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Bach From The Brink.2715

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  1. u rlly gonna hhype people up and then not tell thm what you went in for? cooooooooooooooooome on man ngl though, probably soon because clothing like that sells really well in video games for some reason I think the best crowd for it are the "I play a female character because I like to look at pretty girls instead of manly men" people. But to be honest, I think they just want to be a girl in a video game. They usually don't agree if you tell them this though so don't say that to anyone.
  2. This is something that has been bugging me for a while. There always seems to be no shortage of trolls (especially in pvp) and I know they can be annoying if not painful to deal with. So, here's a few things to keep in mind: - They are trying to make you feel a certain way. They are imagining an emotion from their own emotional world and trying to get you to feel that. That emotion is going to always be a negative one, one they'd experienced in the past and one that had a negative impact on them. - They don't enjoy trolling. Despite what trolls will often try to tell you, they don't enjoy what they do. They just have had enough negative experience in their life to develop a defunct coping style that is only going to perpetuate any feelings of unhappiness / malcontent they feel over the long-term. What trolls actually feel when they successfully "troll" someone is far closer to a sense of relief than what the healthy population knows as happiness. Sustainable, long-term happiness is going to stem from feeling connection with another human being. - They try to ooze and project an air of confidence. This is to convince you that they are confident and make you forget that, like everyone else, they're a human with pain. This goes hand-in-hand with them not wanting you to realize that everything they do is a projection of how they truly feel deep down. - Lastly, they are contagious. If you're around trolls enough, their behavior might seep over onto you. Don't let their unhealthy coping style impact you or cause you to become one of them. Block and move on. If they think blocking means they're winning something, good for them. They can hold onto that thought since they probably need it anyways. If you're a troll, don't fret, there is help and there is a way out: It is completely possible to practice developing connections with others. We practice our emotions and build them up over time. It's fulfilling to be emotionally vulnerable and if you can create a bond of trust with someone, you will feel happiness that will last. This requires sustained effort and knowing your boundaries. But rest assured, if you put in the effort, you will eventually get to that point. FAQ: Why am I being trolled, is there something wrong with me? No, there isn't. You likely said something that a troll didn't agree with (something that might've made them feel vulnerable) or did something that reminded them of themselves (a lot of trolls hate themselves). I'm a troll, but I have friends and family? Yes, you do. That's good. Practice treating them well and be outgoing for them and search for that human connection everyone is capable of feeling. Over time, you'll notice that treating others well versus mean provides a better emotional experience for you. It might not be immediately evident, though, because stimulation/anxiety/adrenaline can be addicting and make you very, very short-sighted. I don't feel any connection with others, what should I do? You've probably had a pretty bad time then. You're not alone. I'd urge you to consider that everyone is capable of feeling connection with others unless there are biological abnormalities (see psychopathy) in their brain that are preventing that. You might have to work for it over days, weeks, months, but you're completely capable of bringing back trust into your life. The internet doesn't make me happy, what should I do? You're not alone. Approximately 5.3 to 5.4 billion people have internet. Only a teensy, tiny percent of those people participate in forums, comments section, etc. of any kind. You can probably guess why that is.
  3. The issue isn't balance anymore, it's the fact this game mode no longer has the player base to make matches balanced. If you get into plat it becomes noticeable. 1) You're a plat, the other team has a plat. Your goal is to farm/troll the enemy golds on the other team as hard as possible. This can be done by playing a high dps spec and farming the enemy team into a pulp. This can also be done by playing a good dueling class and farming those 1-2 noobs on the enemy team who want to ego duel the better player/build. 2) You're plat, the other team has a plat. You're the better plat and you farm the boosted plat. 3) You're plat, the other team has a plat duo. Good luck and enjoy the loss. 4) You're plat, and surprisingly most of the lobby appears to be plat, too. This is a rare game, cherish it. You won't ever see it happening outside of ATs. You also won't see it happen if you Q again after because, inevitably, one of the plat people/duos is going to log off after they lose the game to avoid matching against the other plat person / duo. 5) You're the only plat in the lobby. Your singular goal is to farm and troll the enemy team as hard as possible and pray to rng god that your team is not composed of noobs. Bonus: You're the only person currently rated plat in your lobby. Your singular goal is to farm and troll the enemy team as hard as possible and pray to rng god that your team is not composed of noobs. This is, unfortunately, complicated by the fact your team is mostly higher silver-low gold while the enemy team is mostly mid-high gold to compensate for you being plat. Be prepared to win 4 and lose 20+ if your power firebrand and staff thief decide they want to play a grey screen simulator.
  4. I think you're misunderstanding. I'll correct my post to say that whoever participated in a kill or group regardless of whether or not they were in an actual group resulted in split rewards.
