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Posts posted by reddie.5861

  1. 2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    They're getting a massive nerf simply by Cele no longer having Concentration and Expertise. Cele is really good for WIllbender as they rely on their Boons to give them massive defensive and offensive power. The doubling of duration for all of them means that the weakness of Cele, the less than mediocre stats on everything, is majorly offset by the Boons. Low Toughness? All damage Strike Damage reduced by 33% is a lot more than the loss in toughness, and all Condi damage reduced by 33% for long periods of time is more than offset by the long Resolution uptimes. I could go on like this. The fact is that Cele on its own is a rather weak set. It's the toolkit of Willbender that makes this prefix extremely strong. By nerfing the prefix the toolkit will be massively affected as now Willbenders will have windows where you can vail on them.

    there no cele willbenders in roaming those who are cele are the ones who prolong their own dead. im talking about the dragon / marauder / zerk will benders

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  2. didnt read a single comment, but i didnt see a single nerf for willbender in this patch.
    how we suppose to take it serious? 😄

    they could lower the dmg and or increase the cooldown on skills.
    theres no way a class should be able to kitten all boons have invul and so much blocks can dish out this much dmg without a downside.

    in general the dmg in WvW is way to high, and boon uptime aswell..
    important boons should just be capped to 2 or 3 seconds max.
    stab 2 seconds alac 2 seconds quickness 3 seconds.

    might etc can be 1min but not these insane kitten boons making a huge different.
    they still make a huge different but they do if u use them correct, nowadays every1 runs around with 100 boons on them having insane up time.

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    21 minutes ago, senftube.6081 said:

    what is this even in the name of god what i am watching XD

    Best is this part, now it is grieving when you kill peoples in WvW.  😂 Crow guy was at the sentry even and getting attacked from a Reaper.......  Is this NA? No doubt, it has to be because such bad players like the author of the video you find only there 😂

    bad player?!!? he played PvP for 23 years! he knows the ins and out of PvP game doesnt matter he did PvP all games are same when it comes to PVP u didnt know that yet? this guy is beyond god like pretty sure who ever kills him either played 24+ years of PvP or is just a blatant hacker.

    fun part is why would a thief go near the commander with all aoe's flying around hes probably dead in seconds as thief.
    while if he would clap the re runners he has far more fun and far more kills.
    the Crow guy is doing exactly what thief should do xD and for some1 who played 23 years of PvP i dont really understand what kind of PvP he played.
    according to him after u killed him ones he should be left alone? how is that PvP?
    game i played before Gw2 we killed people directly on spawn point to prevent them from doing anything they had to take a complete different teleport and run miles to get back to the spot in order to not get banged on the spawn point.

    does hello kitty online have pvp? then things might make sense


    • Haha 2
  4. concerns?
    main concern is why anet cant balance?

    a bug in PvE fixed within hours.
    a extreme overpowered or over done class, anet leaves it for 3 to 5 months.
    i mean few classes in WvW need stuff done. some need cooldown increase some need to lower skill power some need to be reduced in boon time.
    how hard are these tiny fixes to do within a week, every week a tiny balance patch.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Every team gets bandwagoned to at the same time by these alliances when teams are created with relatively equal numbers of average playhours. Never happened that way under previous systems.

    There's some irony in comparing old servers as better than 500 man alliances that certain server communities can't all fit into. Old servers were just 2500 man bandwagons.


    do u really believe that? did u really think anet put work in this system? or they just take all the tagged guilds smash them in big shuffle pot and randomly slap them on a server every 4 weeks or so?
    this system is worse then old system. but hey at least people like me get free transfer whenever we end up in server we dont like 😄


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  6. On 7/13/2024 at 8:10 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

    I still don't understand the idea of not joining your favorite commander's guild.

    and then what? u join him ur gonna follow just him? what about other commanders on ur server pre alpha permatest?
    i still dont understand who had to idea of making guilds 500 man.

    we all know people who are equally "skilled" or "good" or w/e u wanna call them will pair together.
    we do it everywhere football people try play with equally skilled people.

    the only problem here is that 500 people guild is to much theres no equally skilled people left in guilds to deal with it. so the better people will quit out of boredom the bad people quit before already or after.

    so at the end this game mode will kill it self.

