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Everything posted by Daeth.8912

  1. Haven't tried with Rot Stalker yet obviously, but with a lot of particle effect armors you can hide any glow by using midnight black dye on that channel.
  2. Now they have the core function available to general players I wouldn't be surprised if we saw premium houses on the store. ESO makes a ton of money off them.
  3. I have one I use for open world and PvP, because the dazes / interrupts are amazing and you can stack up conditions quickly (I use Demon Queen relic). It has poor sustain though, so for any instanced content where you aren't really getting the benefit from constant daze / interrupt you would want to use Virtuoso instead.
  4. I think linking healing to mantras was the biggest reason heal Mesmer never took off. Glamours would have made more sense from a functional point of view to tie heals too. Wells also make sense, but it's a shame that's elite spec locked.
  5. You could build Ritualists who weren't healers, and like it or not, healers actually exist now. My GW1 Ritualist was DPS with turret cursing ghosts and spirit weapon buffs. There is nothing in GW2 remotely like that. The interaction of spells and ghost turrets was fantastic. The scraps of skills like the elite Urn Vindicators get really don't count. There are more than enough GW1 unique skills and builds to make a GW2 Ritualist class with multiple elite specs.
  6. I think you will find that they are ill tempered mutated sea bass with jade cannons on their head.
  7. They should just unlock all 3 modes dailies (15 total) and cap you at 5 completed, with 4 for the daily objective. That way you can jump into another mode if there is something you can't or don't want to complete. Having to gamble beforehand whether you want to do that type of content (and what options you'll get) isn't great.
  8. Half of them you'll get passively anyway, like log in, dodge things, or do combos. Really no need to overcap when the option to drop 30 for gold is there. And often the 3rd/4th is so low effort / quick there's no reason not to do it for a few gold.
  9. If it was more difficult to get the 'exclusive' items I would agree, but I comfortably got them all and am now just churning out the repeatable gold. I don't feel like I cant miss a day, its just in game currency I am missing now. If they keep costs about the same for future seasons I would be happy to skip days.
  10. A toggle would be good for griffon / skyscale, there are plenty of free hotbar buttons left to use while flying to make a toggle.
  11. After you've hit ascended quality, everything else is fluff and meaningless. Do the story, chase shiny stuff you like the look of. If you are having to work too hard to have fun, you should probably find something else to do.
  12. Yeah I was hoping it would be better if they were going to replace it. Currently the easiest way is sPvP. And it's still going to be that after the update. Disappointing. They should look at ESO PvE dailies. Much less annoying than the ones GW2 does.
  13. The example photo had a jump puzzle or a strike. Both types of content that annoy a lot of players. Can you try to accommodate all playstyles with the daily, sometimes all you feel like doing is some open world combat or content (Yes I know the jumping puzzle fits that niche, but when you have a larger ping its more annoying than fun). This change will still just bottleneck me into doing sPvP as the easiest way to complete the daily, even if I am not in the mood for that.
  14. I don't think motherly is a good word to describe her given her historical relationship with her actual son.
  15. Yeah no, no class has ghost turrets or held relics like Ritualist did. It was such a unique class in the genre, they would be silly not to bring it back in its full glory. I know they were going for a similar theme for Revenant, but it's not even close in practice. Paragon on the other hand? Could just add throwing spears as a weapon and a Shout Warrior / Guardian would basically be one. Probably suit Guardian as an elite spec if they ever do those again.
  16. Auramancer is a super fun support build. Watching other players kill themselves from projectiles reflecting during earth aura is glorious. If you want just one element you will be disappointed though, there are some LI builds out there that only use one element, but most viable Ele builds will need you to be a professional pianist or an expert keybinder. I do miss GW1 elementalist where you would only focus on one primary element and one support element. Felt more impactful than hitting every button you can before swapping / overloading.
  17. The min range thing will be annoying for Mech if you pick the ranged talent at all (due to crappy AI positioning), but largely ignorable if you use a melee one as you'll both just stand in melee. It's not exactly a skill challenge, all you will do is kill the ranged mech choice further (it's basically already dead anyway post rocket nerf). I assume this was to fix PvP issues of chasing mechs and not related to PvE anyway, so maybe make the pet lose 50% stats if you haven't hit the target for more than 10s.
  18. No, you are thinking of turrets, which already exist. The whole point of gyros was that they were mobile wells. The only one that is causing problems though in its current state is the invis one, but making it stationary would gut the spell and make it useless - especially as an elite. Maybe it should only apply to other players once in WvW but leave it the same otherwise.
  19. Just make it so if you are more than 1 rank different to the second account / friend you get no rewards. You can help boost them to help them catch up to you, but until then you get nothing from rated. Just reward track progress that you would get from unrated.
  20. Also sorry to my team in PvP as I discovered this issue haha. The slideshow of carnage looked brutal.
  21. Yeah playing from Australia here too. Since the Steam launch its now unplayable. I keep getting log in server errors while in game (never had this before and been playing daily for a while now). Checked the firewall and made sure GW2 was going through.
  22. Just jumping in for a general comment - maybe we could get every weapon updated to have both condition and power use? Just scale like mechanist mace so they work for both builds. There are a lot of weapons that look cool and have interesting abilities, but I wont touch because they are the wrong damage type. Would make older base weapons a lot less stale and open them up to more builds. Also not a fan of weapon specific traits clogging up specialization trees.
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