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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. I would love to play with you 😍 Being on a side of the arena , having the poison mechanic , chilled for 15 secs with no condi clean , looking around and seeing the only clean fountain is on the other side and playing a no mobility class , it's one not pleasant feeling...
  2. Simple change would be make EE Increase doubled just base not only at 10 charges , and why not increase the duration with this grandmaster trait. EE is a strong buff indeed , having +20% stats is by far one of the most powerfull buff you could get by my opinion , but people forget that for having that we have 4 traits working together to "try" upkeep this buff (Vicious Empowerment,Elemental Empowerment,Elemental Epitome,Empowered Empowerment) and even with that it's fairly hard to keep. Looking at other classes damage grandmaster trait are straight forward , +10% damage if X or Y but for cata it's much more complicated , just imagine a new player reading how elemental epitome works , ... would make him turn mech pew pew right after ...
  3. Oke , so condi fb and quickness fb are dead , cya firebrand ....
  4. Is it me or quickfire doesnt work neither , it only give the "ashe of the just " 1stack to the player not to allies ? or is the tooltip wrong ? i have tried it with allies ont the trainign golem , nor the buff appear , not the 1 stack fire occur.
  5. That skill need a complete rework , why not a flip skill who allow you to choose to fly away or not , i am always afraid when playing catalyst missclicking this skill , feels like going trough a crossroad with 4 branch blind , hoping you will not crash agaisnt another car having priority.
  6. Scourge rotation more like that You dont even switch weapons , only for cc ... As for mechanist pew pew rotation This suits it ! And i am not sharing condi weaver sword/focus music , not everyone likes super duper fast hard rock music .
  7. Yes i remember gw 2 trying to reach e-sports level when it came out ... quickly forgot about that ... it will never reach the level of a sc2 pro player or even league of legend standarts. Ty i really thought it was water/earth who received that (make more sense , earth-bleeding), it's even worse ... haha. Even with that cringe buff (more like an april fool joke) sword is still crap for weaver . We get that ele is more played in pvp/wvw but atm in pve it's a chore to play and ineffective in most endgame content.
  8. Thats the point of making some Qol changes for ele , just look at the buff they made for weaver ... 3rd water/earth skill on sword give 4 stacks of bleed now ... just ... wtf , sword is melee , and obviously now scepter is more powerfull than a sword , melee vs range , why even play melee ? and once again in pve , you do not attune to water/earth. As for mech , ppl take it cause they are sure they won' f uck up their rotation , as it is pratically impossible to fail it , so in those regards , more complex build should do way more tha them , and actually it is kind of starting seing less and less mechs being played . Not only talking about pug groups , but if you want to do the very hard endgame you cannot use "average" dps , as for you pvp matters at highest level , pve matters for some of us higer level too . Nobody was playing scepter dps ele in pve , i saw some but they were all underperforming (and it will not change with this patch , scepter being a condis weapon for pve , all changes were made for power) , i only saw healtemp with scepter , cause it allow a better healing (a ranged one !!!!) and have some combo field for might , doenst care about dagger aura blast , auars are useless if you dont take elemental bastion who you cannot take if you want alacrity , so what anet should have done is make those changes for pvp only , who cares your dragon tooth follow your target , thats obviously made for pvp , in a pve patch ... who cares about water trident healing only yourself , you never attune to water if you are a dps , especially a condi one ... in pve. make those changes for pvp and let us our already weak healer healtemp as it is . And stop talking like there is a huge scene of pvp or wvw in this game , anet barely make any update for those modes , remember the last wvw huge addon ? warclaw ? lol . They know there is not a huge % of player playing those modes , pve is the corner stone of the game , and this again make me say cmc is a pvp player , he shouldnt touch pve , balancing pvp/wvw/pve is a complete other story , you dont want to play a hybrid healer/dps/booner in pve , because he will be average in all those domain , and thats the whole ele problem since 5-6 years. This patch who was supposed to be a pve patch , turned out to be a pvp patch for ele only ...
  9. with frost spirit and 2x warhorn (quick draw) you barely can play without the master trait giving you might under avatar skills , it's a 21 stacks of might on a very large range , 900 for warhorn and 600 for spirits (compare that to the tiny 180 overload of the tempest ...) . And at least healtemp lack heal accessibilty , ice bow is the worst , a staff water AA but with a horrific cooldown ... , and other heal are cluncky or lack accessibilty , warhorn is close range and has a moving bubble so slow your allies far away are not gonna wait for it , dagger has the worst healing skill of the game , it is narrow range and weak , and overlaod water is indeed one of the strongest healing skill of the game but you don't want to overlaod water , cause you may pay it after having your passiv healing (soothing water) away cause overlaod recharge longer than the passiv duration ... I really want the healtemp get the same attention druid had few weeks ago .. staff erwork is amazing and you have pulsing heal and cleaning condis so fast and on a 1200 range in avatar , having also the full boon package . The only good thing left for healtemp is his boon extension , who is pretty strong . And for the fb i agree with you , but i think that as hfb having access to his f2 heals , everytime he wants , will turn it in a crazy healer , spamming 3x skill 1 , getting one page back , waiting 15 secs for two pages to come back (and still dont know how the -15% cd on virtues will work on pages atm), then redoing it ... as ofc more constant aegis and stab.
