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Everything posted by Morde.3158

  1. What is this about? So the dev team is going to change it without an explanation? It feels like we just got the spear and its already hard to fit into my build then you just up and change it that's DIABOLICAL lol!
  2. Reapers cast times need to be normalized and the quickness trait would have to be reworked if we want more build diversity.
  3. Power Boon Share or just Condi I will say this though in wvw I find myself reverting back to reaper just to fight blobs, everyone has reflects and bla bla its annoying lol.
  4. You want the 900 leap to run away and stuff I want shroud recharge back like the old days. I agree though but they said in the streams that they was about to break their own rules.
  5. Sure but they also give reasons as to why they do it. I guess you dont read patch notes. They also make changes base on what players use and dont use all you doing is sideways at this point.
  6. Stop promoting condi necro please conditions are the most annoying thing in the game. I remember when the curses line used to be strong for power builds along with the scepter feast skill but, because of gw2 community or lack of understanding of the class anet changed it. Demon rev also got the same treatment if thats a better example.
  7. why would anet do that? You telling me that necro should have a 20s cd on its core mechanic. druid is an elite spec its not apart of the original game druids dont actually need it to be a ranger.
  8. Only good Ranger can beat Reaper and what I mean by ranger is I mean Soul Beast with sickem and stealth, gs for blocks etc the other forms of ranger that stand a chance agaisnt necro is wilderness builds perma prot you know full sustain stuff.
  9. Yeah but I do play other classes I just play necro the most.
  10. ah the good old days of double spinal procs one hitting you for maybe 16k to 18k the second proc (trait) finishing off cry babies the ones who are afraid of dieing in a game so they only play with a group or play a full escape build or a full stealth build.
  11. lol its always non necro mains talking the most about necro they have no idea to play the class well and have no idea of the change log history to necro.
  12. Yes I mean shroud skills and since the range is was nerfed 900 to 600 it does need something besides damage boosts.
  13. Wrong, necro recharge on shroud was actually 5 seconds traited and was nerfed to 7 seconds years later. Soul reaping will make Voracious arc 8 seconds so that would great way to fix mobility. Again the point of my post was to explore the ideas of fixes or changes shroud cd would help heals would help blocks would help anything would help.
  14. I didn't double back Im just not asking for a entire list of changes like you I stand firm with my statement harbinger shroud is 10s and it should be lower anything else? Read what I posted again sLoWly this time and understand it before commenting and if you don't understand what I wrote why even comment. You keep giving me these examples trying to explain whatever it is that you are trying to argue and it has nothing to do with my original post. A lower cool down on shroud would achieve allot since the shroud skill have fairly low cooldowns. I said all we got was a ranged class which is another base necro without shroud this time. Full ranged for necro is bad and has always been bad for necro since launch the ranged skills for necro are not reliable and anet has attempted to fix them and its still bad and im not talking about the damage im talking about the behavior of the skills. I wont be using the shroud skills defensively are you mad? If im not using it defensively then what is devouring cut and voracious arc? Unless its a 1v1 you would be using it defensively.
  15. I was not proposing anything about ranged damage I was telling you what we got and what I think the class needs that is all. Again the class needs better sustain since you say it wont be a zerg meta class. So since it wont be zerg meta it should be op like all the other skimisher class how hard is that to understand lol. I have 16k necro hours and 26k hours total over all classes since launch of gw2 I want to have fun I dont want to try to run the same builds for the next 8 years or whenever anet decides to change the meta.
  16. To the ones who disagree with what I'm saying did you actually test harbinger both betas? Did you test all of the build options and also did you try 1v1s and teamfights and zerg fights as power? I dont want to hear anything about condition damage output.
  17. Death magic will be standard on harbinger if you want some survive, if i'm not mistaken life from death isn't working correctly on blood magic and there is no telling when they will fix it so that may not be an option. Also blood magic is not taken for heals anymore its taken for the condition remove life stealing for sustain is not good vs good players it may work in team comps but its not good vs players you cant hit. the problem with harbinger is not the blight its the healing and since you agreee that harbinger will not be meta for groups and its more of a solo class then you should agree that it needs more things like other skirmish solo classes.
  18. So um from testing harbinger I can only ask for one thing can shroud get a lower shroud cooldown this time around? this class no blocks besides the one ageis on the elite no evades besides the one leap and it seems to be the empowered leap now. Not sure the goal is for harbinger in wvw this time around is it a skirmishing class or what? Because if it is we need more ways to survive like the other Shadow arts perma stealth perma run away builds perma super speed 10k ranger blocks and healing other classes have. I feel like I will be using Death magic 100% of the time. You took away what was strong about necro without really balancing it and then you found away to introduce the same struggles that necro has had from launch in a different way with every expansion. We get a pistol main hand and then shroud auto is ranged and now we can pop bottles and crack other players up side the head with the bottles and allot more damage but, no shroud and even worse build diversity this time around and , no im not just about to put on full cele and or run trailblazer.
  19. lets here less mobility for harbinger and less healing and still shroud is 10seconds. I wonder how other professions will just run me down me down this expan for this reason I don't play scourge. Seems like I will be playing Core/Reaper for the next few years or maybe not.
  20. I would like to report the voracious arc will sometime port you or performs a leap and will randomly perform dare devil staff 5 about 3 or 4 times and sometimes does not do anything no daze or damage. The blight thing isn't so bad but taking damage in shroud makes even taking the elite not worth it. I find myself in duels doing better outside of shroud than going in it. I would suggest letting us use utility skills in shroud or just let us absorb damage like normal shroud and leave the blight as it is. this elite vs other elite is still the same old necromancer struggle as power, you have to work so hard to kill someone where as something like grenades and holo can tap my hp to 20% with little effort.
  21. wrong they reverted mesmer changes before
  22. Nothing auto beat anything unless you practice, sure they are good and bad matchup as one would expect from a MMO but...an unexperienced ranger won't win automatically against a ranger..actually the very opposite would happen. Now you have wrong opinions on both sides : Necros thinking that every ranger won the match solely because they play that class...and Rangers thinking they should win always against necro........players on both sides refuse to admit that you need to practice to beat anything and outside extreme cases you mostly always lose because you get outplayed well said.
  23. Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it?
  24. Damage: 1,210 (3.0)? looks like it to me
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