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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. What anet need to do is look in depths core traits , utilitys , skills from weapons and reajust some and completely rework some , can state you some very good example : -lightning flash : while mesmer and engi has there tp on a 20 sec cd , why has ele a 40 secs cd ? and less range ! 1200 vs 900 range -pyromancer puissance : a trait who decrease your stacks of might while you go out of fire or overload fire , ... just ... wtf is this trait supposed to be ? an april fool joke ? just make this trait an option for condi , like +10 % burn damage and increase further the effectiveness of sunspot -elemental shielding : give 3 sec of prot when you give an ally any aura ... yeah anet , could use some numbers increase ... doubling it or making this trait proc barrier on auras shoudl be way more effective And the list can go on , but i think nobody want to read further more.
  2. Ofc thats why it isnt played a lot , i would go tempest heal 100% of time if it had the same capacity as Ham or Hfb , but it has not . Too many things not done very well on it , you can overload water ... but you will loose soothing water effect , unless you slack in water few sec , which you dont want cause you need to overload fire for might uptime and earth for prot. uptime , and what ele lack the most is consistent healing out of water , i wont talk about ice bow , having a sustained heal for 20 secs on a 60 sec cd , berk... "elemental bastion" was a key part for ele to go heavy on heals out of water , and the freaking ugly way to apply alac ... other spec pump out alac like there is no tomorrow while ele has to succeed his overload making the first sec of the combat with no alac at all and very sensitive to interrupt/damage/dodge . Just no ! I dont think many players have lost the taste of playing ele it's just that ele is too poorly "well" designed (trade off , etc) as others have no trade off at all. I really want to play it ! But first i want it 100% as efficient as the other heal support (1.73% played in raids and 2.42 in strikes , non existent in fractals . why ? cause it's bad compared to the others , thats all ! make it better and ppl will play it )
  3. Well , great news , anyway Cmc can't do worse than the previous huge patch (the banner nightmare and the ele meta defining joke) Hope for the best . And yes , Dondarrion , every water type weapon/skills traits , will become Op now , eager to see omega buff to ele water traits and water attunement 😁
  4. They should add a "horde" e-spec where you can use your two pets at same time, with skills f1 f2 f3 for 1st pet and f4 f5 f6 to pet 2 , it seems broken a bit , but hey if engi mecha stays like this , any buffs/changes will not be seen op . Mechs may be made from scratch but your "pet" do 33% of your job ... so not sure about this espec fail , just try it solo atacking with all buffs : it does 12k/damage alone . Not to mention his passive barrier/alacrity pulse who do half of your job passively when you are support , so in terms of design it is indeed a fail , cause too strong (at least in endgame content) , but in terms of efficiency its a blast .
  5. True , there is strike missions too... . Just dont forget that "elite" people may be toxic (not all of them) but those elites are also the same people who made the guides , videos and allowed less elites and actual average players to make builds , follow mechanics of raids strikes and fractals , so spit on them if you want , but dont forget what they brought to the community , every society needs "elites" as games with redoable endcontent need.
  6. Yeah sure Obtena , if my mech will perform 15 k instead of 30k afk , i will still play it .... (why the hell can i still see those message from someone who quoted you . Block doesnt work on quotes ?) . We will see if it gets nerfed , if more ppl will play it , then again you will take your trump card , and say "it doesnt matter what ppl play" , and i say it will go lower and lower on playerbase if you lower it dps , i sure will not play it anymore . Yeah , today if you play sylvari mech or sylvari virtuoso you are in a great spot for harvest temple cm (some ppl will know what i talk about) but yes play whatever you want guys , i am pretty sure if you play minstrel warrior dps , everybody in raids will accept to carry your a** . The world of carebears doenst exist Obtena , snap out of the dream , equality in gw 2 class is like in our world , it doesnt exist ! ... actually ...
  7. "Gimme aegis every 2 secs and 100% stab uptime , cause me mech , me pew pew , and me dont give a butterfly bout mechanics" Quote : random rifle mech player (think it was me ..... cant remember ... i played drunk)
  8. In pve the rifle isnt as broken as ppl think , it's the mech who is broken , playing full power dps with the good traits allow your mech to bench +- 12k/ damage , doesnt that remind you of a certain ranger pet , hint : same face as the stranger thing monster 😛
  9. Yeah lightning flash , you talk about the skill who port you away from a 900 range and deal mosquito damage the area you port to on a 40 secs cd ... , just look at "blink" or "shift signet" both are on very lower cd (20 and 25 i think) have 1200 range and breakstun ... and shift signet has incredibly powerfull passiv effect . dont need to point you out what the problem is here . Just compare the might provider from ele and mechanist or hfb , mecha have a 600 range aotomated might provider : his robot attacking ....Hfb spit out might with mantras , give might when crit. and staff 4 who even with his nerf is one large op healing skill (easy to interrupt ? you are an hfb if you dont play with stand your ground ...) Ele has a 180 area pulsing might provider , yes you can extend boon with warhorn 4 fire , but you have to stay in that little 180 area to have yousrelf 25 might and then share it ... how overlly complicated can it be , choose auto might provider , or the weird complicated way ? My problem here is any way you look ele providing something , other class provide it easier and better. Only trump card the ele has is rebound .