  10. Thats the point if they remove all support abiltys from scepter (1 skill ...) then they have to tweek the support change on another weapon . It's there , yes ofc ... Weaver sword is there too , useless , but still there . Only goal of auras are damage reduction (from 1 aura) and proc regen , vigor , and fury if air is played , choosing to share auras as master trait to make this and this and this other trait proc. is underwhelkming . I dont deny auras are pretty strong in pvp , but in general (not only for ele) auras are useless in pve , alac heal was already in a bad spot , and somehow they've choosen to inderictly nerf it ... think this wasnt intented , but still it's a nerf on healtemp. water puke on dagger 2 is freaking weak... thats another problem , if you take warhorn , yes it's pretty easy to maintain might 25 , but i still say other support have all their might generators on a 360 range , and some on a 600 range ... thats the double of an ele . I've run my alachealtemp on the new strike , was doing fine , when the group splitted up at some point , i couldnt neither get the range for boons neither apply them , because i stayed in water to maintain as much healing as i could , other support heals and at the same time give boons. Then i runned my druid cause i know i needed long range healing , piece of cake , i could even kite the 'boomerang blast' and heal my group from afar ... The changes gonna occurs anyway , and alachealtemp is always gonna be the less picked healer (for a good reason) till the 'support' patch comes out , but it needs a lot of Qol , first thing making somehow alacrity les cluncky to apply , then giving us the access to elemental bastion , this is in my point of view the way making healtemp at same level as other healers .
  11. I am very bad at math , but when i imagine how alacrity works is : till you have it all 1secondes are changed to 0,75 secondes , so it is a 25% reduc. for me , skill that recharge in 4secondes when you have 100% alac : 0,75 x 4 -> 3secondes then ? Basically 1seconde of alacrity make all your skills who are already on cooldown recharge faster for 0,25 sec ? I think it is not really a %.
  12. And whats the use of greater aura access ? you dont play with elemental bastion , so aura are pretty much useless ... and if you want to share it you give up soothing water increase healing , who is your main source of heal as healtemp. (talked about pve , auras are very strong in pvp indeed)
  13. Fire overload is on a 180 aoe , this skill only is not reliable as might provider for group content , you have to play with warhorn to get the full juice out of it , as for "feel the burn" we already short on heals so all my utilty skills will go for defensiv and healing . A good improvement would make the boon apllication from earth and fire overload 360 wide (dont forget that some might generator supports have 600 range ...)
  14. And don't forget (maybe wrong) but he is also the one behind passiv trait procing every 300 secondes ... talk about lazy design ... remind me of gw1"smiter boon"pvp version (for those who remind) , only think i hope is in next patch they will look deeply in support roles.
  15. Hit the right spot ! Now that extension has been sold , they can nerf e-specs , like league of legends , new champion op : 3weeks later , nerf to the ground .
  16. I would love to see that on bladesworn , moving at 25% speed while having your sword in your sheath would make the class a bit easier to pull off and will feel pretty bad-a-ss too . And yes for the Op , i would also point out the rifle is pretty underwhelming for warrior atm , it feels heavy to play with an has very low damage , complete rework needed.
  17. Their endgoal is to make a low intensity and high intensity for each class , with the gap between those being ofc the level of skill from the player and the effectiveness of the class , and mechanist represent the easiness (or laziness as you wish) at his climax. this is how it should be , holosmith need to be way above in term of effectiveness against mechanist , your sentence is the perfect exemple of easinees vs intensiveness , what should be rewarded the more ? someone spamming 1-2-3-4-5 , or a guy checking his heat level , switching to grenades, bomb , mortar kit (huh sorry superbeammmm attack) , pressing precisely a skill when heat is at 105% and calculate how many heat this or this skill will icnrease your heat level ? thats obvious !