    • Like 4
  7. On 8/11/2024 at 11:45 AM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    How do you know they're using Celestial gear?

    How are Celestial builds toxic?

    Those ape builds seem good enough to 100-0 you, not so apey hey?

    not hard to figure out? to see if one is using cele, we all know this.

    why are celestial builds not toxic? if they would nerf the stats to -50% then maybe yes.
    it has to much stats and theres no downside of using cele. i didnt test but im pretty sure if a person doesnt cleanse fast enough ur dps is probably as good as full glass cannon harb
    in theory ur dmg might be half but u also added half ur condi dmg so at the end ur still at full dmg. + the rest of the goodies.

    cele should be fixed in WvW theres multiple ways to deal with this armor anet just has to do it.
    every ape build in cele can 100-0 someone if u know a tiny bit how to play.

    • Confused 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Anykeys.3790 said:

    Go ahead try to change my mind ! lets have an discussion !

    willbenders porting all over place doing way to much dmg?
    stupid alliance system?
    celestial on every god kitten idiot out there having groups with 4 supports 1 dps?

    to please you,
    guardian has always gotten love so far i wouldnt be surprised if willbender gets hit hard by nerf stick next balance update. but i wouldnt be surprised if they get even more love cus hey its guardian this thing has always been ramping it up willy just does it better with mobility from a thief evades from a daredevil and dps from meteor shower in ur face all at ones.
    stupid system has been forgotten already by anet they dont even know they implented it already.
    power will overcome it just requires anet to nerf a support or remove celestial or tone down its stats.

    at the end of the day its WvW people always play FOTM classes/builds its gonna change every so many months.
    now its time for certain builds/classes to shine later they are forgotten or nerfed so hard that its unplayable.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Kitiara.2706 said:

    We haven't even given their algorithm time to gather enough data to work, and you guys are already screaming to go back. You need to wait a couple of relinks (for lack of a better term).

    ur gonna need a pretty solid darn coded  thing, to split people into a balanced way.
    they are not gonna track every single person progress and how one performs etcs.

    u cant do balance based on alliances, if u think they can ur pretty delusional they cant even figure out the hardcoded stuff done by old devs let alone they can code a whole new system.

    • Like 5
  10. On 7/14/2024 at 10:37 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

    I am suprised how few axe thieves there are in WvW. This build is the new kitten. Guess it takes a few more weeks until everyone noticed.

    its slow and not fun.
    if ur talking about condi build, well condi.. thiefs used to be hard hitters back in the day i dont think any thief wants to play a condi build cus its boring.
    power build in axe well ye meh. in a 1v1 situation where u managed to deal with his first burst its very easy to deal with.

  11. 16 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

    Walls are broken.

    Also, you fought all weekend very hard to get a nice victory point lead - and one (!) skirmish today at 'prime time' ruined it all. Because we are facing servers who roll around with blobs, while we never had one on our own.

    1 ye broken.
    2 whats the problem? u morning / night cap but u cant win a fight when its prime time? so why u think u should move up the ladder when next servers u meet in theory are even stronger.
    u dont bring anything in the tiers upwards u should go down until u can manage to hold ur self during prime time.
    infact u make the tier boring if u would move up cus ur not even present during prime time.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Isopod.4156 said:

    No amount of build making will fix me not reacting to an attack in time to not get shredded, I'm real bad at paying attention to my surroundings XD I will try to get better at calling out groups of enemies.

    the chance u die with a zerging build versus a guy whos roaming is around 90% also.
    ur most likely build to dps or whatever and have zero mobility, while roaming guy will just hunt u down with mobility and far better build to go around solo.

    its not hard to learn but its harder when u instant die, id say find a sustain build or play something else u like that can take a few hits.
    sure u might still die but u get to learn more when u survive longer 😉

    • Like 2
  13. i still dont understand why u dont make every class equal in pve(dmg wise) and boost/nerf npc's based on how it goes.

    balance should focus on PvP/WvW not on some braindead computer wacking npc no1 cares if every1 does 1million dmg a swing in pve.

