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Everything posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. I don't get this redesign. The original auras from a year or two after release was where it was at. I loved them. I played aura share because I just like auras but after the change I just didnt feel them important enough of to gain my attention. But now I feel they are even bigger then the originals. I don't get why they feel the need to change something they took away years ago only to have this mess after bringing it back.....please I want the original aura look back please. Edit: if the assets for the old original auras are still in the code, then give me an option to turn them on please
  2. I was giving anet the benefit of the dout but for real. There testers have to be real incompetent pvpers to miss this Condi damage misshap. I'm so sry to say that but it's my truth from the heart.
  3. I'm full damage and I hit like a wet noodle. I am unable to kill anything. The damage isn't there. Everything is so tanky. There is no skill involved anymore this meta shifts is bunker wars all over again. I quit gw2 when it was like that. Fa ele is not a +1er, a dpsers or a 1v1er anymore. Idk what role it can fill now. Unkillable scrappers, revs, rangers gaurds. I can fight them forever but as far as when the damage lands it's not there. Electric discharge now only hit for 200 damage when crit. I was able to play at the top of g3 with it now I don't think it will succeed out side of silver.
  4. This is a team game 5v5 sitchuations. With this level of team play you need to coordinate your dpsers,cc skills, and imobalizes, as much as possible to secure a kill. Just because there's is solo q doesn't mean you are 1v5ing. hashtag:make-a-in-game-voice-chat!!
  5. Being untouchable while being able to deal damage for free with no restrictions for a few seconds against some one who does not have the same ability....... yeah it was an unnecessary change alright... Warrior can do that can't they? What about thf and pistol wipe. That's kinda an invuln but with evades, what about Gaurdain blocks that's kinda an invuln as well. I don not see your point. Ele has so little to begin with. Yes sword skills are op, imo any skills that has evade frames is op and shouldn't exist. Obsidian flesh offers nothing to a team fight as a burst dps except self survival. And on a 50 second cool down for 3 seconds if u u cant play around that then you lack proper skills your self, and obviously been out played.
  6. Coding new code for a balanced PvP match maker in a spaghetti bowl full of spaghetti is really tough apperently.
  7. The only bug I get is when on very rare occasions when my client crashes or I freakishly lose internet before the game loads up. When I'm loading back in it always starts off loading in pve, which is fine but when it eventually loads up into the PvP match none of the 1-5 buttons work at all and I am left having to mouse click all my skill. It was a very strenuous game.This problem used to be a big problem when build templets 1st came out and the game had crashing problems related to that.
  8. Warrior is one of the easiest classes to play and succeed in. There's no reason to complain about any of the changes when u haven't even played any of the changes yet. Let alone played against other toons that had changed. Don't complain until you've actually tried it in an actually combat sitchuations Y'all just big headed babies. Nothing else.
  9. there can be only one This is not Highlander, but something called guild wars. Gw1 had a Manny of game modes. No reason why is successor cant be equal or more of what was there.
  10. Why not both?2v2s has great benefits and 3v3 also has some great benefits. I like both
  11. All the problems stem from low population. With low population u get unfair matches that lead to land slide games. The match maker tries to keep everyone in a 50-50 win ratio it seems from all the posters and evidence brought around matchmaking. so one game u might have 1 high plat on ur team (because he has been waiting for 3-6+ min his que has been expanded drastically to include gold's and silvers) that can litteraly 1v3 and farm low tier players, then u get games against those players because they've been in que for a long time so they get thrown into a game against you. The currents match maker will always put people into a game eventually regardless of rank. And this is the problem imo. If no one is on that is in your tier to play, well....don't be in that teir. A high ranking plat player should never ever be against a gold or silver ever. I don't care if the high plat que person has to wait 30 min for a game. Anyone who plays against that player and is a full teir at least below shouldn't ever see each other.
  12. I hope I can participate in tomorrow's experiment. Unfortunately I'm an adult and work 10 hours a day and missed todays opportunity to test. I hope you guys got whats needed. Im Excited for the future of PvP!
  13. I'm so excited I just can hide it.......ya know I think I'll like this
  14. This will be fun to see. Im a play my main, fa ele like I do day in day out. Right now all necros are food pretty much.
  15. I think we should rename obsidian flesh to mist form since now the two skills are identical in usage and effects (can't attack with either now). Only seems logical to me.
  16. I'm totally fine with this. Considering what bulls charge is capable of(massive damage, long cc, gap closer, leap combo) it doesn't need the damage or the leap combo imo. And nearly all hard cc moves do massive damage. Cc moves should be a set up for bigger combos not the finisher or as a damage contributor, but a setup/utilities.As far as hammer goes it already had no play time in PvP so nothing will change there.
  17. Ele sword Weaver has been overperforming for a long time. untill the patch drops and we get a chance to actually try out the changes, everything on paper looks great to me.
  18. Thf down state poison application on Condi spec, and necro down state power damage needs nerfing imo.
  19. Que button broken for over an hour now...please fix meeeeeeeeeeeee
  20. Final Shielding: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 seconds 4 min+ for this skill cooldown? This for real? That long then any single elite in game. There's alot of changes so I didn't look threw all of it but only ele would get a 4 minute + trait cooldown. This isn't even a passive life save at all!!Considering a it can be countered by an unblockable skill it just makes this trait 100% unless now. Name 1 other passive life save that can be countered by an unblock able and only has a 3 hit max. There isn't any. Ele gets sh it traits compared to other passive invulns since day one and has always gotten the worst end of the stick so to speak.
  21. This isn't even a passive life save at all!!Considering a it can be countered by an unblockable skill it just makes this trait 100% unless now. Name 1 other passive life save that can be countered by an unblock able and only has a 3 hit max. There isn't any. Ele gets crap traits compared to other passive invulns since day one and has always gotten the worst end of the stick so to speak.
  22. Final Shielding: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 300 seconds 5 min for this skill cooldown? This for real? That long then any single elite in game. There's alot of changes so I didn't look threw all of it but only ele would get a 5 minute trait cooldown on a skill that's not entirely an invuln skill.
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