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oingo oingo.5217

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  1. yep its another saltwater fishing post I was gonna type a well articulated post but after fully consuming my 6th 12 hour primer used specifically for saltwater fish i just dont have it in me Fishing power does NOTHING aside from make it easier to catch fish, i get more ascended/legendary/exotic streaks with lower FP and stacks then with higher FP + stacks, i feel this needs some clarification as to how it works and whether or not it is bugged (I know it is) Why is the chance of crashing so high when the ! appears exactly at the same time dusk/dawn starts Why is there no system chat notification when your reel catches a fish, but rather an underwhelming red exclamation point that requires creative camera angles when there are people or skiffs or anything that does not contrast the color red nearby ? The pirate hijacking skiff bug is extremely tilting when it happens during dusk/dawn times as the window is short enough already, losing those 10 or 20 seconds is such a devastating loss of time during that short period, otherwise it brings some joy to a banal multiple hour fishing grind Maps closing and losing our fishing stacks: id say this is mildly infuriating, since as mentioned above, FP does N O T H I N G Saltwater fish collection : as of this post, the total completed % of the entire registered playerbase on gw2eff is 258 of 359,844 (0.072%), excluding the people who abused the bug that caused avid to be temporarily disabled, id wager the actual number is closer to 180 or 190 legitimate completions, how on earth can anyone look at this statistic and infer that everything is working as intended ? Every day i see around 10 to 20 people across maps/ips just complaining about how insanely RNG/broken the saltwater collection is, and these are just the complaints regarding saltwater, there are many more who were just as tilted when farming the exotic fish for the new specialization collections While the previous patch mentioned that saltwater fish rates have increased from nodes, so far there has hardly been anything even remotely close to an increase in the acquisition rate of saltwater fish, this "buff" was actually a huge mislead, as fishing in open waters on specific maps had smaller loot tables, meaning its more likely to get saltwater/world class fish since you can also fish quicker without losing time moving from node to node You cant even make the argument about fishing impacting the ingame economy, primarily due to the god awful drop rates, because calling it a miniscule impact would be extremely generous most frustrating of all of course is the pin drop silence from anet, and like many other players who have fished for even more time than I have, i will not be touching fishing until there are some significant improvements or an overhaul of some sort
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