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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2244245697 Discuss
  2. They'll add it when they run out of things to add to the game that takes minimal effort. They are already scraping the bottom of the barrel with their implementation of Housing.
  3. ArenaNet gave up on giving us a personal story a decade ago.
  4. I'll buy it when I can Homestead near Caledon Forest, which is where I dreamt about having player housing since launch. I have no interest in carebear land.
  5. The Rift hunting alone is reason enough to not want to buy the expansion. The single worst thing in SoTo and they brought it back.. A new expansion is supposed to be a new experience. This is just not it.
  6. It's not pretty though. It's actually pretty ugly, ngl. I could have made something better in photoshop in 20 mins.
  7. Wait until you get to the fun part; the inevitable collection achievement unlocks. You'll be working 9-5 🙂
  8. I did read it. This image is making rounds all over the internet. There's no mention of PvP on it anywhere https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/a4ea9enUS-gw2-ex5-jw-studio-update-launch-768x862.jpg
  9. It's completely missing. They've buried it already, I see.
  10. Housing needed to be a strong focus in a larger expansion. Because it's underwhelming how limited it is in terms of location. For starters, it makes no sense at all for any of my characters to settle in JW after 10+ years of adventure. If we got a proper full expansion focused on Housing the same way that PoF focused on mounts, we could have had Homestead locations to choose from all over Tyria (Kryta, Shiverpeaks, Ascalon, etc) But due to the smaller nature of these expansions, instead we get one Kodan themed Homestead in JW, when Kodan isn't even a playable race. It's like.. what??!? These mini expansions are not good in my opinion. They've spread themselves too thin between all the different modes and features that they can only do a little bit of everything but nothing ends up fully fleshed out like it should be. And no. I'm not buying JW for the Housing in hopes they'll expand on it in the future. It's not even on their roadmap to do so. We might get a new location with the next mini expansion, but I doubt they'll ever go back and make Homesteads for Basegame/HoT/PoF/EoD areas so that we could make our favorite locations in the game our home.
  11. Where's the hype for this expansion? It's only 2 weeks until release and there's nothing but crickets.. Last week there was a Housing livestream where 3 devs unenthusiastically showed off it's features and seemed to run out of things to talk about 10 minutes in because it is so basic. And this weeks GW2 news is a bunch of gemstore skins 20% off. They still haven't shown us the new PvP mode. What's going on at Anet? Are they 90% focused on GW3 or something? It's really lame..
  12. They mentioned a few times during the stream that they are developing the new map "internally", and seemed to suggest it's synonymous with low development resources. Maybe a lot of the PvE stuff is outsourced?
  13. They haven't said anything about reviving stronghold.
  14. Going off the recent Teapot Developer stream. You can watch it here (I've timestamped it) From the video we've gathered; - The primary goal for the new mode will be being an easier gamemode than conquest that newer players can understand - Less depth than conquest, so new players can focus more on learning pvp fighting and less on learning how to play a complex map. But still some depth and decision making to keep veteran players engaged. - The goal is to narrow the gap between new and experienced players in the new mode, so that newer players can still contribute meaningfully without needing to be a veteran PvPer. - Conquest will remain the primary gamemode for tournaments. The new gamemode will be more like a stepping stone for new players. It is not their intent to replace conquest - For more experienced players it will be a more relaxing break from grinding conquest - When the new mode comes out, it will be in a live Beta state, and it will be further developed and refined as time goes on - The map for the mode is currently being developed and it will be very unrefined when it goes live. With greyboxes, untextured shapes, and temporary art. The map will be a very much unfinished prototype, but it will provide a space for them to build the gamemode in over time. - The goal is to get the mechanics in and the gamemode built on the new map with very little developer resources. When it goes live and players give feedback on how to improve it, they will begin to put more development resources into it - They learned from Stronghold that putting a lot of resources into a new mode without gathering feedback first was a bad investment in development. And want to take this slower, multi-staged approach to developing the new mode. They want to make sure they get it right.
  15. It needs something more prominent in the UI. Similar to what Druid has with it's astral energy bar, or what warrior has with adrenaline. The icon as it is now is way too small to be eye-catching during the heat of the moment, especially in PvP.. Personally I want to see green vines and green aura that grows out of the skill bar, similar to how rocks and flames shoot up from the UI when entering berskerk on berserker. When you unleash, the green vines and aura grows out further. When you switch unleash back to your pet, the vines and aura retreat back a bit.
  16. Don't worry, because we've got about 100 shiny skyscale skins to choose from in the gem store. So all is well. I can't wait until GW3!
  17. I know, all the smart people already left. I guarantee if more people were loud about the problems Anet would be forced to pay attention. But sadly this game is populated with PvE babies who only want more content for their babysitter mode.
  18. I watched the recent PvP developer stream. If they were really trying to save PvP there would have been new PvP content with EoD and SoTo. These were both PAID expansions that added nothing for PvP players. After EoD was released I waited and waited for at least a Cantha map to freshen things up, but it never came. Djinn's Dominion was the last PvP map they added and that was back in PoF. That was 7 years ago and they are only now doing a small tweak to it? Woweee. Meanwhile, how much PvE content have we gotten in the last 7 years compared with PvP? It is massively disproportionate. PvP should have been treated as one of GW2's end-game pillars. Forget about Raids. Competition is the best motivator to improve and get better at a game, so why don't more people care? If more people were loud about PvP, Anet would have been forced to pay more attention over the years.. Anet cannot do PvP content. Bikzesnake was right when he criticized them because nothing has changed since he quit the game.
  19. Imagine exploring the far reaches of the Janthir "Wilds" Peace and quiet and ambience.. then suddenly KSHHHH! "Commander! It's TAIMI, I figured out a solution to the X Y Z thingy-ma-bob, bla bla bla! IF WE JUST tap into the ley lines we can ETC ETC ETC" Welcome to GW2 forums.
  20. In Wildstar you had selectable music, sky, weather, and even terrain.
  21. Who cares? Thief is able to spam evade and stealth abilities 5 times in a row using initiative. It's no more balanced than a warrior being able to block using adrenaline. Balance doesn't exist in GW2 PvP. Period. May as well make warrior more functional and fun to play.
  22. Blocking with the shield should not be stuck on a 3 second duration with a 30 second cooldown. It feels horrible to use actually. Shield blocking should be tied to Adrenaline. Similar to the way Thief abilities are tied with initiative. When Shield blocking, your adrenaline bar gets consumed. The rate at which adrenaline is consumed can be lowered by traiting into the Defence traitline. Give warriors this more active and defensive option and watch Warrior become more interesting to play. Because nothing feels worse than being in a fight and needing to block a hard hitting attack, but you can't because you expended a block 28 seconds ago..
  23. I've listened to others, but everything they say just exemplifies the "this is fine" meme. It's not fine, because the housing looks completely soulless and uninspired yet it's being praised to high heavens around here. It's like nobody saw an editing tool before. There's nothing to get excited about at all. It's a glorified parking lot for our alts. It doesn't feel like a new chapter for GW2, it feels like retirement. Buy Janthir Wilds, park all your alts and legendaries and quit the game. Log in once in a while to look at them again and realize how much time you wasted on the game. That's all GW2 housing looks like.
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