  5. Hello. Please buff roaming rewards to incentivize roaming. If you're solo, you should get more when you manage to do something good for your team like getting a kill or capturing a camp. You should then get decreased credit based on how many people (regardless of whether or not you're in a party) participated in a kill or captured a camp. The caveat is that you actually still get more when you're in a group of people because you're generating more kills, flipping more camps, etc... But at least it makes roaming feel rewarding. I used to play this game called LOTRO and they did this. It felt satisfying to roam and get kills for yourself. A lot of people still preferred group play because it got you more rewards, but roaming solo or in a small group wasn't a bad option either. They also had this rating system where if you didn't die a lot, you'd get a higher rating and be worth more rewards. If you died a lot, you'd get a lower rating and be worth less rewards. This made you feel accomplished when you brought down a player with a high rating and saw 2x-3x the rewards you would've expected to get from a single player. This also helped prevent afk farming. Thanks.
  6. If you played WvW frequently and were good at zerging, GS power mirage was never a problem. Even if some god tier Mesmer was on it and dropping 8k-9k dps, chances are they could swap to some other spec and drop more. Not to mention it was also inconsistent because moving, especially around corners, had a tendency to decrease its damage by a good bit. Oh yeah, did I mention how a lot of it was also spread inflating those numbers? If the DEV who nerfed it was upset they got beamed by some Mesmer scrub (instead of the dank alternative of getting 100-0d by a holosmith/catalyst in 2 seconds - guess which of these don't have a giant purple indicator that you're being hit?) they could've at least compensated by shifting damage elsewhere. Now, not only does it have worse damage than well over half a dozen other options, but it's also now an additional 20%+ below them. Great job ANET.
  7. Another job well done by ANET. Corpse of transfuse necro rests right next to WvW GS power mirage. Hilarious how it drops less than just about every other class even remotely close to meta but gets nerfed. Almost viable in the right hands, but still worse than just playing anything else. Ask any competent WvW zerger / player if GS power mirage was EVER a problem, and the answer is always going to be a resounding "no." I 100% guarantee you some DEV on a squish spec got targeted by a split surge and the big purple beam made him REAL mad, and that's why that nerf is here. So many other classes hitting harder with poor visual indicators yet the one with the GIANT, PURPLE visual indicator gets the boot.
  8. Give power chrono a try. It's unironically in a better state than power GS mirage if you hit your abilities and focus on timing your cont splits well. This is the big one. If you don't time your cont split well, bad stuff happens. You port back into their zerg, you lose out on dps, youre too far away and your clones get blown up en route to target, or they shatter at the edge of the enemy group instead of the center. Honestly felt super taxed getting to a point where I could consistently bomb on power chrono, especially given you NEED to be able to hit high APM during cont split... which sometimes just doesn't happen with wvw lag. I still don't agree that mirage deserved what it got, but hey, good luck out there. I'm very top-down when it comes to balance ideation. If something has other options that are out-performing it, even if that build is annoying (was power mirage this?), it should get to exist as is. So long as it isn't meta (the overperformers), that's fine for the game.
  9. ANET only removed the employee who said that when his logs leaked. They were likely aware of how he was balancing the game long before those screenshots leaked and gained traction. Integrity points? zerooooo GS Power mirage got gutted in WvW for no foreseeable reason and justifications for why it was nerfed are flimsy at best. Ask any competent WvW player / zerger if it was ever a problem or was actually better than other specs and you're going to get a resounding no. Even if a good player was piloting it, it was still not comparable to a lot of other options out there - some of which aren't meta either.
  10. I wouldn't be upset with someone getting attention over the internet. Everyone here kinda just watches / views whatever is entertaining, regardless of standards. Talking about some peep who is clearly having a good time with that much derision... really isn't funny or entertaining honestly. It kinda just makes me sad.
  11. Kinda wild they didn't include the new additions to the patch notes so they could get feedback on them. The fact mirage GS power received a 25-30% cut without any feedback from the community is wild. Literally everyone I've seen in-game and everywhere else is scratching their head at how that ever went through. But it did, and I doubt it's getting changed because some DEV really get peeved at the spec. Pretty confident the change was made based on personal preference rather than what was actually effective - because effective is something power mirage most certainly was not. Not behind several other classes anyways lmao. The year is 2027, the discord logs are getting leaked again and it turns out ANET never stopped balancing based on their own internal ideals instead of what the community want / thought was best. In fact, the old balance dev that got his logs leaked never actually left the team. They just said he did. So hyped for the big reveal because I bet its coming. Stuff always gets out eventually. Turns out when you let someone like that LEAD and CONTROL the balance of your game for that long and ONLY GET RID OF HIM when his logs get leaked and start to get public attention.... well, let's just say your company probably doesn't have the best integrity. But hey! At least the company values their employees, even if they are saying some pretty backwards things.
