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Everything posted by Miraweave.5934

  1. This is very nice to see, really hoping it means some adjustments to previous Elementalist nerfs. Catalyst is obviously the example fresh in everyone's minds, but honestly the class as a whole has been suffering from this issue of being balanced around theoretical top tier performance leaving it not worth playing over other classes in most situations. I'd love to see weaver get some love to justify it being a melee spec with a complex and fragile rotation that brings basically nothing other than damage to the table someday. If not on the DPS front, it'd at least be nice to have relevant utility to bring to a fight.
  2. +1, character is cool as hell and deserves way more screen time than she got. The redemption arc they put her on was really cool and refreshing to see since since seeing characters actually grapple with their past wrongdoings and struggle to improve themselves is a pretty rare sight, and it sucks to see that turned into a generic "and then she sacrifices herself to save the day" redemption story. I also think that bringing her back could tie well into a general "fractal weirdness" plotline in the upcoming story, since a fairly significant piece EoD left hanging was the fact that the Aetherblades spent years in the fractals and managed to either avoid becoming fractalized, or their fractalized versions managed to leave the fractals, both of which would have pretty significant implications given the existing fractal storyline with Dessa and Arkk. Bringing her back would be a great way to simultaneously explore that loose end AND finish the excellent character work they started with her. Anet pls
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