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Everything posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Well I hope Chris's transistion goes well and hes happy with the results. Going from a man and working at anet for 7years to something else can be tough. Gl in the future.
  2. The biggest grip for me atm is teleports. There's to many classes that have them. Most meta teams these days will have a rev, thf, gaurd, mes, and something else. 4 classes all capable of constant teleporting. Just ruins the combat for me. When I play what I like, fa ele, warrior it just to much porting around to be anything other then frustrating.
  3. How can there not be another game that has a dodge system, 1-9 skills, and tab targeting after 7 years. I can't wait for the gw2 game killer that I will move on to.7 years and still only one game mode. 7 years and every balance/expansion just make one/few things to strong for to long.Wintrading, really bad matchmaker coding, afks and bots all pushing me away. Idk if this game has a 2020 in me. We'll see what they call a 2019 balance patch on the last day of 2019 will bring us......idk about you that it seems it's more of a 2020 balance patch. We get nothing for PvP in 2019 again. Go anet!
  4. What is gw2 classic? U can't just take a name from another game smash it together into gw and expect people to know what you are talking about.If you mean gw2 core, excluding hot and POF then sure, I'm ok with a core PvP gw2 game. But in terms of the word classic? This isnt wow I have no idea what u are talking about when you say classic.
  5. My concern for this balance nerf, Is that they will drop a new expansion details. They did a nerfs across the board when hot was about to be released same with POF. We'll see how this balance patch play out though.
  6. I just want to express my most sincerest thanks for making one of my most enjoyable games the past 7 years. I wish you all happy Christmas and a joyful Hanukah.
  7. Your also forgetting trap runes that give invisibility to whom ever lays a trap for 3 seconds. Which gives gaurds the opportunity to use invis.
  8. Why would a 2000 team be put against a 1200 team. That right there seems to be a giant red flag.
  9. Rune of Speed doesn’t remove the combat movement penalty. It’s only increasing your in-combat movement speed by 66% instead of 33% while under the effect of swiftness. You will still move slower than someone who is out of combat with swiftness on. That's not true at all. You should go in-game and actually run some tests on this. You'll see that if you enter combat while wearing rune of speed, by say hitting a golem, and if you have swiftness on and run alongside of a player who is out of combat who also has swiftness on, you will both move exactly the same speed. But if the person who is not wearing rune speed were to also hit the golem, he would begin moving 33% slower than you, even if he still had swiftness on. The rune does absolutely nothing for anyone when players are all out of combat. It only works in-combat by allowing the wearer to ignore in-combat movement penalty. It isn't "technically" removing the in-combat penalty, but the way Arenanet has it set with the % gain, it creates an effect to where that is pretty much what's happening. But you have to have Swiftness on for that to be in effect.Tests that are in the mist don't count cuz everyone is given a running buff. Specifically the out of combat people.
  10. Are ranked PvP games affected? Is that what I'm reading on this forum right now?
  11. 6 months to a year I feel so s the average response time for there actions
  12. O noooooo Holo isn't AS good as it was. It's not as easy to play anymore ooo noooo. No more stab every 5 seconds o nooo Stop ur complain. Holo has been one of the top classes for a long long time. I'm pretty sure there Holo skills are still on a low as fuck cool down. And there skills can still be spammed threw walls and have aoe. Good it's been to strong for to long.
  13. same meta for 2 years do not help on top of that. and stronghold btw :) Stronghold was a complete failed idea for a game mode for gw2. If it can't work for competitive play it's not worth mentioning imo. Same meta for 2 years does suck but I don't think it's been completely the same for 2 years. Untill recently fb scourge was meta for entire duration of pof. Still every mat there been a support fb winning. Rev has also not changed much. 2v2 was nice for the week we had it lolRev dissapeared for a long while. While Condi mirage was a thing for a while and now it's not as bad. FB and scourge is another thing altogether. Cuz without each other then it not meta.
  14. same meta for 2 years do not help on top of that. and stronghold btw :) Stronghold was a complete failed idea for a game mode for gw2. If it can't work for competitive play it's not worth mentioning imo. Same meta for 2 years does suck but I don't think it's been completely the same for 2 years.
  15. How "fresh" can it be when all there ever is, is 5v5 conquest for 7 years.
  16. My guess is that nothing is planed for the rest of the year. The company probably goes on vacation very soon so nothing but a skeleton crew at the office to keep the servers in check till mid January.All we can do is pray and hope that they decide to work on PvP and do things in a meaningful amount of time....as it stands at least for me, Swiss was announced when 2 years ago? So i don't expect anything for PvP till August of 2020 at least.
  17. Guild wars 1 charr were straight!I hate this hunch back design if charr.
  18. This is like a team based game but with out the option to have an actual 5 man team.
  19. I'm ok with this. I mean when a class evades attacks for a solid 5seconds and still contends...then evades while attacking it all seem alittle to unbalanced. If only they never introduced skills that have evade frames. Then this wouldn't even be a thought in anyone's mind.
  20. Some times that match maker really shouldn't put some people against each other.
  21. This would require PvP development and man hours. And well that isn't allowed for pvp. I mean 7 years and still just 5v5 conquest. I see nothing added to PvP beside really bad unbalanced classes when expansions happen.Balance updates is not development. It's maintaince. And that all this mode gets ever. Imo
  22. Skills that have evade frames ruin this game. bad design, bad decision, bad programing from the man.
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