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Posts posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. I feel like as the story goes on, it's becoming more like a saturday morning cartoon where our band of heroes can never fail and there's never any real conflict or consequences and every storyline ends on a high note.


    With the launch of HoT we saw the disaster with the Pact fleet upon arrival at the Maguuma jungle, and the conflict and paranoia surrounding the Sylvari. As Rytlock stated in the HoT trailer " We cannot trust the Sylvari, they belong to the dragon now"


    Why don't we get more stories like this where there are tensions between the 5 races or even just the different factions. Why are we always teamed up against some big bad guy like a dragon, joko, or a god, if the story is just going to play out in our favor every single time? I haven't begun IBS yet, but I just finished LWS4 and I was really let down by the Aurene thing near the end. This is just boring and inconsequential story telling and I'm losing interest 😞

  2. Every clkitten has some method of applying stability but I feel like stability is important for a Warrior most of all. Why don't warriors have stronger methods of accessing stability?


    I've looked through the traits and skills and most of them only give stability for between 2-4 seconds. And I think stability as a boon itself is rather useless with the amount of corruption and boon stripping in this game. Something needs to be done.


    Berserkers should get pulsating stability while in berserk mode, for example. This should be the payoff for having a full bar of adrenaline and it would make a berserking warrior something to be feared. A warrior without stability can be thrown around like a pin-pong ball and be completely useless..

    (lol what anet? why is clkitten censored??)

  3. I truly mean it, GW2's sPvP is not in a bad place at all.

    I have only recently returned to GW2 and the last time I played sPvP was in Season 11. So It's been a while, and I have returned with a fresh perspective.

    In my 41 matches so far I have noticed that ALL specs seem to be viable and in use. I have encountered Spellbreakers, Berserkers, Druids, Soulbeasts, Scourges, Reapers, Daredevils, Deadeyes, etc. You get the picture. This to me is a very good sign of a healthy game balance because if it were unbalanced, everyone would just play the most OP spec. But it seems like the options for viable specs is diverse and this keeps matches interesting.

    There's been QoL updates to some maps such as Eternal Colliseum (I really like the new hedges added here). And a new map has been added called Djinn's Dominion. It's always great to see new maps added, I hope that Anet keep up the pace and add another map or two with EoD and further QoL changes to existing maps.

    The Reward tracks have always been a fantastic incentive to play ranked sPvP and I see that new tracks are continuing to be added. I'm really thankful for this, especially with things such as the Domain of Kourna track and similar that reward you with armor pieces that you would otherwise have to chase achievements in PvE to get. I love playing PvE, but Achievement hunting is easily the worse thing about it IMO because you don't feel like you are playing a game but instead completing a job list. I would much rather do sPvP for these rewards because I'm actually playing the game! :)

    And finally, and this is my one and only gripe with the sPvP at this time. Toxicity still seems to be rampant. But this is not a problem with GW2 specifically - PvP in any game is like this. Because fighting against other players is high intensity and when we're losing it's easy to lose our cool. I've been having to block at least 1 player each and every match. Soon I think my block list will be longer than my friends list, which is shameful. Please, if you are reading this, keep your spiteful comments to yourself. There's no use in blaming your team or an individual player and more often than not, when you shout in the team chat you reduce team morale and it just increases the chance you will lose.

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  4. @"Ayrilana.1396" said:There's a difference between dismissing and disagreeing. My responses to you are not generic simply because they don't side with you.

    I feel like you are dismissing my concerns and not just disagreeing because of the nature of your responses. All of your responses take the exact same stance of "the game has no faults at all, you're the problem".

    You're right, everything as it is now is absolutely perfect and there's no room for improvement at all. And if I don't enjoy something, such as having to do tedius tasks to unlock half of the available content, then I should just throw that entire portion of content into the trash can and try to forget it exists. That's a golden solution right there..

    I just want to play the best this game has to offer but I feel like it's being locked behind a door. And another door.. and another. It's frustrating!

