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Posts posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. I thought offensive Druid is what everyone wanted?

    My support healing build in PvP got nerfed a straight 30% on healing and lost most of it's active condi cleanse in favor of more celestial avatar spam. Nobody played Druid in ranked except for me and now everyone is running it. Maybe it's time to reverse the changes and give me my build back?


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  2. I just want to add my 2cents being a Druid in PvP since HoT dropped, and been with the spec through every patch.

    Warhorn is essential because of the Windborne Notes trait. I usually ran this with a mainhand sword for it's mobility, but realized with how squishy support Druid can be it's better to keep my distance from opponents where I can support my allies instead, so I've recently switched to mainhand axe.

    I'm not sure I'm keen on getting back into the Melee action with mainhand Mace, but I haven't seen how the skills on mace work. Can it provide boons and healing to allies without needing to hit a target? If I can support my allies without fusing around trying to hit enemies that teleport, invisible spam, CC AOE spam, kite me into DH traps, etc, I will likely run Mace + Warworn or at least give it my best shot.

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  3. 31 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    -sincerely, a gold 1

    Gold 3 - Plat 1. Gold 2 on a bad week of afkers and bad matchmaking (or I unfortunately got matched with you). Your assumptions fail again.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

    we are so close to achieving peak pvp forum

    We will never reach peak pvp forum until we can see everyone's match count, playtime, and pvp rank under their portrait. Then we'll see who's really full of kitten around here.

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    This is the most I've seen someone care about treb ngl

    I care more about emphasizing my point when you and others are trying to confound what I'm trying to say to make it out like I'm advocating Treb camping, when that couldn't be further from the truth. And now you're just meme posting because you've got nothing else.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    As mentioned before, people tend to just camp treb and make their game 4v5.

    You're still not paying attention..

    I'm not advocating that anyone should be camping the Treb. I'm advocating that using the Treb in very specific circumstances with the correct timing and coordination with your team it can actually serve a purpose and break a longstanding stalemate. This is a very simple concept and I'm not sure how I can make it more simple for you to understand.

    This thread is not for the purpose of discussing incorrect use of the Treb. Everyone already knows it's incorrect use, which is why the Treb has a bad reputation and is the reason for all the terrible takes in this thread. None of you have the experience of seeing the Treb being used for it's actual purpose, so instead of paying attention and learning something you'd rather forbid anyone for ever setting foot near the Treb at your own loss.

    The original designers for Khylo were not stupid. There was a clear goal in mind when they designed the map the way they did. It is for you as the player to figure it out. Conquest was never intended to be a deathmatch mode, but it seems that's all some of you want it to be..

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  7. 28 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

    I'd say it's still advised not to use the treb regardless of potential advantages for the same reason it's not advised for most players to play hammer cata: they wouldn't know what to do with it anyway

    So your advice is to lose the match?

    I'm saying the Treb is a useful tool to those who know how and when it should be used. You're saying "they wouldn't know how to use it", but that's not who I'm talking about. I've played thousands of matches on this game and over the years I have seen a well placed and timed Treb change the trajectory of the Clocktower fight many times.

    I would rather someone take the chance to try to break a long standing stalemate rather than them sitting in spawn crying while pinging the map, which is the common strategy now when losing.

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  8. 1 hour ago, oujiboardspamname.1932 said:

    There's 3 points and 10 people on the map at any given time. 

    5 people on each team. There's audio and visual clutter that allows you to know that there is a treb strike on the way, it's telegraphed and easy to avoid. 

    The game is now a 4v5 where the objective is to contest nodes, if treb say gave 50 point on a kill, it could potentially be worth using, but as it stands it's one of the worst mechanics in gw2. 

    Okay but pay attention.

    5v5 on the clocktower, multiple wipes. Your 5 man team can't break through. You can't go to Far, either, because clocktower offers a perfect vantage point for the opposing players to see you coming a mile away, so you'll be contested every time. So what now ?

    The telegraphing doesn't matter because the Treb isn't necessarily about getting kills, it's to soften the point. A few hits on mid will make the enemies need to dodge and reposition. This can provide the opportunity needed for the rest of your team to get a foothold.