  10. Oh nuts , so that gameplay force you to overload every attunement you go in ... great as ele is already very "qol" oriented ... hum.... why cant we have an esay trait like "big boomer" straight forward +15% damage ...
  11. I agree with the Op , leave mech alone ! let them like they are , so in a few months you only gonna see mechanist , and thats cool cause i like orange color ! Dont know if my sarcasm was obvious ... I said it maybe 300 times ... but do you see any ele player in end content ? no , barely ... So if mechs stays like this lets buff all AA from all weapons to its level , its gonna be stupid , ofc , but at least we gonna have some class diversity. Why with a class with less hp less armor , less survivability (let me remind you big boomer plus signet who heal you over 600 hp secondes , a breakstun/teleport/condi cleanse) plus a mecha dodo who deals 12k/damage , so basically playing ele is playing glass canon , but without the canon , and playing mech is playing sturdy canon , but with two canons ... But yes 33% of the player choosing it is just pure coincidence , it's because we all are iron man huge fans that we play it ! No i play it cause iam mostly first dps pewpewing like a kitten and it makes me laugh seeing dragon hunter , holos , elementalist (when i see them ...) doing 66% of my deeps. And i am not for a mech nerf , but more for taking all the classes to it's level .
  12. True , but if for some reason or mechanic occuring , a member isnt in your air sphere the moment you launch it , he's good to go without quickness for 15-12 secondes , thats the problem you have firebrand who has 3 different source of quickness : -tied to heal every 7secs -mantra every 9-7 secs -elite shout on a 30 sec cd With that even if someone is away , you know your firebrand can upkeep the quickness when you come back (same goes for scrapper) , Ele is trough his whole rotation once air sphere is launched ... they should make all sphere provide quickness on use , but ofc with a shorter duration , this will allow more fluid quickness providing. Like 2 secs of quickness with some boon duration and the 2x duration on gm traits .
  13. Yes ! Thats one thing they should change on each class , having 33% to bleed , burn , etc ... once you crit. should be 100% chances when you crit. and if too Op , they can add an internal cooldow like increase 5 to 6secs for ele , or add a 3secs internal cd for bleed proc on necro or engi.
  14. I personnaly like the cata the way it is now , but it needs Qol and some buffs , we know some players are able to reach high numbers with it but they are very very few . For some ideas : -Spectacular sphere : remove the -10% damage dealt , thats one abberation of a trait , who isnt pissed off taking a trait that deminish your damage ? And make boons from it pulse , kinda bothereing having your quickness tied to a one shot 15 secs cooldown... -Elemental epitome : Thats one hell of a weird trait to use , combo there and there and only one time each per attunement with an aura , blablablabla ... a new player reading this trait :"ok i am gonna play something less complicated". Just add whenever you combo you gain an aura based on your actual attunement , and even an aura for 1secs , we dont care we only need Elemental empowerement to work. -Enpowerend empowerent : just give +100 % EE efficiency at 6 or 7 stacks , we are a lot to complain to not stay at 10 stacks and its really difficult to maintain , add also a +2 secs to EE stacks when you take this trait. -Sphere Specialist : Maybe reduce the boon duration from 100% to 80% , but make all sphere last 1 secs more. It's my personal opinion , but anet is really looking into forums for some ideas , so keep going guys !
  15. Well i have to agree on that part , water traitline is literally not effective if you play condi/alacprovider. But if you play power you have 2 traits who actually are pretty darn good for dps power , one who increase +10% damage when target has vulnerability and 2x that effect in water (yeah i know pretty weird while almost all weapons do 0 damage in water...) and anothert who increase also damage +10% once up 75% health treshold , so yes it would be pretty bad for condi tempest alac , but fine for tempest power . But anyway something need to change for ele (not only tempest) i personnaly think that tying alacrity to overloads is bad because you could get interrupted or in the need to dodge a deadly blow , and everyone here would agree that having one of your overloads getting shutdown without any benefit , and looking at the cd of your attunement going to 20 secs... is very frustrating , it would be ok if all classes providing kinda the same roles , have mechanics punishing like that . Just look at mechanist providing auto 25 stacks of might , fury and alacrity 100% uptime afk with 0 risk of interruption... "When you give yourself an aura you give yourself and allies around you alacrity." that might not be too bad. Too bad ? Dude , thats a freaking great idea !!!!! I hope anet reads you anyday.
