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Posts posted by exeggcuter.8394

  1. Just now, Xenesis.6389 said:

    I said they "probably" don't ask those questions, as in they'll respond regardless because that's their mentality, especially if oj's are showing. I haven't been on mag in quite some time so I don't know what their scouting calls are like these days.

    I wasn't talking about their skill or being better, I was simply trying to say there's no control on how many would show up to a call, it's the same on every single other server.

    The pedantry has FINALLY started! Took 11 pages but it's finally here. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! SAVE YOUR SANITY!

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  2. 10 minutes ago, KevinEvo.7061 said:

    Many of you are missing the point of the Maguuma hate. Some of use don't care about WvW. Anet forces us into here for PvE reasons. We are locked out of PvE content because we can't get GOBs, or do dailies. Last week I literally had to camp flip for 17 hours for pips to finish Conflux Do you think that's fun? It's unbelievable this situation is allowed to happen. Some of us don't like 1v1, 5v5 or roaming; that's what the PvP game mode is for. Some people like large scale battles.


    ALL of this is impossible fighting Mag, and it's a terrible experience. It's probably the worst gaming experience I've had in any game. I asked someone from that server, and he said he didn't care because he's getting maximum pips. They want and enjoy this situation. They are not good players, they want free rewards while denying others. I am now at the point of blocking all Mag players, and I will kick them from groups in PvE content. They keep me from WvW content, I will keep them from PvE.

    This is IMO an unrelated issue. I've mentioned it many times in my server's team chat but if you're joining WvW for the rewards you're in for a bad time. If you aren't having fun playing a game... why are you playing...???


    Kinda similar I guess but I have no fun being completely unable to frikken DO anything with the current setup. Blah blah blah maguuma is more skilled my butt. Hence my initial post proposing a solution.


    That's more or less the reason I'm still doing this forums stuff. It's quite amusing to me.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

    That doesn't mean any other server is going to easily be able to reach similar skill levels especially the combination of skill + playtime + ability to play without commanders holding their hands constantly.

    Hmmm are you contrasting average skill level, or total skill level of all the players combined? Obviously servers with more players will have more total skill. I don't doubt that maguuma has more total skill. It's quite easy to have more good scouts if you have more players. And etc etc.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

    Maguumies actually talk on map chat, when you ask for help they actually show up. Maguumies are capable of pushing a defended T3 for hours until it breaks, without any centralized commanding required.


    And when it comes to actually fighting, if you make a good play and go deep, they support you and generate downs.  EVERY OTHER SERVER, the players are 90% likely to just run away and watch you die. Maguumies simply understand momentum and positioning, as an unorganized group, significantly better than any other server.


    None of this is just the last 2 months, it's the last 3 years.  I generally ration my play time on Maguuma, because the more I play there, the more I hate playing anywhere else.


    13 minutes ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

    I never even remotely implied you'd be able to skill up to overcome mag.

    I dunno man, these two statements seem to conflict somewhat. Not entirely. But still. You note there is skill maguuma has that others servers don't. By that logic other servers could get more skilled and thus overcome mag. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth. Sorry if it feels that way.

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  5. Now I understand why you are far more skilled than anyone else on guild wars 2 @ arya. By sheer amount of time spent playing this game you've managed to perfect everything the game has to offer. Clearly I need to condense my gameplay habits down to one game. Then I'd have the skill required to beat Mag.


    obs likely did the same. I should follow his example and play Guildwars 2 more.

    • Haha 1
  6. Hmmm @Dagger ... perhaps the reason I don't see what you describe is because I'm often our team's tag and have a suicidaly aggressive approach to tagging. I will 100% dive face first into a zerg of 50 people most of the time, but that gets old quick when your own team has like 5 others online cuz they all moved to mag / aren't playing cuz a ton of players moved to mag.


    W/e... Any excuses of people not tagging is like 150G or w/e it is to buy a tag yourself.


    Fun fact: you don't need to be competent to be a tag, you just have to buy it, literally, from an NPC.

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  7. Oh, and I just now noticed something... I don't have any alts! So some of this issue is people playing on the side they want rather than the side they are already on. Maybe I should dump a few hundred more bucks into this game and get an alt on all servers besides Mag so I can play with them?


    I'd level stuff to 60 and get free accounts but that sound like more work than it's worth.

    • Thanks 1
  8. So what you're telling me, obs, is that you continued to play on EBay right up until MAG got more bloated than normal?


    The ultimate gist of the initial post wasn't that mag was somehow suddenly the most numerous. That was true since I started. The gist is that it's way more *than is typical* and should go it alone *for one relink*.


    It's been hilarious reading the mental gymnastics trying to overanalyze what I posted and suggesting it's more complex than that.


    I've mentioned it before, and have been the team with more numbers. We won pretty good at that moment because of that. One side will have more numbers than the others at all times. There are ways to work around it >90% of the time.


    But is there a point that the outnumbered is bad enough that there isn't a workaround? At a certain point any style of play stops working. You can't "draw people off other maps" when all maps have a map que. You can't run circles around a team that has a scout at every objective. You can't take tier 3 anything when all of the things have enemies everywhere and nothing to do.


    TLDR: gonna be outnumbered, breaks sometimes, now broke.

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  9. Alright, I did myself a favor and chose to play a little bit of WvW tonight. I'm aware confirmation bias is a thing, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Keeping an open mind is the only way to always be right.


    MAG is moderately competent. They will 100% respond to a group of 5 people with 25 people tho. They will not win even fights reliably. Sometimes? Sure. But whether they win even fights doesn't matter against them. They run from even fights, and call for backup immediately. You won't get anything resembling an even fight against Maguuma. Continue to believe it's somehow secretly a skill gap. If that's what helps you sleep at night, more power to ya's.


    I challenge ya'll to look up the semi-famous "Unfair Monopoly Experiment".


    Also also also, I have been on the receiving end of having more players on my team, and I am well aware while it is happening why we are managing to take objectives. Skill is of course important as always, but I don't pretend that my team is somehow secretly so vastly superior in skill that the other team deserves to lose or w/e such nonsense I've seen various fellas post.

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    Can any pro-mander please provide some advice to a newbie like me? I've read most of the posts on this thread, and some of them suggest I git gud. I want to git gud. I already do my best while scouting, know most of the cheese siege spots, and have builds that can kill almost anything, 1v1 at least. I want to absorb as much knowledge from seasoned veterans such as your good selves on these forums. That way I can ponder and apply it next time I'm outnumbered 70 to 1.

    • Haha 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, Phelan.2014 said:

    You guys did this to yourself.

    Correct. I moved to maguuma. I spent real world money to make a problem I don't like worse.



    You imply this is some kind of victim / criminal type situation with this phrasing. You are also victim blaming by that same logic. I was busy playing Factorio like crazy when this happened. How the heck is that anyone's fault but the people who moved?

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  12. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate obs just noted that MAG has more SEA and other off hours "which is unheard of on MAG"? That is further evidence that mag has more people than previously.

    1 hour ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

    the take on what’s happening is spot on. We have had more than a few Q’s during sea time during the week. Which in the past was unheard of on MAG. Clearly your into something.

    Why do you bother on arguing against this, when you just admitted it's true? Or it's satire. I can never quite tell with this person.

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  13. I guess I should point out the obvious: skill of course does matter. A lot! But when the advantage in numbers gets to a certain point, it stop mattering. How many more players need to move to mag before the mag players admit they have an advantage? Do twice as many people need to move to that server? Ten times as many? A Thousand? Surely there IS a point where you can't deny that's the only reason.

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