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Everything posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Games 13 years old. Stop asking for the impossible.
  2. New weapons in 2 day? Only going to get worse I feel.
  3. Having classes/skills/traits that detarget the enemy is a very useful utility that only a very few select classes have. It's something either all class should get or none. Another reason why this game never made it more then a few short months in the ESL
  4. You can't play ranked on someone else's account boosting there rank score. That is against the tos not that it's ever enforced though. If he wanted something he should play it to get it him self.
  5. Remove duo que for 1600+ rank....imo
  6. Those daggers have points ya know, and they hurt. I feel bad about it to.
  7. 100th+ characters? This game is not that good. I feel bad for you and your waisted time. So sorry.
  8. If people are more then 100 rank apart they should not be allowed to duo together.
  9. I'm most curious if they keep it 5v5 or change it to something else.
  10. I lost interest in this game myself. Haven't logged on in a few months. There's no feeling of fair competition. Every class can do everything so to me there's no structure to pvp. I get my competitive fix from overwatch these days now.
  11. I do agree it is an overpowered skill. It doesn't need to do the damage over time since it's not a condition.
  12. Giving a class that has a great sword another great sword is a terrible design choice.
  13. It seems there will be different reticles to choose from. You can go from a dot to something like a square box to a cross hair in the center of your screen. It looks nda makes projectile weapons more fps like action camera mode.
  14. Action camera reticle option is super nice qol. I do play in action camera mode so this is nice.
  15. Fa ele/weaver does not have the burst you are talking aboot. Scepter is a horribly weak weapon.
  16. I wish the match maker would account for AP as well. Geting someone with like 0-1000 AP on your team is disheartening. You know that person is not going to be up to snuff against some with 20k AP who has thousands of hours on each class but here your team mate with less then 10. A veteran player doesn't want to be teamed up with a brand new player in a competitive game mode.
  17. Having weapon skills that do evade frames is one of the worst ideas to be implemented into this game. Every class had the same amount of dodges and chances to evade damage and out play your emeny. But not anymore some special classes get way more opportunities to dodge then some because of weapons that have evade frames. It's just another reason why this game can never be fair, fun, and competitive
  18. Free to play players shouldn't be able to play ranked.
  19. Me and my buddy always thought this game to be kinda chess like with all the skills and counters such as dodge and very few invulnerables. But after POF it's just a burst game and classes with to many dodge abilities. To many classes have to much burst now and it's been like this for years. Every day I pray to every God that exists for a core game mode to happen. Those days were the best.
  20. This is guild wars 2 a game with no anti cheat system. Nothing can stop a player from using 3rd party programs to to take advantage of w.e it gives. This game has no ethics from pve to pvp.
  21. This is a team based game mode based on coordination and cooperation. And you want to remove all forms of communication to remove those two aspects of the game mode?
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