  16. The problem with warrior is that he had the same role in endgame content for decades (yes 10 years of bannerslave...) . anet wanted to compress all roles. So warrior lost his whole utility kit. His role is pretty simple now , you take it for damage (the whole 3 e specs) or for might/quickness/fury uptime , problem -> a whole bunch of other specs do that too , so what will make you choose a warrior ? his way of giving quickness is more efficient ? No ! non moving banners is not efficient (herald and firebrand are both way better , doesnt have to commit on concentration so much for the upkeep and deal more in ways more scenario) or his damage ? dont think it gets near a fb or a herald . Increasing numbers and decreasing cooldown should help , also give a bit more base quickness duration , all you want from a quickness non healer , is more damage and more uptime , dont see what you can ask more ? Or return the banners as they were before the crappy banner, ele meta defining meme patch ( yes i am a dreamer 🎵) Or revamp the rifle and make it more ... mechanist , if you see what i mean and add turrets to banners so warrior can also enjoy afk rotation .
  17. Thats not called jealousy , thats called having eyes working very well , dont mean you are blind but maybe a bit mind blinded 😁. 33% of players choosing it , is serious balance issue , i literally stopped getting mad about that , i just play it now and i can enjoy , making some food , laundry and stuff while playing this game who requires a one button keyboard called raid shadow legen... euh i mean hero wars... hah no still not that ... how is it called .. ah yes guild wars 2, sorry , my mind got a little bit slow , must be because i learned my rifle mech rotation , was pretty though ... pfiuuu.
  18. Didnt remind scrapper having a gyro dealing 12k alone 😁, ... nah kidding i see what you ment there Rifle mech learning his rotation https://www.facebook.com/ImagineCargo/videos/where-is-the-any-key/2065534400341635/
  19. Li build mean LOW intensity : rifle mech isn't even low intensity , you can have a heart attack and still perform with it. the problem is always the same , more and more people play mech (i do) while other profession are completely left in the garbage can , aka holosmith , which i agree should do a crazy lot more dps than a pmech (seeing his level of difficulty and "heat/coller" mechanic) , it does theorically , but in most scenarios , with a mech you take 0 risk in terms of dps windows , you can basically runaround , and still be a 30-35k dps. I know a lot of people wont agree with that , but every class off the game should at least have something like the pmech if anet let it the way it is , a very low ... or afk auto build for every class , and it's not the cheap buffs arenanet gave other specs whos gonna change anything ( i still dont see any htemp in raids , but they have access to aegis and stab now , why ? cause healmech better anyway). You removed unique boons ! Now everyone should be equall ! Thats the way it is !
  20. Not agree on that 33% of the players choosing mech in endgame (even hardcore players) is a problem , either mech is too strong or other classes are just trash (point of view) , Just to tell you i tried my catalyst again , trying an "easy" rotation on it , switching attunements using only skills that deal damage , using my reinforce skills in the right jade sphere ... trying to upkeep the freaking EE to 10 stacks as long as i could ... i ended up at 26k ... i took a kitten and put my mechanist on golem , when i came back i did 31k ... is that fine to you ? Not for me sure , anet can remove 50% of the classes in their game and their own related e-specs actually , and the méta wont be troubled a bit , some ppl wouldnt even notice , like " huh ele is no more available ??? couldnt tell , never saw one ...". If your argument is valid , every class should have an easy near to afk build that reach the same effectiveness , and a more complicated who deals +20% 25% damage . at least my arcdps will no longer be all orange colored... and for your information i solely play mech now on all engame content (or fb if quick i needed) as tank , healer , dps , alacrity provider so i can easily tell you it's a broken spec ... cause i dont want to play anything else ! cause anything else is less efficient in any of these specific roles.
  21. Well it's definitly intended , never anet gonna let a class have a 100% uptime on an unique buffs who reduce all damage player receive in your sub . Or a thing that stun every 2secs when struck. But you are right they should add some "text" to tooltip of powerful aura , like "max duration of each aura shared : x secondes".
  22. Oh c'mon they are not that ******* ... oh wait ...
  23. Thats the problem , the dps is ok , it's the amount of effort to reach that who is the core problem . I run it in every game content and i am mostly n1 dps by just clicking off cd skills with no specific order (and now i do even less , all my mech skills are automated , i am not proud of it but idc , efficiency is all that matters to me). What they need to nerf i think is the jade mech itself , problem is for me focus on the 2nd choice of trait u use , where 100% of certain of your stats goes to the mech , it makes an overperforming bot , i just tested it on golem , the jade mech only , deals 11-12k to the golem with auto skills enabled , that 33% of your damage ! Anet created a freaking monster , easy to play and performs very well in all roles and this class's gonna completely make the others useless (only fb will remain , still more performing than quickscrapper).
  24. hopefully it is , would have been strange to have a breakstun with cast time ... all the others need to be like that too , shouts from other spec have no cast time , few of them have (like chill to the bone) and ele has only eye of the storm no other one .
  25. And if he does a nice coffee he can get a promotion ! Toilet paper replacer . And never let this dev touch the game again , or next e-spec for engi is gonna be called "the swarm" : you have 3 little mechas , one heals , one give boons and one deals damage , i wouldnt be surprised and aberration like that sees the day ...
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