the traits that give you an aura trough successfull overload , if that overlaod get interrupts , you have your shouts o keep it up (shouts doenst even need powerfull aura as they give 5 peeps an aura anyway).
  17. Overload safely and maintain alac as well , why do we have to bother a 2.8 cast time while the others give x2 more alac in less than 2.8 sec , thats my point , in wvw , i don't play , si i don't know , and i will not talk about something i don't know , yes now we can play with staff and give ourself a good chunk of stab , but what about deadly blow from bosses who require a dodge ? if you know the boss you don't care thats it ? but why do i have to carefull choose the time i need to overload , in front of a druid and a mech who are literally farting alacrity ? Even you take staff , healings is great , i agree , but what about boons ? if you play dagger warhorn , the boons are incredible , the healing horrible ... if you play staff the healing is great the boons are horrible... , others supports have both great boon uptime and great healing at same time . I mean such little change could it make pair in term of efficiency in front of the others alacrity providers , alacrity bend to aura (allowing bastion of elements to be picked up) , increase boon apllication from overlaod fire an earth (prot. and might) from 180 to a 360 , 360 is the base range for all key boons apllication the others have . As show in my previous message , tempest isn't played at all in endgame pve , while you have druid at 5% and a mech staying at 17%. I know , mech is also played alac/dps/condi , so do tempest no ?
  18. They want to remove all those -20% cd from traits , but didnt touch the trait at all after getting rid of that , those passiv feels terrible now , just look at the "conjurer" trait now in pair with soothing disruption , could at least make all skill related to it -20% cd based , and give something to the passiv to compensate the loss of 20% cd reduc . Winning a fire aura when you grab a conjure weapon ... and some vigor and regen when you use a cantrip ... talk about useless ... Ele is not the only one having to deal with that , necro warhorn got the same treatment , but at least they gave the skills -20% cd , why not our cantrips ?
  19. You know you gonna swap attunement with your staff so your AA healing is like 1/4 of your rotation available , druid is 66% of the time in his avatars if he wishes (15 sec duration vs 7.5 cd) not to forget that staying in water is prohibited casue you need the boonshare and either i agree (i tested too ingame) you lack 1-2 sec alac with two spirits on druid , what else you need to take ? a glyph for stunbreak ? you can just play with water spirit and get ridoff one spirit, but you want the trap for condi cleanse ? your avatar have 0,75 sec 1 condi cleanse skill , as a druid when i kite and don't need spirits , i simply still play with them , 75% of the glyph are useless and all other skill are really pvp or open world oriented even druid has a better aegis than ele (on a 25 sec cd vs 30 .. while the shout give more boons , ok), i agree on the staff who can give 100% stab uptime , but where is the aegis ? and i discussed staff with you on the other topic , it is a good healing weapon , but for boons it is trash , no power share (only from combos and the tiny 180 Ol fire) no fury , no prot. and all of that in the 4 attunements . There is a fact https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity this shows that even the tempest was the 1st e-spec from ele it is one of the lowest played , why ? you now see this little curve that just came out the patch cause ppl curious , thats why tempest got a 0,7% increase playrate ... ppl curiosity , i may be wrong , but it's my personal feeling , while i agree i was wrong on druid spirits , you need at least 3 for 100% uptime
  20. Don't forget that those decision are also made because of money . More bank slots , or more inventory bag slots , which can ofc be bought with Ig money , but also with gems ... They have to let some items unable to be stocked or else bank slots wouldn't mean anything. Do you remember when non id stuff came up ? My god , such a relief to not have your inventory blown away because you had 114 blue stuff and 89 green stuff ...
  21. with 100% boon duration , spirits give 8 secs of alac , have all (not the elite) 20 sec cd (15 with alac) on the tp skill and a cats time of 1/2 sec , with math that does that does 8x2=16secs , so yes with two spirits you can upkeep alacrity. With recent rework of mantra the quick giving mantra give 5 sec of quickness and the last charge 10 sec . With fully unloading the mantra you give 20 sec of quickness , the mantra if fully unloaded have a 25 sec cd (20 with alac) , with a cast time of 2.25 sec , you have 90% quick uptime if you spam the skill On both of those two , you take more alacrity and quickness source for confort , on Hat you take more boon duration to compensate the failure of an OL. Alacrity should be shared with no punishement as Hat has , cause no other support has that kind of shenanigans to go trough , not a surprise Hat is the least played "meta" healer ... Also others healers can adapt to their party . druid can take more might with Gm traits , Firebrand can choose stability or more aegis . on the other hand its' the party who have to adapt to someone playing Hat , need to stack tight if the Hat plays with staff , need to see if fury is covered (yeah i am not gonna play air as a healer , for the sole purpose to give fury...) , ... just what is the strong point of Hat ? Druid is long range healing Firebrand amazing access to aegis and stab Mech , best kiter , able to maintain fury , might , alacrity from a 1200 range ( not even talking about "crisis zone") And Hat ? 3 secs + boon uptime ? ( a "Wish" version of the herald) , what are the strong points ? more healing ? i would like to see that in front of a druid unloading his avatar skills . More defensive skills ? 1aegis and 1 stab every 30/25 secs ... yeah you can pretty much maintain stab with staff now , but no more boon extension and gl maintaining might if your quickness booner is a qfb or a scrapper... , boon from a long range ? ha ofc with a fire Ol 180 area against Mech "Arms: High-Impact Drivers" giving might in a 600 are (almost 4 time to size of Hat area ...)
  22. This buff make them just as tanky as heavy armors wearers , not a big deal ... , just play something else than Hat , it has obvious way more weak points than all others healers , free to all of you to think it's not true , but numbers show tempest is one of the least played spec off all the game (on podium with thief) and i don't think it's because ppl think it's too hard to pull off , i personnaly think it's beacsue it is weak , the whole traitline is weak , only Gm traits are super powerfull , and sadly there is where your alac provider is , so no choice to take bastion or tempest damage increased , making it a much worse dps/alac and heal/alac than the others , couple with that a cluncky way to give alac , worse than all others . Yes druid has to take like 2 spirits to cover alacrity , what else you wanna take ? Yes Firebrand has to take 1... utilty to cover quick Yes mech belch out alac , why literally being afk Yes rev has a one button alac provider Yes specter is a bit cluncky too with pits animation. But none of those spec has to go trough a 2.8 / 4 secs cast time to provide their alacrity , and all of them have way more windows to fail a dodge without punishement , ... Yes tempest can give himself stab ... are you gonna burn a 30 secs skill cd , who is supposed to be used as a group breakstun , or use a 30 secs aegis for your own weaknesses ? Yes there is a "stab on OL" trait , and no i don't want to strip up my vigor and regen uptime for that ... You can play Hat to put another challenge on your challenge or play another class but only with your nose , seems fair enough.
  23. I think his question was , why are those items neither able to be stored in collection of materials , neither in the wallet (make more sense in collection) , think you are confusing with another items , these are more like non id items . And yes , think it wouldn't hurt anyone to have those in the "mat. collection" .
  24. The freaking part is ... the glowy guy is naked ... and follows you everywhere .... mmmm , smells "fishy".
  25. Bend alacrity to Invigorating Torrents , so we can use "bastion of elements" or "transcendent tempest" for an alac/dps , and alacrity will be no more struggle to upkeep , like ALL others alacrity booner. It always puzzled me why does tempest has no straigtht healing or dps traits , as the only one are GM and so stucked cause alacrity is there too ....
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