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Perfect Self.6849

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Everything posted by Perfect Self.6849

  1. Just want to respond to this in case nobody else has. Vsync stops screen tearing, that's literally what it exists to do. Without vsync (or gsync or freesync) ALL GAMES will have tearing. This is because the gpu is rendering and delivering frames as fast as it can with no regard for how much of the previous frame has displayed, so when you move the camera you get part of one frame and part of another ect. Has nothing at all to do with optimization.
  2. years and years this been going on apparently. Confirming its still going on.
  3. Please break down the Postprocessing setting into several independent options (best case scenario would be sliders) controling their respective effects, as it stands now its basically unusable because it controls bloom and the bloom is absolutely blinding. It also seems to control some kind of contrast or saturation effect which is also way overdone in the default available steps, especially when combined with the insane bloom/glow setting.
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