  12. To be fair, mmorpg stories are all pretty cringe with little bits and pieces of good stuff while the other 80% is pretty... yeah... its bad. It usually puts the peep in some position where they're THE GUY and THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO... and just can't get into it ever because I know that someone wrote that trying to boost and build people up. Certainly not a bad thing given the player-centric nature of MMOs but uh when it happens that often it kinda gets cringe? Weird? Odd? Not really sure. They really try to push that idea that you're some commander WHO IS ON THEIR GAME. I think of the people who actually enjoy being told that with words / pixels and I honestly just smile a teensy tiny bit. Think people often praise FFXIV for being some AMAZING storytelling when it's kinda just average at best. Some people don't want to play through the story. They just want to do things that are blocked through the story. I'm a few years into this game and I've completed barely anything from the story because... not gonna lie, I hate mmorpg stories and while I'm sure gw2 has its moments, theres some pretty ones that are hard to engage yourself in. Think I've only done a few selected chapters to get to stuff that I wanted to do and just done my best to avoid everything else. Having the option to skip dialogue would be pretty great. OP is probably just pretty disappointed that there's no option for that when a lot of other games have it.
  13. You could make so many other classes sound broken if you used that spam logic. Like pogo stick thief. Perma dodges + bursts on people if you get resets with the energy sigil. Must be uber broken, right? Oh, but its melee! Range is clearly less healthy where you're using your dodges on nothing 90% of the time and spamming them for damage. Meanwhile multiple other classes dealing far more damage while being able to stand on tag effectively. Holosmith casually dropping 20k+ dps bombs sustained for like 300-600k, and oodles of other things. I literally had a screenshot of me dropping 40k dps / 450k/500k. Mirage would reach 1/4 of that at best and it wouldn't be as concentrated, it would be spread. >Spamming ambushes. Maybe it would've occurred to you that's kinda the theme of the mirage, no? >Perma invulnerability, you're off-tag. You are not on a duelist spec. You can meme some people but if you're out of CDs, you don't have fun. Running GS/GS in place of sword or spear destroys your dueling ability unless you're playing against a complete noob. If you're on tag and moving around a lot, you sac a lot of damage. If you've actually played the spec in a group that knows how to move, you should have noticed this. >If you think this spec deserved what it got, you probably never touched it. Know a few peeps who will lie online to try and make it sound like they know what they're talking about. Either that or you've never touched any other spec. >Sustained DPS, again a good amount of that was spread. And there's multiple classes in the meta that are ahead of Mirage with concentrated DPS on arc. No idea how it's doing now but reflect brand could hit 20k dps / 1 million total. But you weren't getting any downs. Know why? Because it was ALL spread. >Nothing warranted to 25%-30% nerf it received apart from the personal feelings of some balance dev and probably some anecdotal instance where a good mirage unintentionally topped the charts a few times in one of his/her zergs. Funny because when people play other things optimally it's just better. You're doing your best to make it sound bonkers broken here, which is great, because no one else in WvW was ever raving or ranting about how broken it was and how everyone should be playing it. I'd perform well on it and still pretty routinely be asked to swap off because you PROVIDE NOTHING ELSE BUT DAMAGE TO YOUR ZERG. You also get less damage than just playing other stuff in the meta well. AND AGAIN, its spread. If you manage to spam enough beams on a group to reach that magical 9k/10k sustained dps for say 400k, you're getting less downs than the zerk/catalyst who is hitting people multiple abilities in a row dealing 10k+ in a CLOSE proximity.
  14. No hate, but it'd be pretty great if we knew how balance happened. I'm sure you'd like to know. It's known we got a little bit of increased transparency after the whole discord leaks a while back but that hasn't lasted. If you know what GS power mirage was in WvW, you'd know just how much of a crime it was to get slapped with nerfs that large. Its kinda like saying any off-meta picks that aren't even overperforming and aren't common could get nerfed at any point in time just because ??? who knows. Balancing is pretty complicated and no small feat, for sure. There's so many factors and things to consider that it's no wonder they've got a team for that. Definitely some funky stuff going on with feedback and some changes, though. If warrior changes are reasonable, I can very well tell you that the mirage GS ambush nerf in WvW is pretty far removed from that. I thought warrior just kept on catching nerf after nerf? The recent nerf is the one that people seemed upset about because other classes that were now out-performing warrior weren't nerfed alongside it. Honestly, having classes that don't require significant skill that can bench high numbers is not a bad thing at all. At least that's kinda my personal thoughts on it.
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