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Posts posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. 10 minutes ago, Nuldric.1239 said:

    you can't have everything on day one, dozens of houses, environment etc.. More features maybe come in time. Some things take years to grow. Housing wasn't Anet's priority so they weren't secretly developing it for like 7 years. They started year maybe two years ago. They've done fairly good job.

    They aren't going to do any of that. Not with these smaller expansions. They are no longer allowing themselves the development resources to grow it.

    Housing looks to be contained to Janthir Wilds as one of it's main selling points, and any kind of "growth" will be Gemstore releases. They would have set a different precedent if they started housing out with options in a few different zones. But they've not said or done anything to indicate otherwise. If you want a different house they've made it pretty clear you are expected to build it yourself in a corner with floor tiles using their minecraft logic.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    It seems many are pleased, nay excited, about the upcoming Homestead release.  Sorry to hear you find it less than. 

    Each to their own.  Perhaps another game's housing can fulfill your expectations.

    Good luck.

    That's easy to find. No luck required. ESO is right next door with a whole brochure of houses to choose from. It has cozy penthouses all the way up to entire castles with dozens of locations across the entire game world to choose from.

    Meanwhile GW2 - "We know you've been begging for housing for 10+ years, so here's a preset log cabin in one preset location. We can only do mini expansions now so this is all we can do, sorry about that. But see you on the Gemstore!"

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    No requirement to pre-purchase, or purchase before the 9-month mark. If you wish to give 'money upfront', that is your choice and your choice only.

    You're making excuses.

    It's not about the money. I would pay 3x the amount they are asking for Janthir Wilds if it delivered a good housing system. Unfortunately this is what GW2 has come to and nobody seems to care. It's just low expectations all around and always giving Anet a free pass.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:

    Sheesh!  To all the naysayers about the new housing, give it a chance.  This is going to be the first iteration of housing in our game.  I fully expect more features to be added in the quarterly releases and future expacs.  You can't have an absolute beast of a housing system on day 1.  Give it time, please, and try to enjoy it before tearing it to pieces without a peek into your homestead.

    Right. Except they are asking money upfront for it. So the burden is on them is to deliver a good housing system on day 1. Yet all they've shown us is a glorified guild hall where we can park our alts and build stupid things in. They aren't even trying to compete with the housing systems of other games. What they've shown doesn't even meet the bare minimum I would have expected from a housing system we've been asking for years for. It just appears like Anet are adding new features by the numbers now and don't seem to care anymore.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

    In my years on this planet, I've seen a lot that shows me the truth in this last statement. People generally get back reflections of what they put out. There is a resident in this facility who complains incessantly that no one here likes her, that she has no friends here. What she doesn't see is that people don't like her because of her abrasive, unlikeable presence. She puts out a steady stream of toxicity and then can't understand why people act so negatively toward her. Me? I learned a long time ago not to feed the trolls. I don't fight or argue with her, I simple don't engage with her toxicity. Instead, I spend my time with the residents here I do like. It's the same for me in Tyria. There are toxic folks in this game but I choose to spend my time with the Tyrians I like. To me, it really is that simple.

    You'd probably be upset too if you were having trouble making friends. But it sounds to me like you lack the empathy to relate with another human beings frustration. That's a reflection of your personality more than a reflection of hers.

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  6.  Well I signed up for Elder Scrolls Online and I've been playing it exclusively for the past week and over the weekend. Just hit level 20 and starting to dip into the housing feature.

    There's no way GW2 will do housing better and as in-depth as what I'm seeing so far in ESO. It's genuinely well done and doesn't seem like an afterthought like what I'm expecting housing in GW2 to be. Especially with ANet's new commitment to these smaller expansions.

    To me personally, it appears Housing in Janthir Wilds is nothing more than some set dressing to give the expansion a little spice to help reverse the dwindling interest in the game. If they actually cared about what the community wanted they would have given us housing years ago and made it a focal point in a larger expansion. But it's looking to me that introducing this feature so late in GW2's life is just too little too late in a desperate attempt to sell this expansion after how underwhelming SoTo was.

    But if I'm wrong and housing in GW2 can hold a candle to what ESO has provided and cultivated for their community for years and actually took a vested interest in, I will eat my own underwear.

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  7. The untamed needs it's own UI element for Unleashed states. Currently if I want to see what state my ranger is in at a glance, I have to look down at my Hammer skillbar to see what version of those skills are active..

    It's not good enough and it's incredibly cumbersome to do in the middle of a difficult fight that requires my full attention. Plus, it just lacks any flavor.

    For comparison, look at what Warrior bladesworn gets. A full UI element that shows the number of shots they've got, as well as a cool flame effect that glows across the bar when it reaches full power.

    Untamed just needs something like that... Something as simple as vines growing across the skillbar or something that grows or withers based on the rangers untamed state, or when Untamed Ambush is ready.

    Literally anything would be better than what we have now. which is nothing..

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    This guy said it better.

    I get it. Anyone who criticizes GW2 is just a negative person. And by posting their grievances about the game on the Forums and "frustrating" people to the point of lashing out (what??), it justifies their negative perception of the game.

    To me it just sounds like an excuse to hand wave any criticism of the game away.

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  9. 21 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    you get what you project out in the world back dont  you?

    I don't know what you're getting at.

    I criticized something about GW2, a video game. What exactly did I project out into the world? And where does the need for you all to try to turn the argument into personal attacks against me come from?

