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Everything posted by Floz.8904

  1. Hello, I know we are a small slice of the pie, but i am curious if any consideration has been given to increased tiers and population. Currently, OCX is the dead zone in terms of pop and content. There are maybe 5 total guilds that actually see content. If they are in 5 different tiers, it will result in less pop than before. Is there any consideration for implementing a map lock during ocx times? E.g. only enable EBG and an alpine BL and lock scoring from the other maps? That will give guilds more content and still have a container for roamers and havoc groups to play in. I can't think of another solution for the tz other than possibly just making eotm accessible (mounts, gliding etc) to enable dead timezones an easy ability to cross over and still have a wvw experience. Chur, Flozzy
  2. Please fix Cleansing Synergy and Reconstruction Enclosure for mechanist. It seems simple enough to give it to medkit activiation and put a cooldown on it. Or just give it to rocket punch. It severely neuters mechanist as a healer.
  3. Hi, love the initiative to bringing objective lords in line with the power creep we have from expacs/meta development. Lord healing/objective control is an excellent addition which gives defenders a needed advantage once the walls are down. I'd highly recommend putting something on the SMC lord or giving it more interactive cc (like Air Keep Lord). Keen for future objective development and keep up the good work. As always, make red BL popular again. Best BL. Block out the haters. Chur.
  4. My post is wvw focused. Would highly recommend leaving Relic of Resistance on elite. It has uses in certain builds. By putting it on a heal skill you essentially are opening up firebrand and mantra chrono to abuse it. If you're trying to bring chrono/brand in line, giving them +17% resistance uptime (before boon duration is considered) just gives them free amazing boons for minimal cost. Edit: I had the missed the cd reduction. After boon duration, both chrono and fb will be able to hold near 40% resistance uptime just by themselves. Brands can already do 20% easily. Pair that with an inspi sig and you could be sitting at near 60%. Would recommend Pack relic goes on heal skill and loses superspeed and goes to 10s. Resistance stays on elite at 30s cd. If anything, the relic changes as mentioned open up more build paths for chrono and firebrand and further cement them as meta for their role. Need to give some love to warrior variants to compete, warrior needs a low-medium cd stab application to compete. As a disclaimer, im a chrono and firebrand main.
  5. Yeah that's fair - i think there's enough toxicity in wvw anyway so this would not really sway the balance. The block function exists and there are many blocked players on our lists.
  6. I dont think i do. I say, remove not counting to war score. However, i do agree that in the instances that blobs are just rolling into keeps and killing the 5-6 people online in a server at the time would be made worse. Your argument in this specific post is the actual only feasible counterargument. This is also fair, however it happens already. "Teq is up in 5 mins" has been thrown around plenty of times. Let alone outright animosity towards bad guilds. This still heavily favours defending groups and a PPT focused buff. I guess it does give you around a 20-25% momentum buff when PPTing the enemy too. I think the genuine solution could be that you can choose between 2 buffs from one of the Spawn guards or something. - one is a fight focused outnumbered buff that has caveats to the distance between players like i've suggested. - one is a supply capacity like you've suggested and retains the current invulnerability to PPK score impact. Depending on the content you want, you pick which outnumbered buff you get only when the outnumbered proc is available. The other element is that in small scale 1v1s etc, having that much of a stat boost will be wild (especially in cele + antitox builds) so maybe a 3rd skewed towards roaming to give them something. A movement speed buff or something, im not across the nuance enough of roaming to know what the issues are. Perhaps something that gives you resolution every interval. Again, thank you for taking the time to throw a reasonable counterargument, you have some valid points.
  7. I'll admit this one was petty. But the incredibly confusing conversation around a fundamental misunderstanding of buffs and debuffs warranted the easiest way to resolve it - a guide to how boons and condis work.
  8. Like a minor buff to the outnumbered party's stats? I will acknowledge that my suggestion is probably slightly biased to the content we find ourselves in of 15v30 comped or 15v45 semi comped. So my approach is probably more skewed to that sort of power meta than the smaller scale condi meta like Loose Dogs etc of 5v15 cloud. But at that point, you're not actually being affected by focussed target cap of 20 wells going down on you at the same time, so target cap in a condi v cloud meta is not as much of an impact to skew your detriment. We can also handle outnumbered fights without target cap. The equivalent would be your 5 man group fighting our comped 15 man group. I guarantee you lose that fight every time. But this is not a competition of kitten measurement. It is a way to reward difficult and competitive content. And it is more likely than not, not going to happen. But just some food for thought to get the conversation away from the status quo of WvW complaining and towards some sort of positive evolution.