  5. @flog.3485 said:In Gw2 base game you were leveling-up. Of course you could afford to get that easy loot that wasn’t even rewarding. Other than that, I need to disagree with you.There were checklist to level-up crafting, there were checklist to gain the rewards from the season 1 content, there were checklist to kill the revamped tequatl and to have a chance to kill the triple trouble wurm and there definitely was checklists in order to craft the first generation of legendaries as well as the rare mystic forge recipies, even though you couldn’t craft the precursor.

    No offense but you seem to be wearing the rose-tinted glasses of discovering the game for the first time.

    Do you mean to say the game has not changed at all since base game and the expectation of the player is also unchanged? Because to me it feels so much different, not just from the base game but even since as recent as LW3. I never had to pay much attention to achievements, they were secondary to the main content. But I feel like the further we go, the more that achievements become the main content.

    The base game having achievements as a side dish is not quite the same as achievements being the main course meal in PoF and onwards. There's nothing Rose tinted about it. And when I say achievements, I also mean checklists and collections. It all falls under the same umbrella..

  6. You are very quick to throw aside each and every one of my concerns with very generic responses!

    I express the opinions that I do because I have invested myself into this game and I'm passionate about it. I'm not here on the forums looking for a fight but I definitely feel like my concerns are being dismissed, by you especially. You can't just hand wave all of my concerns away with key words like "hand holding" and claiming people don't want to make the effort, as if they are just lazy and their concerns are irrelevant. It comes off as very condescending. I'm not a child begging for my hand to be held for heavens sake! Try to look at the bigger picture from what I'm saying, and stop generalizing.

    I never claimed the game should be easier or more simple but that it should have been designed better and most of all the process of unlocking things should be FUN and not feel like a chore. It's not just the Roller Beetle because this type of gameplay has become the new precedent going forward and I'm not too thrilled about it. Knowing that I still have the Icebrood Saga ahead of me just demotivates me to want to keep going at all.

  7. Many of you are missing the point I've been trying to make..

    When GW2 was first released one of the main things it was praised for was it's seamless questing in the open world. It was a breath of fresh air after years of World of Warcraft style of questing that MMO's in general had grown accustomed to, where you would be given "check lists" by NPC's that you would need to complete which just felt like tedious busy work. GW2 did something different and it was commended for it.

    In GW2's base game, one minute you would be looking around a new area you just discovered and the next minute you were drawn into a emergent event. Next thing you know you have earned a bunch of XP, loot, and other goodies and it all happened without needing to complete tedious checklists. You were getting Sh*t done and you didn't even realize it because you were having fun.

    Fast forward 7 years to where we are today and you will see this is no longer the case. Now if you want to progress through the story, gain rewards and unlockables, there are checklists after checklists. And somehow they are actually worse than what other MMO's like WoW offer, because at least with WoW you are given a comprehensive quest log that contains all the information you need to complete your current objectives. But in GW2, you are given very basic directions at best and at worst, no information at all.

    Searching up guides on the Wikipedia is the solution being touted to me over and over again in this thread but you are missing the point I am making. Don't you think that is poor quest design implementation when your players can't find the information they need within the game world but instead need to keep an internet browser open at all times?

    This has become like busy work. GW2 has left behind it's original design philosophy and puts all it's emphasis on gameplay that it was once commended for NOT doing. The Achievement panel acts like our quest log but it's worse than a quest log because it's not fit for that purpose. It's been retrofitted to fit that purpose as a means to pad out playtime and keep you busy for longer but at the cost of any amount of enjoyment in the process. The journey should be just as fulfilling as the destination, which is what GW2 used to feel like.

    Now tell me I am wrong, and that tedium and wikipedia surfing is okay because it makes things more prestigious :/

    And I'm sorry for the long drawn out post, but some of you just don't seem to get it and just infer that I'm lazy or stupid which is simply not the case because I've been with GW2 since the beginning and I know what I'm talking about!!

  8. After studying the wikipedia further I have come to that same conclusion that my hero was waiting in the wrong area. The collection tooltip only mentioned the Moon Fortress and was really vague like always. I should have studied the meta outside of the game harder and more thoroughly.