    The truth is; you all don't like being told you are being toxic because it's the Truth. The truth hurts..

    This is a daily occurrence on this forum yet you all claim that GW2 has the friendliest community out of any MMO, like somehow it exonerates your toxic behavior. A lot of people are tired of it and it's why this forum is becoming more of an echo chamber every day. Because you all continuously bully anyone who thinks differently into leaving.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

    The community isn't toxic because they don't agree with you. People just have differing opinions. 

    So when I have a different opinion and I'm berated and attacked for it, it's fair game. But when I return it in kind, I'm at fault?

    It's the same thing anytime anyone criticizes GW2. The community here cannot handle criticism of this game well. Always on the defence/attack mode.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Manpag.6421 said:

    All I have seen so far is OP attacking and berating people for offering their own experiences and opinions, telling them why they're wrong. If that's how they behave in-game, I'm not surprised they have a very different experience of the player base than others.

    All I did was post that I think housing is coming way too late in the game, and that the game lacks some basic social features that would make new friendships easier. It's everyone else who's calling my posts stupid and trying to bury me in rabbit holes using fallacies that are being toxic.

    But I guess you think I'm the toxic one because they can't change my mind?

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    GW2 is the least toxic MMORPG behind LOTR.

    Where do you get these statistics from? Is there a graph somewhere that I'm missing?

    Not that it matters. What matters has been my own experience on GW2 with the community.

    6 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    hold on, you said this 'GW2 is the last MMO I'll ever play and it's not because of anything Anet did.'  why are you complaining about housing being too late again?

    It's too late because my friends left this game a long time ago, and now I'm complaining it's too difficult to make new friends in GW2 because the community is toxic. Because that's been my experience on this game for years. Any sort of statistics you can pull out of thin air comparing GW2 to other MMO's doesn't change what I've experienced..

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Manpag.6421 said:

    This simply isn't true. Of course it has its share of toxic players, but GW2's community is famously more helpful and less toxic than other MMOs. Hell, you can't be a new player without getting adopted by veterans.

    It becomes true the moment that new player criticizes any aspect of the game. Then it becomes a beatdown.

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  14. 5 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

    I dunno how anyone could think that having to spend 5+ minutes price checking whatever you buy like in WoW, or having to use some external trading website like in Path of Exile (all while constantly getting spammed by gold sellers) would be an improvement. This thread is pretty much the epitome of "I will complain about literally anything" though, so... 🤷‍♂️

    Yes, because we don't already have to check an external wiki for basically everything on GW2 already...

    Your post is pretty much the epitome of "I will defend the game against literally any criticism, because I'm a fanboy and ArenaNET can do no wrong"

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Yes please put in player to player trading so scamers can run rampant.

    They had it in gw1 and yes you had to accept the trade after seeing what was in the other persons trade window and still people got scamed.

    Oh yes, classic argument right here.

    Let's take whole social features out of the game because of a few scammers.

    This obsession with player safety is why we get boring themepark MMO's these days with no risks.

    When you go bowling, do you play with the guard rails up, by any chance?


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  16. 2 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    I have noticed that as I get older I don't make new friends.  I realize that is a problem.  Friends just feel more like a burden, an obligation.

    I am not surprised that OP hasn't made new friends in game, however that is the problem.  Anet's timing isn't the cause of the frustration,  it is the lack of friends to share with.

    It doesn't help that there's no player to player trading in the game. That is a MMO social interaction that is completely missing from GW2.

    But they might add in it a future expansion pack. As well as open world dueling. Then we can say it's only 15 years too late 🙂

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  17. 5 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    From your negative perspective, pretty much every new addition is 12 years late, to be honest. 😄

    That is correct, actually. GW2 should have arrived at this point like 7 years ago, max.

    How long has ESO had housing for?

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

    then what are you saying? because thats what it sounds like. "whats the point, if i have no one to play with"

    It's nice that we're finally getting housing. I'm just saying, for me personally, I've been waiting so long for it that I now realized it's not even as relevant as it used to be.

    ArenaNet have been way too slow to bring about requested features. Better late than never. But it's still late and a lot of people who wanted housing have already left the game years ago. It's doubtful this will bring them back.

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  19. 8 hours ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

    Hate to break it to you, but every gaming community, Not just mmos, have their own flavor of toxicity. Gw2 isn't special.


    2. The community wouldn't be so toxic if the devs stop being out of touch with majority of the changes. You can talk to a brick wall so much until you can't take it anymore.


    Hell, the fact Anet doesn't have a pts (Public test servers.) In this day and age just shows how out of touch they really are, and even then I doubt Anet would do anything with the feedback outside of using a shredder.

    You are making stuff up. The toxicity of the GW2 community has nothing to do with the way Anet balances the game. The community has become so toxic and elitist over the last couple of years they've effectively destroyed GW2's reputation as being one of the friendlier MMO's. So you're right, Gw2 isn't special anymore because the players ruined it.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    For 12 years, Anet continues to Betray and Annihilate The Community Trust by refusing to turn the game into a Healthy Competitive Gaming Experience for the players and allowing Toxic Professions to continue to create a Hostile Toxic Destructive Gaming Culture

    The only toxic & hostile thing about this game is it's community. Just look at how you all behave each time a balance patch comes out and how you treat each other on these forums and in-game every day. GW2 is the last MMO I'll ever play and it's not because of anything Anet did.

    The only thing that is betraying and annihilating the community is yourselves.

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