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Everything posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. Only thing one can do is walk away. When ever the day comes when 2v2 and or 3v3 happens is the day this game get revitalised. Having to depend on 4 other strangers is a complete joke. This game 5v5 conquest the only game mode for 6 years is impossible to balance appropriately. Once 2v2 and 3v3 happens this game will be a new day of justice and fun between classes and peers. You cant balance for a 5v3 sichuation if 2 of ur team mate explode. This game mechanic on how every class can cc heal and damage is broken and 5v5 conquest was a baad idea from the start.
  2. 10 thousand people viewed/read/ or participated in this thread. However devs seem to be avoiding it. Can we get some authority(developers) to make some kind of comment about these accounts please!
  3. Theres a few reasons why i probably wont play this game in 2019. And this is just more iceing on the cake. 6 years and still no game mode for pvp same old conquest, 2v2 swiss is a fart in the wind. I have no idea when that will actually drop. In my veteran players mind theres more discouraging reasons to not play this game today then there ever was in the past.
  4. Im a pvper only i dont care for dragons or gods sorry. Comming from gw1, gw2 is a complete failure with its lack of game modes and build diversity.
  5. Iv had this bug since day one of pof released it feels.. As far back as i can remeber full counters exsistance this bug was there. Also another thing that annoys me about thefull counter is, its like ele auras of the old days. And since ele cant have anything good looking they gave that kind of bubble aura effect to warrior. So dissapointing.
  6. Mmmm spoulbeast tis was....my b, he definitly went soulbeast
  7. Yes...long range shot 5.6k to me and i have 2600 armor...https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bjJwQS8ALYu1OJikT2EMlBVW0gaBmaXN/view?usp=drivesdk I feel might is to good now a days. On my ele i can easily get 25 might stacks that gives me no joke 3700 power. Thats insane. Makes running any toughness virtually useless. On druid im sure they can get just as much. I feel might needs to be +15 power instead of +30 just b.c its thrown around so easily and well nothing should make condi damage viable even for a second if your not runing any condi gear in the 1st place. Might should be for power only and there should be a boon for condi damage only. Imo
  8. I want to see nearly all soulbeasts running it
  9. A build iv encountered in wvw uses axe/axe long bow...long bow 1 was hitting me for 5k-6k i have 2600 armor so im not terribly light. Path of scars axe skill was hitting me 7.5k twice since its a 2 way skill. Crazy amounts of damage. Deffinitly wasnt fun playing against it at all.
  10. Well were on new instruments, whaf about a saxophone or a trumpet, or drums that be sweet
  11. Making it possible to dismiss the map vote box is on our backlog, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it. I did create this thread in January. We are now in September, with 2 major patches in between. Nothing was done.Backlog man, all backlogged. Nearly everything the pvp community wants is back loged at least 2 years im guessing
  12. Just want to correct you on one thing. Gw2 came out August 28 2012 i think. Thats 6 years ago not 5....everything you say i agees on.
  13. With out the wiki i cant name 1 item from gw2 and iv been playing since dat one......wait i remeber one now zojos weapons ascended stuff i think...i made a few of those in the past. Oo dragon jade weapons i got a few of those as well.
  14. I can make a list of things that needs to be changed to keep up with other classes power creap from core to tempest to weaver they all need tweaks and buffs..atm im on my phone so real quick what pops into my head atm is cleasing fire. Its a 40 sec cd that cleanses 3 condis...what you did with warriors shake it off needs to happen with cleansing fire. At least 2 charges and bring its condi clearing up to 4 at least on a 25-40 sec cd. That will make the skill useful in this heavey condi meta. Il add more later.As for tempest and there shouts they are all on 40+ second cooldowns making them hard to use effectively when your in combat with this fast pace charge heavy cc heavy meta. The super speed shout is really useful but you can be immeditly cc-ed again right after or having perma immobi on you cuz the single utility condi clear only clears 3 condis every 40 secs. Aftershock is another example of a skill left in the 2015 era(4 years old un changed with the rest of the games power creap and the new era of charges).
  15. Get proper gear and accessory befor stepping in to lvl 80 areas...with out it, youll be killing mobs forever because of your crappy damage....if ud like when i log on i can send you some coin to gear up properly its not that expensive 10g at most for a set of beserker gear i believe.
  16. Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\ It's easy to know what to do. Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands. 100% of this. Or one... Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video. Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to Hahahahaha, this death was so traumatic he will remember it as much as 9-11 Well done job then, we need this to happen to more mesmer players :D Im not a mesmer player at all Ooh sorry lol I saw pink icon and thought mesmer lol Anyways is still a joke to compare this to 9-111st time i see some one use double vault remain invis and still have int forbig staff hit.
  17. Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\ It's easy to know what to do. Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands. 100% of this. Or one... Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video. Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to Hahahahaha, this death was so traumatic he will remember it as much as 9-11 Well done job then, we need this to happen to more mesmer players :DIm not a mesmer player at all
  18. Yet also, quite entertaining. I find it more hilarious as I've basically been using the same build ever since HoT dropped, and it's only taken till recently for people to have an issue with it. 1st time im running accross this double vault 17k hit immediately followed by a 19k hit vault them while still in stealth a 4.9k hit build.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GkBEkkPVWfRIHNURKyjbkGVidSMOJwz-/view?usp=drivesdk
  19. Watch out for sudden, black gas visuals near the surface (happened in the video). The gas = trap activated. DANGER /!\ Thief has teleported to you and is a second away from one-shotting you! /!\ It's easy to know what to do. Shadow trap is so rare that you could probably count the number of people who know this Vidal effect on two hands. 100% of this. Or one... Wonder how many people didn't notice it in the video. Honestly i saw the black smoke but didnt think much of it...had an itch on my face and moved my hand off my mouse then i just died...it a moment of gw ill never forget...like where i was on 9-11 some things u just cant forget no mattwr how much u want to
  20. less then 2 seconds? Try more like .25 second the cast time for vault since his 1st vault did more damage then i have hp
  21. I made alot of mistake...like me hand being off the mouse b.c i had an itch just befor he attack but still even if i was ready a invisable 17k vault followed by a 19k vault is still more hp then ill ever have.
  22. Look at the score it was a big problem.......i feel if ur in stealth u should do 1/2 damage or even 25% damage reduction just for attackin in stealth....why should anyclass ever get a free invisa attack that can do more damage then most classes have hp, with no reprocussions even if it is dodged.
  23. No... That's not what I was saying at all. I'm saying it was desync, not an exploit. w.e about that....i just looked at the log and u vaulted me twice and only appeared once......ur 1st vault did 17k the 2nd did 19k....whats the deal with that?
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