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Everything posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Condi is a low skill damage type. If the enemy can out sustain it then, you should try power damage that actually can work against all builds if your good enough. If you can't handle it and make it work then u need to be further down the ladder.
  2. Im having fun and im having constant close games, and most of the oponents are power builds. For some reason people think its "cheese meta" when 30%-40% of players play condi, how about constant cheese power meta? warrior/holo every game, tfu. Oh, you're gonna see the difference between the two real fast when this next patch drops.I can't wait.
  3. Condi is a low skill damage type. If the enemy can out sustain it then, you should try power damage that actually can work against all builds if your good enough. If you can't handle it and make it work then u need to be further down the ladder.
  4. I to would like the same capabilities as it's predesessor. I don't understand why this era of anet devs are not comited to surpassing it's predesessor
  5. To pause development is like the term "stop the press" when refering to a new paper thingy. And in doing so u creat more chaos then anything.
  6. 99% speed runes on every toon is terrible. And I don't know anyone who doesn't run it.
  7. IV had a big as well after the template addition.when loading into a PvP match I was unable to use any of ulitilies at all. It's like you never test anything. I started the match off as reaper but we had like 3 reapers so I switched to warrior. Had to load up into lion arc 1st because the toon wasn't parked in the mist. When it finally (I say finally because it took an absorbant amount of time way more then usual to load in) loaded up into the PvP match I was unable to use any utilities 6-0. Also I was missing an entire trait line none of the traits were selected in the specialization. So not only was I unable to use any heals, stun brakes, Condi clears, elite skills, I was missing an entire trait line because something wasn't tested before hand. I swear anet gets worse and worse with each update. Nothing was properly tested
  8. A disable feature would be much appreciated. The way you implemented your build templates is in my opinion the worst way possibe. I do not want to use it Sam I am. Please put a disable feature into it. Thank you. $36 to max out a single character on build and equipment templates, plus another $37 to max out an account on build storage – it’d run you $360 to max everything on an account with one of every class. Never in a million years will I pay 72dollars a toon for a QOL feature. These days that the price of a full game. I swear 2019 will probably be my last year in gw2. Also when loading into a PvP match I was unable to use any of ulitilies at all. It's like you never test anything. I started the match off as reaper but we had like 3 reapers so I switched to warrior. Had to load up into lion arc 1st because the toon wasn't parked in the mist. When it finally loaded up into the PvP match I was unable to use any utilities 6-0. Also I was missing an entire trait line none of the traits were selected in the specialization. So not only was I unable to use any heals stun brakes Condi clears elite skills, I was missing an entire trait line because something wasn't tested before hand. I swear anet gets worse and worse with each update. Nothing was properly tested with this template nonsense and I give the implementation and it's abilities a 0/10. Worse coding anet has ever done.
  9. Doesn't matter if it's for 1 season or not that map is just not fun to play specially in a competitive game.
  10. HoldUp......you are a anet dev in disguise. Lmao 100-200gems. It's a feature I got to keep paying over and over again. So if I have 4 toons I play and I want them all to have 3slots at least at 200 gems that's 2400 gems. Well over 20 dollars for a QOL feature on a 7 year old game with a 10 year old engine. I think any more then that would be unfair practice. It already is with the needed feature of repeated purchase for each toon.
  11. On my most played toon I like 5. On my others 2-3 would be fine.My most played toon would be my ele. He would have a healing armor set, power set, Condi set, power/Condi hybrid, and maybe one more. As for my other toons a power set and a Condi set is all I would require for the most part.
  12. What I would like to see from the partner program is, that the partners be more involved in the forums. I feel there are to many people all shouting there problems and the devs don't know what to take from all of this sometimes. However if the partners and community leaders lead the forums and questions then selected the most appropriate changes from the community and presented it to the devs and if you have multiple partners doing that and they all gather the same info well that's confirmation that w.e it is, needs changing.It will also bring a better usefulness to the partner program and dev relationship. And this will make everyone happy. Please consider involving the most knowledgeable and active partners. Allowing the partners who know the game inside and out to communicate with the devs will free up time for the devs to work on the problems instead of reading and trying to pick out what makes sense and what doesn't. I feel the devs shouldn't run the forums.cthe community should and the partners should be the middle man between the devs and the community.
  13. Good luck to the dev that has to read and sort this thread out.My biggest problem is how conditions work and clearing. Once you clear a certain Condi it can come right back making clearing overall VERY ineffective. A short 1-3 seconds of immunity from the Condi you just clears should stop excessive Condi spam. If I cant use plasma bean one after another, why does a thf or a Mesmer or a sword ele get to just reapply there damage type over and over and over again even after I cleared it 2+ times? Mesmers and there clones. It's just to many clone production. Limit there clone production to like 2 at most on the field. If more then 2 is created then one dissapears. When I'm fighting a mesmer I shouldnt keep thinking I'm fighting 4-6 people all the time. I'll probably add more as time goes on
  14. I feel I'm more of the scarred veteran. Wins at 3am and so many losses b.c of ppl dcing, or other numerous reasons. Causing me to be a tad tilty. Lolz Interesting way to rationalize a defeat. While all the wins, from your perspective, are rightfully earned I'm assuming?So your idea of being on the forums is to just antagonize and condescend people? This is a funny video ment for fun. And you find a way to ruin that fun any chance u get? @bighead.3465 what happened to your post? The evasion one?
  15. Yeah but I think it's out dated now. Idk. It's a year+ago so I forgotten and don't care about ranger no more atm.
  16. This was Atleast a year ago....I don't remember this. I highly dout this was you @BigHeadEdd.5029.Please get over yourself. This guy was running full damage. You run safety girly builds that grandmas can beat people with.
  17. It's funny cuz nearly all these people responding are talking about completely different things then the op.Op is talking about black lion chest and keys and weapons like The fire ice sword from it. I forget the name.While other people bring up the monthly black lion trading weapons. Everyone and there moma knows u can buy black lion trading weapons with gold.To funny how some people can be so oblivious to words that they read. Makes me think they just want to choose the opposite side of an argument just to cause problems when in reality they are dead wrong or just straight up not understanding like in this sitchuation.
  18. I don't think they would just spring it on us with in a week with and/or without an announcement. Look at the build template announcement it was announced at least a full month before. So I don't expect it any time soon.
  19. There's enough gem store items that QOL untilities don't need to be monitized and in a fashion that doesn't even come close to what we had before....I buy gem store items all the time with real money. I am very dissapointedd that a QOL feature is monitized and is also not as capable as it predesessor.How is this different from bag slots, bank tabs, storage expansion, shared inventory slots, and so on? Those are all QoL features too, and people are just fine with Anet selling them...What C Cspace Cowboy.5903 said:
  20. Is it? Consider how much difference there is in specially skinned gathered tools vs. unbreakable ones. It's 200 gems EACH. Petty or not, if 200 gems is inline with the visual of a skin, it's not out to lunch for a convenience. There's specially skinned gathering tools that people buy vs endless gathering tools skins? If people spend money on useless utilities/ skin i can see why they have the gual to charge for something so inferior to it's predesessor.I for one am not a child and understand the value of money vs what on the market. Games for children shouldn't have a gem store in it. Would you go up to a kid in a baseball field and try to sell him fancy baseball socks? Or a new glove paint? No so why do it in a video game for children?
  21. Lol anet and statistics? Lmao... Public? .. lmao
  22. There's enough gem store items that QOL untilities don't need to be monitized and in a fashion that doesn't even come close to what we had before....I buy gem store items all the time with real money. I am very dissapointedd that a QOL feature is monitized and is also not as capable as it predesessor.
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