  18. Yeah scourge is piano , do re mi fa so la si do , thats the level of gameplay for scourge . Do re Do re , thats for mech pew pew , and having something like that reaching absurd numbers , with literally the apm of a dead rock (yeah dead rock...) is non sense . but i really dont understand why you complain , even after this nerf it will still be playable , ah yes , you won't reach 30k bench while scratching your nose and head , and thats fair . And what you say about ele is totally unfair , so what you find it's normal least than 4% of the playerbase plays ele in endgame , and 25% plays mech (a whole e-spec representing 1/4 of endgame is a problem !), your healing , boon uptime and damage should be proportional of the effort you put in doing so ... if not then lets make an afk class , ouh sorry .... and if you are tired after your work , you want fun , i will say the same yous said about ele ... just dont raid then , dont fractals , dont strike ... thats content is not ment to you . If you complain about how hard it is to focus doing mechanics and your rotation at the same time , and how it's unfair piano guy beat you 15k up , then train your piano skills , or dont endgame ! But no let's all play mech , thats the solution... And it's funny all mech players show off the same excuse , "i have a disabilty so dont nerf my mech plz" , well i have no arms ! make me an afk class that reach 35k plz anet .... And btw the nerf is only for your mech being to much away from you , so just press "follow me doggy" and you will still be fine , as said up the nerf is more oriented on healmech , who's mech is literally a moving boon machine beacon.
  19. oh yeah endless mentos kisscool puke , thats the least they can do to make healtemp competitive
  20. Whats your point ? scepter change is good for pvp , wvw . Ok we get it , and i think most of us agree , but for pve its' straight nerf , you dont like pve we get it , as most of us hate pvp/wvw , this patch was ment for pve mostly as the devs says , the change they made with scepter are obviously made for pvp . the healtemp was already short on heals , now we get even less ... In ele forums there are tons of proposition to 'Qol' tempest as it is the worst alacrity provider in pve , but you dont know that you dont play that part of the game , so i am not talking about pvp/wvw because i dont know sh it about those modes , for me wvw is just follow like a doggy your com , and expect that with the mass you dont get hit by a 5 target aoes ... ah yes and dps doors , very exciting part ... so don't talk (like i did) about something you dont know , how can you understand a content you don't do , its' like saying "i have been to canary island and ive seen eskimo and their igloo on the beach"...
  21. CMC is obvioulsy a pvp / wvw player , he doesnt care about pve , did he even know we can play Healtempest in pve ? The changes made for scepter will not make ele more played in pve , cause you are tend to a strict rotation to maximize your damage , you do not attune to water in pve if you are dps , attuning water is huge dps loss , and what they give us : bleeding on sword skill 3 water/earth ....Arheundel.6451 you are obviously a pvp player and i understand that the scepter changes are great for that type of content , but regarding pve , it's awfull , you never saw a scepter (though it was so freaking performing ... on the raid golem boss training) ele dps , just look at dragon tooth ? dont say me its' change for pve , it's made for pvp ! and this pacth was supposed to be pve oriented , for the ele (regarding tempest) the changes are made for pvp , we still have our teleport at 40 sec cooldwon , while other class have it a 1200 range and 25 , 20 sec cd ... , our HAT is dead after this patch , so many people asked for less cluncky alacrity provider , we didnt get that , so while you can enjoy the patch , understand that in pve regards , ele has been f*cked hard ! Cmc should balance pvp / wvw , and not touch pve !
  22. Zojja ? Who the hell is that ? Taimi grandmother ? Phlunt's wife ?
  23. Ok , now we need dagger rework for a mobility heal ? sounds weird . r.i.p HAT , oh nvm , he was already in the grave , have to dig further i guess. And sword for weaver , kitten , that sound like a joke , but ... really ... , ele wasnt played in pve , now it's gonna fall in negative numbers playrate .
  24. So just tell me what do u use then for main hand with warhorn ? dagger ? healing on dagger is a bigger meme than scepter , we took scepter cause it allow combo field for might , and has the few option to heal at 900 range , scpeter was the least worst to take . Now we can still play staff , but we loose earth boon extension and might/fury share from warhorn then , not any good reason to play healtempest anymore , might has a long duration on overloads ? ofc , but f1 overlaod is a 180 wide aoe , expect your group to stay stacked in that 8 secs ... If they want make scepter a dps weapon , ok , but then give a good main hand healing weapon too , warhorn heals are too cluncky to rely on ... Also ele players expected a less cluncky way to provide alacrity , that adds to the steaming pot more ... in pve regards if that pactch goes on ele will be even less played that it is actually reaching absurd numbers .
  25. You play tempest heal with warhorn , now what will you take as main weapon ? i guess nothing . And MMo are supposed to be sociale interactions , so if you want social , you dont pvp or wvw , i only play pvp and wvw when i lack salt on my pasta , but after 10 minutes i am overflowing with salt . At least pve mobs are polite , when you beat them , some of them says : good fight ! never heard that in pvp , most like : you cheater , you killed me , enjoy report ... blablabla... and ppl dancing on your body cause their live sux so much , that they feel like having accomplish something huge . Thats pvp ! allowing people hidden behind a screen to play "the bad boy" and "thug life" as they are complete trash irl. Being a bit sensational here , ofc i had sometimes really enjoyable ppl in those modes but if i have to cut the % (personal experience) i would say 25% polite and courteous and 75% of punchface little kids. Literally ! ty .
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