    But it looks like my hero has now fallen asleep while waiting for this meta to begin. Oh well, she needed the rest after all this adventuring.


  9. I have already begun my epic journey to acquire the prestigious Roller Beetle mount. Today alone I have spent a collective total of 3 hours standing around waiting for meta events to happen so that I can get collectibles. I just wanted to let you all know that I was wrong about what I said. So far this is very exciting content indeed.

    Right now I am just waiting for the opportunity to bypass this door that won't seem to open without the correct meta event. I have begun my search on the wikipedia for more information, which is what I spend about half of my adventure doing.A30CoRj.png

  10. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Ashantara.8731" said:You want a reward without effort. Where's the fun in that?

    The effort is excessive. And after a hard day of work in our job, we want fun, not grind and grind and grind...

    Then do as much as you feel like every day until you get it (might be 6 months) you dont have to get it right now.

    If it's going to take that long to get a mount, I'm just going to play a different game.

    Guild Wars 2 is (or was) a game about exploration. It should take 6 months to explore everything - not 6 months to grind out for a mount needed to even begin exploring...

    The priorities are so backwards!

    You do not need Skyscale to explore any part of the game. You do not need Griffon to explore any part of the game.

    You don't need them - until you do. As noted by some of the other posters in this thread.

    Exploration was GW2's most redeeming quality. If Anet want to lock some things behind collections, then by all means. Let there be collections for those who enjoy that type of content. But the reality is there are players out there who enjoy this game primarily for it's exploration aspects and when you apply "Prestige" to mounts that are required for effective exploration, you are excluding those people from what they enjoy about this game.

    There is nothing prestigious about padding out content. By calling it Prestigious you are just overglorifying the time you spent completing a to-do list that anyone can do.. assuming they can tolerate the monotonous nature of it.Or you know... you could just cowboy up and get a skyscale.

    So I can just sit on it at Lion's Arch for 10 hours a day showing off my Prestige to all of the plebs? I'm not that vain thank goodness..Or you can see it for what it is:Long term QoL progression of your account.But sure... if you want to look at it in an ugly way... you do you.

    I do see it for what it is any time I visit a place like Lions Arch. That's the reality of these collectible items, especially skins. It's a way to show off and flaunt your achievements. Which is fine, as I've stated previously. My problem stems from this kind of content spilling over into the gameplay department. Legendaries never had an impact on gameplay but mounts do, especially if Anet are designing maps with the prestigious ones in mind.

    Telling anyone that complains about it to "Cowboy up" or "Get good" is not a solution.

  11. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Ashantara.8731" said:You want a reward without effort. Where's the fun in that?

    The effort is excessive. And after a hard day of work in our job, we want fun, not grind and grind and grind...

    Then do as much as you feel like every day until you get it (might be 6 months) you dont have to get it right now.

    If it's going to take that long to get a mount, I'm just going to play a different game.

    Guild Wars 2 is (or was) a game about exploration. It should take 6 months to explore everything - not 6 months to grind out for a mount needed to even begin exploring...

    The priorities are so backwards!

    You do not need Skyscale to explore any part of the game. You do not need Griffon to explore any part of the game.

    You don't need them - until you do. As noted by some of the other posters in this thread.

    Exploration was GW2's most redeeming quality. If Anet want to lock some things behind collections, then by all means. Let there be collections for those who enjoy that type of content. But the reality is there are players out there who enjoy this game primarily for it's exploration aspects and when you apply "Prestige" to mounts that are required for effective exploration, you are excluding those people from what they enjoy about this game.

    There is nothing prestigious about padding out content. By calling it Prestigious you are just overglorifying the time you spent completing a to-do list that anyone can do.. assuming they can tolerate the monotonous nature of it.Or you know... you could just cowboy up and get a skyscale.

    So I can just sit on it at Lion's Arch for 10 hours a day showing off my Prestige to all of the plebs? I'm not that vain thank goodness..

  12. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @"Ashantara.8731" said:You want a reward without effort. Where's the fun in that?

