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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Ty , thats what i said but you said it more clearly . The text above quoted is exactly what is happenign right now , mechanist is overplayed because : -it's an easy efficient support build , bumping boons with almost no interactions needed from the player. -Easy and efficient dps build , due to literall 90% damage effectiveness at 1200 range , having a bot who still deal 8-9 k no matter what is happening on the fight (except for some very few mechanics). -And for the support/dps alac it's the same as the two "-" above yes we still can play those complex build , but those are irrelevant to a bunch of us , because why playing a class who has some complexity if it is to be less efficient than an easy class , thats the all matter. I played a lot of piano builds , i used to play weaver in fractals , catalyst quickness in raids , but now i dont want to play those , i am very in the "role" meta a dps must try dps the highest possible , and supports have to try reach near 100% boonuptime , i said "try". It is just not normal a sole e-specs is played at 25% , i take what is the most efficient , not what i like to play , cause the way the game is fun for me is being efficient. And yes it is wrong an oyster apm build goes near a high apm build , cause people look at arcdps a lot more than you think , how do you think the emch pew pew meta was spread ? People just tried rifle because they just were curious ? no a lot of people saw crazy numbers on a spec who literally stood in place AA almost afk and saw amazing numbers with no effort , it is the same for me , when i see a build wrecking high numbers i ask the player what he is playing and try it out , i know what you gonna say their are a lot builds who performs better than mech , and thats true ... on the golem raid , because just tell me which class can reach almost 30k standing at 1200 range with literally 1 or 2 button press ? just look at the numbers 27% playing mech versus the whole ele class (3e-specs) at 4% , there is no problem at all yes ofc ... the mech can stay as he is , (shift signet still freaking op, ...) but other classes need to be lifted up.
  2. Same , Up . Complex build should wreck easy builds , if not , why playing complex builds ? And no , i like efficiency , just like at my job , ain't doing the work , well it's bad , hup , to the garbage can , if you dont care about efficiency , it's your matter , but i care , i really care (and not the only one as you can see in the forum) , and if nothing is done in terms of balance they are classes you will never see again in endgame , in pve OW as i said you can play with a broomstick and jello shield it is still meta .
  3. You really don't understand what i mean ... Just , what is the reward for you playing a complex build ? for me ( and i think a lot of ppl playing the game) is to be more efficient than 3 apm builds , i understand that you dont care about metrics or numbers and the reward for you is the fun playing this or this build , but for a lot of people the reward is translated into efficiency . You talking about healtempest being really good at what it does ? just tell me what does he do better than the others ? might generator ? it's on a holy freaking 180 aoe range , not talking about warhorn 4 fire here . Alacrity ? same , you have to succeed an overload , who are 3 sec cast time and not able to dodge or anything if you want alacrity . Fury ? what the hell , you have to play air to generate fury . Healing ? while it have really good heals with staff in water , the rest is garbage , all the heal are on a fairly +- high cd , running out of water , what do you have , soothing water ? bugged passiv with a 10 -7 sec duration depending of the timer you go out of water , wahs the pain and the heal signet , tahts all . Ahh i forgot the best the ice bow , a spam heal , once it's done on a 60 sec cd , do i need to say more ? If it is so good why dont we see it played more ? There is a real problem in the balance of a game , not all classes can be played at top levels pvp pve wvw , but starngely one class ... no 1 e-spec is played at 25% rate in endgame content pve , why ? is it becasue it is designed for ppl with disabilities ? so 25% of the ppl playing endgame have disabilities ? dont think so .... And again anet stated builds LI and complex for each class of the game with a gap between Li and complex who is translated into efficiency (dps , boon uptime , heals , ...) , ty to say everything , not only the part that interest you . thats basically what a lot of us asked for , mechanist pew pew doenst need to be nerfed but complex build should reach at least +25% , 33 more efficiency than him then. The better you are at a game the more efficient the game have you to feel
  4. Yes , manipulating a complex build reward you with the satisfaction of being top dps or having crazy numbers or having the ability to save your teammates as support efficientaly , when you have builds so easy to play that do +- the same job as your build , i am pointing out mech again , as support you know you can pretty much maintain a good chunk of barrier , maintain alacrity , 25 might , fury and a bit of prot , aegis and stab . almost afk , try do that as healtemp. I am not saying that healtemp. need an easy build afk , but should be rewarded with more boon uptime , more heals availabilty. And for the philosophy , anet stated they want easy and complex build for each class , rewarding the more complex one , so you just want to hear what you want to hear , close your ears when you want. If they do what they said , well maybe ppl will be back playing elementalist , just so you know i know ppl with more than 40k achiev who left the game cause ele was their main . Are you gonna say thats normal ? why arent complex build played in endgame , why isnt untamed played endgame ? cause their complexity isn t rewarding enough. thats the feeling of many ppl , just to point out ele is at 4% played endgame (the whole 3 e-specs) why ? cause it isnt rewarding enough today , ele core traits are old with a lot of dust on it , and need a rework better implimentation , my go just look at pyromancer puissance trait : gain might whenever you use a fire skill , when overload are attune out of fire you loose 10 stacks of might , give them to allies and do "kitten" like damage .... What's the purpose of that trait ? Really i am asking it seriously , what's this trait purpose . Damage ? no , loosing 10 stacks of might ....Support ? no , giving ten stacks of might to allies , while you loose it , or you play healer with fire traits .... I am still wondering what you want ? the game stays like that ? You can't consider that literally nobody is playing ele ? and a lot choose mech ? Not considering the biggest flaw from the game is balance ?