  9. https://youtu.be/GENhSXV-MYQ?si=gk-GToy6dJV8AVY2
  10. You can absolutely not do this. Amending target caps either outnumbered or global breaks the game entirely. If you have 10 people being hit by grav well or 10 people being hit by arc dividers. that's a worse outcome than getting beaten by a group that has met contingent caveats to have a minor stat buff. But appreciate you proposing other suggestions rather than taking the standard forum approach of complain with no alternative.
  11. Yeah this is very confusing. Now you're arguing my point by disagreeing with me? Take the scenario in which i have an effect on me that makes me take 10% more damage. A player attacking me does 10% more damage as the result of the debuff currently on me. The player attacking me is benefitted by the debuff currently applied to me. If this is difficult to follow, i'd suggest wiking Vulnerability.
  12. Yah so in general the buff will have no effect on your style of gameplay, which is the intent. If you're running around roaming, vs other roamers there is no change. It is not intended to make roaming different at all - hence the caveats. The scenario in which this negatively impacts you is - you are on a map with your gang of 3 thieves. - you have a friendly zerg on the map who proc the outnumbered buff for the enemy. - the enemy outnumbered group >5 and running within 360 radius of eachother for it to be active fight your 3 man roaming squad. - you are at a defecit as a result. The scenario in which that happens is significantly rarer than the scenario of havoc/fight guilds fighting zergs. Happy to hear an alternative solution?
  13. Sure was. Because you're referencing a debuff, so you said the exact opposite of what you meant.
  14. Can i ask what your fight numbers are usually? If you're 5v15 you'd be the one benefiting from the buff unless you're in NA prime in which case the buff is probably not active anyway due to pop. This is not imbalance and not random. There are 3 conditions that need to be met for this to occur and you are on the receiving end of the imbalance anyway. It's interesting though coz it sounds like you often fight outnumbered and go up against triple numbers frequently, so i'm curious to see what your take is? We frequently 15v50. We've won maybe 1-2 fights over 2 years through lucky/perfect movement and perhaps poor movement from the enemy. Even with a stat increase you are still most likely going to lose. Why not try and mitigate that gap? Im curious to hear what your solution would be?
  15. Yah agreed. What i'm suggesting is that having the stat increase is a buff that favours that high risk play, but it now also comes with a significant punishment if you stuff up. You could feed 1200 points of ppk and alter your server standing. Not that server standing is a priority, but it can effect your tier and your content for the weeks to follow. I think that's possibly room to hesitate whether you actually do throw your 15 man khorne berserkers into the enemy 50 man.
  16. Sometimes yes. But that's on the opposing server to rally their full group on the map to come and fight your group as they are now giving you free stats and have the capability to outnumber you. The impact of target cap is more substantial than 250 stats for those 5 core stats. How many times have you and your group beaten double numbers? We do it a decent amount of time. How many times has your group beaten triple numbers? We never do it. There's a breakpoint where target cap at triple numbers is just too much to overcome. If you want to address target cap, you are breaking a fundamental part of how the game works and lifting target cap when outnumbered is a horrendous idea. This suggestion aims to mitigate the delta between fighting at a -100% deficit up to a -200% defecit. Even a 10% stat buff is a mitigating measure that helps limit that delta. Odds are still drastically stacked against the outnumbered group.
  17. Next challenger, never did this post say "remove PPk". It said "remove your invulnerability to affecting score as a result of dying to the enemy". You can't have your cake and eat it too. By getting an outnumbered fight buff, you are being rewarded for fighting. And thus there needs to be a cost associated with that reward. That is the cost. You may feed the enemy. I run a fight guild that also fights outnumbered. How frequently do you think people will leave the map to get 250 stats? If there's content, nobody is leaving it. WvW players arent going to hop map to get a buff if there's available content. By giving outnumbered more supply capacity, you again encourage PPT. This is an attempt to suggest some PPK balances for Outnumbered fighting.
  18. This actually makes no sense. Buff the team who is operating at a 200% benefit already by running 30v15 and most probably having the objectives you're fighting over. I understand target cap effects gameplay, it's a mitigating factor so that all the boon ball complainers have 10% less to complain about.