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  14. 8 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

    Idk what everybody is fighting for.
    But there is a large subset of WvWers begging for WR to be reverted, so we can go back to Linking system and bitching about how bandwagoning is bad.

    Oh and ofc, Cele, WB, Harb, Teef, Rangers, Dwnstate chain teleports, Virts abusing F4 Invul for 2+ years while complaining "everybody else gets to be OP!", Terrain hacks from Mes/Teef to get into objectives without bringing the wall down, Boon hacks, Heal hacks, FB being top dog while DH gets to eat kitten, extra complaining about Guardians, extra complaining about DE, extra complaining about boon strips, extra complaining about-.
    You know what, Ill let the ppl list the problems, theres a lot.
    And a LOT of them are player-made.

    i heard this before about bandwagon. but i proved the guy i can join any given server.
    all u need is few alt accounts and u can join any server everytime the shuffle happends. u just play one of the accounts untill shuffle then if u ended up in wrong bandwagon server u login other alt and u get to choose a server u just gotta be inactive on other alts.

    what anet did now is given out free "transfers" because majority of people i know in WvW have alts. so they all get to free transfer every 6 weeks? or whenever shuffle happends.

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  15. 10 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

    Hmmm Alliances with most people I choose or bots on SBI hard choice.

    Your "communities" aren't going anywhere, you still have 5 guilds slots to talk to them. Got someone in map you enjoy talking too but not in a any guild? You can use this feature called the friend list to add them and even give them a nickname. You can always whisper and talk to them.

    I would agree, ANET hasnt mention how long the "alliances" last before we get a shuffle of alliances.

    the point is, people join a "ally" suiting to their skill lvl.
    he might have had ton of friends below or above his skill lvl these people are gone its not about talking to them.

    then again alliances to me is like the last nail for WvW. like i said people will stick to people with the same skill lvl, thus all the somewhat proper people will join each other crushing everything, for a while its fun but sooner or later the boredom strikes they will quit. the one who gets farmed by them will quit before that already or avoid them like a plague.
    see i know anet is like in perfect case senario people will split up and we will have balanced fights from no skill to high skill. this could have happened if alliances would have been reduced to 30 max.  but no the amount of people u can ram into 1 guild is enough to fill up a whole server in WvW for multiple maps. the system is just beyond bad. it doesnt add or remove anything from what we had already right now.

    either way everything with alliances is wrong. plus anet is losing their income for server transfers before all the bandwagons had to server transfer now they just join the guild and end up in same server on the next shuffle. all for free!

    anyway i dont see anything good coming out of this alliance crap. i know people i can trust but i never said a word to them just by roaming around i know who will fight and who will dash off, things like this will be gone i either gonna have to trust every1 or not trust any1.

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  16. On 6/5/2024 at 2:54 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    A condi-only melee weapon might work well. All of the existing melee weapons have power- or CC-based stealth attacks, so there's space for a melee condition-oriented stealth attack for deadeye.

    Lack of a new offhand on the one profession where an offhand would actually be a big deal is a bit tiring, though.

    no condi.
    i hate condi, condi options enough on thief. i dont understand why 1 likes to play condi.
    every human enjoys fat big numbers and here we have one i like to see my target bleed to dead slowly weeee the joy >.<

    anet needs to put thief back to its full glory like it was at start of gw2. mobile like no other and hits like a truck in a short burst.
    nowadays everyone is mobile and hits like a truck where thief is doing a little to no dmg at all anymore.

    • Confused 1
  17. i quit already that good enough? 😛 
    boonball meta is really kitten, i understand we need boons to fight. but pulling all boons out of ur kitten just like its nothing is boring as kitten.
    dunno why anet thinks we need this much boons with a little to no effort.