  5. Elementalist is Op for fishing thats why those numbers .
  6. No . sorry Obtena , go tell that to an ele or an untamed wrecking his keyboard and looking at the pew pew master who can play with a sega master system control , reward is too little , even for those who master the class , catalyst is currently at 38k with a hard rotation and mech at 34-35 with the apm of an oyster , so this gap need to be improved , and i am not talking about the untamed , my god , feel like doing power training just doing the rotation on the golem. Numbers are there 25% of players choose mecha , cause it's so easy to play , you can actualy do the same numbers that on the raid training golem.
  7. Mech pew pew has also a rotation , 1111111111 is still a rotation 😁
  8. True , mechanist is an elite's elite spec 😏... ahem. Jokes away , i know you talking about ele only , completely agree .
  9. Sorry missed the post . In term of armor is more or less 300 thougness difference from ligth vs heavy (thats about 10 -15 % damage less taken from power) thats not just comsetic ... Sustain philosophy , ... that was true 10 years ago , when ele could do it's damage from a 1200 range , now look hammer ... you are melee ... and 10 years ago the only class who could 'heal' where guardian and ele , that was the trade off for being the only healers ... not true today ... As for reaper his trade off comes also from his high survivability , you really dont want to take damage when you are in shroud , thats why he wasnt taken from "metaboys" , and have to say it's also because his two other specs are really strong.
  10. Every build ! a build is not a class nor a e-spec , ofc minstrel reaper has no room in a raid/endgame content , but i think that what we can ask is at least 1,2 ,3 build efficient for a certain content per class , and a class should at least have that for each content (not viable -> efficient ) , i dont see reaper fitting into raids , nor wvw (maybe roaming , while you have harbringer ...) nor pvp (again , you have harbringer).
  11. Thats another bug to add to the ele list : -hammer 3 skills collides to something with aegis or invu. -> dissapears. -hammer 4 skill in air , special skill to explore the underground not finished world. (aka the wall bypasser) -evasive arcana not procing on fire attunement -soothing water efficiency lowering down the most it stays active in water (maybe fixed now , i dunno) -dismounts 2x attune bugs on weaver. Ele is really not like wine , it dont taste good the older it is . It need a good shower to clean all the rot and mold he has on it .
  12. And make lightning flash like all the others port , while we have blink and shift signet sitting on 20 and 25 cd , having breakstun , increased range (plus passiv effect for signet) and ele stuck with a 900 range , 35 sec cd , no breakstun teleport ... yeah meta defining i forgot ... my bad.
  13. Sorry to say that , but it will impact players , who here who has not any disabilitys would take a portal to do this ? i think a lot , if anet starts ease things everytime someone complain about not being able to do domething , ... well i won't imagine the game state atm , anet implemented that "fail when port or glide" with a purpose , and it's just about a skin swap for zhaitan collection , ... there is stuff people won't be able to do all over the game (raids , clocktower , etc etc ) so if all those people start complaining about that .... Imagine ppl saying harvets temple cm is too difficult because they have focus problems , well too bad anet is not gonna ease the mission for them , -> do it normal mode. And the thing with the glide opening randomly , it's because of stress : when you jump and know you ll need to start all over if you fall or glide , you ll mostly click nervously space bar and open your glider , so just chill. Btw i am pretty sure while we are still writing here the OP has already overcome the difficulty and passed the jp.
  14. I understand the meaning , with that 2x huge hp pool , it's true that reaper is bifiii as hell , but for pve the trade off is already there : most off your damage is in shroud as said up , taking damage reduce drastically your shroud uptime , as actin as a second healthbar , in some encounters (like vale guardian) it is a serious handicap , reaper need access to fury self uptime ( or a number x again : proc fury on allies when you critically hit , gain +xx ferocity under fury , it's lame cause it's like ele engi and mesmer one , but it is effeicient ) , reaper is a dps , it should deal damage , mech pew pew is a dps too , it has lil support to the group , and it is overly played so i think just bumping up some stats would be sufficient for reaper.