  19. Aight, let's do this. It doesn't. It is there as a mechanism to introduce an element of risk to the side getting the buff. Sure, you get a buff but at the same time if you don't use it properly - you're now a detriment to your server. You cannot just have a reward without a risk, this provides risk. Hence the original wording of having skin in the game.
  20. Hello, straight to the juicy content. The current outnumbered buff functions as an incentive to get rewards and provides the recipient with a reward track gain, wxp gain and also means you dont count towards PPK. This encourages a more havoc based, fight dodging, PPT style of play when outnumbered. I'd like to make a suggestion to reward the smaller, competitive guilds who try to fight bigger guilds when severely outnumbered. Due to the way target cap works, if you are 15v30, you are doing 100% less damage and 100% healing than the other group assuming similar composition and skill. 15v45 and you may as well log off. This is not a suggestion to break target cap while outnumbered, but purely a mitigating measure to encourage smaller guilds to still fight in the face of overwhelming odds (similar to Dragon's End and the Commander from the personal story). I'd like to propose: - Remove the PPK buffer and let outnumbered combatants count towards score. Thus ensuring that small guilds that feed actually have skin in the game. - Implement a stat buff to Power, Healing Power, Toughness, Vitality, Condition Damage of +250 each when Outnumbered. - The above buff only functions when you are in a squad of >5 players and within 360 range of eachother, thus limiting a wild buff to roamers. As it stands currently, smaller fight focused guilds either have to be 100% better than bigger guilds or are forced to look for content elsewhere. Big on WvW.
  21. Hi Anet, general forum consensus of give us new content but now revert the content because the meta has shifted in accordance with what we wanted and we no longer like the meta. At this point you're better off just disabling the forum posts because it seems the people who post here are, for the most part, serial complainers. Two things forum enjoyers hate the most - change, and the way things are.
  22. Yeah for sure. Zones are fundamental to gliding. Would be cool to see Bali skill 4 end gliding too. Just watching a zerg get cracked by 3 balis would be great content.
  23. Hello there, With the recent announcement around a shifted focus on server restructuring vs alliances, i'd like to make a suggestion that could perhaps help the health of WvW. Currently, the main issue with the betas is large queue times and issues with server assignation. Ultimately, server assignation will be fixed but queue times will be a persistent problem without major server architecture overhaul. If the dev team were able to put more time into bringing EoTM up to speed with the rest of WvW in 2023, i think you could really increase the health of the gamemode. - you already have the map and the systems in place - dev time is reduced, - you just need to give it mounts, gliding and possibly reduce the size of the overall map to saturate it with more content, - re-introduce ticks/rewards in EoTM, - implement an incentive either to the guilds that fight on EoTM or some sort of ticket/memory of battle reward, - lock it down when there aren't sufficient queues to have it functioning (move the GvG arena to a separate instance or OS). This would allow you to cut some of the lower pop servers entirely and possibly even eliminate an entire tier from the tier structure (some servers are absolutely dead which i'm sure you have stats on). It also mitigates queue time issues and provides "fresh" content for WvWers to engage upon and perhaps even bring back some old school nostalgia gaming. You could even use an EoTM relaunch as a mini-xpac and get all the people excited for Camelot, New World and T&L (sorry ncsoft) to come over to GW2. WvW is phenomenal. With a bit of effort it will dominate the space. Muchos love!
  24. Hi there, I'm absolutely on board with this announcement. As an intro, I run a fight guild in OCX (one of the more dead TZ in the game). In NA, small guilds will stick together, big guilds will most likeley stick together and the content/match-ups for population every week will be much healthier and competitive. WvW is a competitive game mode where Guilds fight eachother - not groups of guilds banking on sidecarring to get carried. Roamers can still roam, zergs can still zerg and havocs can still havoc. This is nothing but good for population saturation. All we need now is EoTM to be made playable with rewards to catch the queue time overflow and the game mode will be in its healthiest state ever. Appreciate all the work Anet and don't let the forum piggies bring you down. Keep it up! More WVW - best thing to happen in an MMO for a decade.
  25. Blobbing is purely numbers. The number of specs that can rip is the exact same. Some of the current meta necro builds will just need to run signets to get rips back. Spellys lose some rips, chronos stay the same. Reapers are rewarded for melee strips. Yep agree that boons outweigh strips, kinda a big element of how the game is designed though. Imo, adding more rips reduces the skill ceiling of coordinating strips and makes the reward of getting it right into overwhelming odds less rewarding.
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