    The effort is excessive. And after a hard day of work in our job, we want fun, not grind and grind and grind...

    Then do as much as you feel like every day until you get it (might be 6 months) you dont have to get it right now.

    If it's going to take that long to get a mount, I'm just going to play a different game.

    Guild Wars 2 is (or was) a game about exploration. It should take 6 months to explore everything - not 6 months to grind out for a mount needed to even begin exploring...

    The priorities are so backwards!

    You do not need Skyscale to explore any part of the game. You do not need Griffon to explore any part of the game.

    You don't need them - until you do. As noted by some of the other posters in this thread.

    Exploration was GW2's most redeeming quality. If Anet want to lock some things behind collections, then by all means. Let there be collections for those who enjoy that type of content. But the reality is there are players out there who enjoy this game primarily for it's exploration aspects and when you apply "Prestige" to mounts that are required for effective exploration, you are excluding those people from what they enjoy about this game.

    There is nothing prestigious about padding out content. By calling it Prestigious you are just overglorifying the time you spent completing a to-do list that anyone can do.. assuming they can tolerate the monotonous nature of it.

    I don't have a single Legendary to this day and that's not due to lack of time spent in the game (Over 4k hours) but because Legendaries always presented themselves as completely optional content and I don't log into GW2 to complete check-lists but to explore and have fun. They are just skins and I never felt like I was missing out by not having them.

  13. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:You want a reward without effort. Where's the fun in that?

    The effort is excessive. And after a hard day of work in our job, we want fun, not grind and grind and grind...

    Then do as much as you feel like every day until you get it (might be 6 months) you dont have to get it right now.

    If it's going to take that long to get a mount, I'm just going to play a different game.

    Guild Wars 2 is (or was) a game about exploration. It should take 6 months to explore everything - not 6 months to grind out for a mount needed to even begin exploring...

    The priorities are so backwards!

  14. I'm not saying everything should be obtained on autopilot!

    You can't say that mounts are just optional content that can be ignored. What's going to happen when the End of Dragons Expansion releases and in those new maps, Anet have decided to make many of the Mastery points and other areas accessible only by a Skyscale or a Roller Beetle? Will you tell me it's optional content then?

    The way we acquired the first 4 mounts (Jackal, etc) was perfectly well done. It wasn't grindy busy work, you completed a quest and you got the mount - so you can get on with it and enjoy the rest of the content. It's not dumbed down and worthless like you think it is!

  15. I cannot stand this attitude players have about everything needing to be "Work" to get. It's supposed to be a game and a way to unwind and have fun. I don't care about all this prestige and showing off my achievements I am so tired of this attitude taking over what is one of my favorite online games. I've been playing GW2 since day 1 so it's frustrating to see it move in this direction. I don't want achievements and collections, I want good and accessible content. Locking MAIN content behind "Work" is not fun. Stop doing it ArenaNet!!!!

    If you gave me the Roller Beetle near the beginning or mid-way through the story, exploring that zone would have been twice as fun and unique the first time I played through it, and it would have been memorable. That's the way Guild Wars 2 was supposed to be.

    Just because something takes work to get doesn't make it any more prestigious!

    I'm so tired of it!

  16. @Vilin.8056 said:Well, since properly RIDING this mount would likely require one or two Youtube tutorials, beetle is probably not your thing, best stick with raptors then.

    You can still rent Beetles in racetracks throughout Tyria.

    Thanks. Knowing there's a 3rd collection after the Saddle was already the final nail for me. So I'll now just forget that content and move ahead with the story.

  17. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:You want a reward without effort. Where's the fun in that?

    I was expecting this type of response.

    This is Living World story content I'm not trying to get a Legendary here. It's tiresome busy work for content that should be more casual and relaxing. Where's the fun in that?

    It is casual and relaxing. The issue is that you're choosing to not make it that way.

    That's your opinion. I don't find it casual and relaxing having to hunt things down outside of the zone I am in, sometimes with vague hints where those items might be. Having to look up where things are on Google takes me out of the game and it is not enjoyable to me.

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