  15. I would personnaly like a rework on those auras . They are very efficient in pvp , wvw , but in pve the most of them are useless : only frost aura seems to be good , magnetic aura is ok but i largely prefer a giant bubble or wall to reflect/destroy projectiles , the others only proc effect when you are struck with a 1 sec cd (2 for shock aura) , knowing they last only 4secondes , they are all pretty useless in pve regarding the attack speed of most mobs , their only good side is to proc some effect , like prot. on mesmer and many others on ele. They should add the effect "while struck" when we get them , and enhance some of them , why not make fire aura a tiny "ashes of the just" , increase the size of magnetic aura so it can cover allies a bit , make shock aura owner first attack daze ( maybe a bit op i know) , light aura increase your outgoing healing , dark aura send one of your condi to the nearest enemy , chaos aura increase boon duration (bypass the concentration , would be amazing for staff/staff mirage).
  16. Increase boon range from overlaods tempest from 180 to 600 ! thats the range of mech afk alacrity , might and fury pulsing . Some def option when we overload ( less cast time for overloads... and no huge trade off , ty ) Remove the -10% damage when you choose to give quickness as catalyst , you were talking to remove all negative effect on traits ty to stick to that ( scrapper -180 vit. , druid -20% stats for pet) Make weaver ... just good at something ... i dont know ... i need 20 fingers to do something correctly with it , so all weavers players should have a coupon reduction for a mouse with 12 more side buttons , ...
  17. Long , boring , a lot of recycled mobs and bosses we already know , reward not interesting once you have unlocked unique collection from them , chest exchanged with money always giving you tier 3-4-5 mats , not like the bank is overflowing with them ... Nothing is appealing in DRMS , it was rushed and it really feel like rushed stuff.
  18. Still waiting autocast on elem attunements , let's make it unplayable !
  19. It's a pity to say that but you are 100% right , at this stage , players know the game better than most of the devs , remind warrior having +5% crit. chance added in a condi. traitline ... or catalyst meta defining ? The early april fool patch joke , but it wasnt a joke ...
  20. you are using wrong runes , you get no benefit from the precision at all , your mech take 100% of your precision , dont forget you have two traits that increase your crit chance at +30% , high caliber and hematic focus , so with full zerk you are at 50,7..% chance crit , with fury you are at 75% with those two traits it's 105 % , ofc when you are far away you go down to 90% crit. chance ... not a real big deal , scholar runes increase highly your ferocity , and not talking about the 5% damage , if you look at your runes you only benefit from the +175 power , the rest is literally useless in endgame content ofc , boon duration ? for what ? playing that in OW is alright i guess Dont wonder there is the little damage difference you are talking about. the only thing i didnt check is if mech procs some trait like sharpshooter .
  21. And i dont know either the build you are using but i just tried atm , the mech is dealing 7.5-8k on it's own, so i overtuned a bit , mb . And i am not playign afk , i just ment to say (it is just the way i talk i really like sarcasm) that mech pew pew is the build who deals the more damage with the less effort , you won't find something in the game who deals the same damage as him just auto attacking. And even you are dealing 6k with your bot only it's 6k 100% of the fight timewise , also the mech has an huge advantage as support , it's the only support who ahs a remote "moving flag" for boons , your mech alone , while you are away from the group , can keep alac , fury , might 25 , some stab , some prot. and a decent barrier pulsating area x2 +passiv , i find it personnaly too much , mechs feel like anet pulled all the effort in the mechanist . i personaly dont want a huge nerf on the mech , damage is still too high on such an easy build , and just look at yoru f2 while playing supp. : crisis zone : give some prot , some alac , some stab , aegis , breakstun for 5 allies and clean 3 condi ..... thats too much for one skill , feels like firebrand f3 - 5 on steroids ...
  22. There is a difference with just moving and doing your rotation while moving , and the turret is just because i am lazy on the grenade kit , it must maybe add a bit less than 1k. With mech you can just slide left and right , forward backward with auto unable , your mech sitting on the boss ignoring 75% of the mechanic , also note that your mech deals like 9k damage alone , with auto unable on all F skills. Scholar runes are the best , dont forget that with big boomer and your signet you are healing about 500hp sec , allowing you easily with a support getting over the 90% hp treshhold , golem runes are great too but the golem spawn can be really annoying .
  23. When you are away from the boss (except some bosses , like ht cm) the blob mostly follow you like on ankkha cm , and still the boon duration is so huge atm you can go away 20 secs and still come back with 10 secs left on all your primary boons (prot. quick. swift. might 25 , fury , alac.) . With all buff on golem afk with 1 turret it's +- 26k.
  24. Ha , i know the feeling , that weird design of skill 4 air hammer , when you get stucked , while in combat , in a wall is an amazing feeling ...
  25. i am talking on raid golem , playing as catalyst on all content effectively mean you are almost 100% of the time melee ... with new content added you will notice it is not the same , and try playing catalyst with a staff... no comment about that , but indeed if you do 31k on all the content , i recruit you immediately ! And even still i am very focused on my rotation playing as catalyst , while playing mech i can just chill and achieve almost the same dps , in fact more cause i am 1200 range and can still achieve 26k just AA like a dimwit.
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