    • Like 6
  18. 15 hours ago, Asur.9178 said:

    Wishful thinking to expect it to be changed any time soon considering it's in the Trickery traitline.

    Most long-time thief veterans know that the balance team is pretty clueless when it comes to thief; you don't need to look far. Just look at the balance patch this week - they once again increased initiative costs.

    every balance patch is like, Increased x dmg or whatever to be more used in raids or whatever.

    but thief not being used in anything beside sPvP (even there it doesnt shine anymore) nothing is being done about it. i miss my good old thief when u could almost 1 bang people in WvW if not 1 bang but the down side was u get 1 banged aswell by anything with a bit of dmg.

    nowadays every class in game ports all over the place does ton of more dmg has invuls or blocks poops tons of boons and there we have thief 😄 doing nothing

    • Confused 1
  19. On 3/19/2024 at 8:25 AM, Chyx.3956 said:

    Almost every single server is open right now. What happened?

    cus WvW isnt fun anymore?
    every1 has every single boon in the game for 1 minute running around like idiots.
    mass corrupting keeps getting one nerf after another.
    i have lost fun few months ago.

    for me wvw is equal to doing a raid in gw2.

    u just have all boons and u spank the "enemy"(raid)  and see who wins nothing else is involved anymore. maybe GvG is somewhat different but really not into something that was already dead for multiple years.

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  20. On 1/20/2024 at 5:48 PM, TheThief.8475 said:

    It was 2015 when HoT was annouced,

    I was young, back then,

    and since,

    i'm waiting for off hand sword.

    I got a stick;

    I got a pewpew ranged weapon;

    I got ranged magic weapon;

    I will get a ranged phisical weapon;



    I will leave this question for you Anet: "Why do people pick Thief as their class?" 

    Maybe if you answer this simple question you will be able to craft something we love (after 12 years of not delivering anything I whished for as a Thief/Rogue enjoyer)

    why? because back in the day pre expansions thief was fast had mobility and could deal a MASSIVE single dmg spike.

    nowadays i dunno thief doesnt have the mobility anymore as all classes port like fools
    thief has been nerfed million times on dmg and its not even close to massive anymore on a single target with a spike.

    thief is kind of a handicapted class with stealth. its no good at anything vs a equal skilled player.



    lets not mention every thief build has
    trickery and kitten


    trickery and CS

    then ur limited to a elite so neat.

    • Like 5
  21. 10 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

    mesmer - blink - 1200 range stun break

    thief - shadowstep - 1200 range 2 way 2x stun break

    engineer - shift signet - 1200 range stun break

    guardian - judges intervention - 1200 range targeted stun break

    necro - flesh wurm - 1200 range stun break

    revenant - phase traversal - 1200 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gives unblockable, gives quickness and has 5 seconds cd....

    ranger - unnatural traversal - 900 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gets half cd if it hits someone gives 5 stacks of might, regen and vulnerability on the target

    elementalist - lightning flash - 900 range, not a stun break... "but" does 80 damage... OMG BROKEN NERF IT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED???



    i really never play ele but when i do! i slap my cele gear on with arcane? trait where flipping ur attunements gives HP and i just go like weeee 1111111111111 switch and my HP never goes down.

    oh ye i might take wrong traits but i dont care i still wreck people on my ele because i dunno people just die after a few mins while i didnt even take a hit.

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  22. 1 hour ago, Malus.2184 said:

    How do you defeat roaming Elementalists? They seem to have great mobility, great survivability, and great damage. It's like, they have everything and the kitchen sink while everyone else has to choose two of the three. 

    What's this an issue of? Celestial? Or is it the Elemental Attunements that give them all of this?

    if you see a ele on celestial u just turn around and run off.
    not worth to give them a fight not worth your time either.

    it takes kittening long to kill in meanwhile u could probably already had 3/4 other good fights somewhere else. if u do wanna blow your time on them u simply keep hammering till they kitten up and u unleash a burst.

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