    I'm not saying sit on Treb the whole game. Only a few hits are needed.

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  9. There is a deeply seeded mentality among PvPers to verbally abuse and insult anyone for even considering using the Treb on Khylo. Ever wonder why the enemy team held onto the clocktower the entire game and there was nothing you could do and you lost? It's likely because everyone on your team was afraid of using the Treb and getting abused for it.

    I think some education here is required. The Treb is on this map for a very good reason. Mid on this map has limited avenues of attack, making it a lot more defensible compared to, say, The Graveyard on Foefire. If the opposing team has a very strong grip on the clocktower that your team is failing to break through, the Treb is exactly for this purpose of softening up the point and breaking the stalemate.


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  10. 12 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    You claim about all the chickens coming home to roost, but there's not a lot of evidence of that. There's a couple of complaints.  It's not even a storm in a teacup. If you brag about having some sort of numbers backing you up, and someone points out you don't, then what you said is incorrect. It's pretty simple.

    That's not how it works. Just because a majority think a certain way, that doesn't make it the correct thing. Maybe you just failed at history? It is filled with your kind of logic that ultimately leads to disaster.

    I couldn't care less if 100 people agree with me or only 1 person. It has no sway over me. So please go try your bullying tactics elsewhere.


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  11. 19 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    I don't disagree with most of this, but the flip side are the positives and these appear to outweigh the negaitves listed where it counts. They attracts new players, they are incredibly popular, they increase engagement by reducing staleness over time and ultimately they bring more people and life to the game.

    Do they make gliders, grapples and half the mounts redundant? Sure, I can't really argue against that. But is their inclusion hurting the game? No quite the opposite. And the fireball complaint is hugely over -exaggerated from the OP anyway.

    Unfortunately the price of revitalisation has cost the integrity of some other features. The answer to this is not to reduce the impact of the skyscale, but to make the other things more attractive

    - Glive gliders combat skills everywhere

    - Give more skills to other mounts - eg jackals to get more portals or the ability to create their own portals

    - Adjust any affected meta events accordingly which are being cheesed (Claw of Jormag)

    Sure there is extra work involved, but nerfing the skyscale is not the answer. It's a flagship feature now and is a key selling point. And frankly I find the fireball fun. I don't susbtitute proper combat for it - neither  do most players - but bringing something new and fresh and minimal in impact should not be shunned due to a few bad eggs.

    And was GW2 really about the journey prior? That I do disagree with. GW1 certainly was, but not GW2. When you could waypoint from maguuma to Ascalon in a second, that killed off the journeying aspect. Mounts certainly made things a bit smaller, but the benefits of the conveneicne and fun seemed to be more popular and important

    Thank you for the decency of writing a well thought out response.

    I never argued that Skyscales wouldn't be attractive. They are quite the opposite, really, like all convenience items are. And who doesn't want to fly a Dragon??! So they are definitely a selling point and are why they are so prominent in the SotO marketing (besides the actual fact you need a Skyscale if you are at all serious about playing GW2).

    My main point was if Skyscales never existed in the first place would the community be begging for them every day? Very unlikely. They'd probably fall into the same category as features like Housing. A nice idea, but they were not needed. Other MMO's already did flying mounts, and I believe GW2 was already being creative enough with it's other mounts to make mounting in GW2 feel special and unique. Coming  from that perspective, the Skyscale just feels cheap.

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  12. Instead of allowing another thread to turn into a popularity contest, here are just a few of the problems with Skyscale from the top of my head (EXCLUDING FIREBALLS)

    - They Trivialize older maps that were once interesting and unique to traverse. Take tangled depths for instance. You now traverse every single map in the game by the exact same method (Skyscale).

    - The Skyscale undermines the original design of events, such as bosses. Look at how it fundamentally changes how Mordremoth plays compared with how it was originally intended to be experienced.

    - They made the other mounts pointless. You can pretend like that the other mounts are still relevant, but 9 times out of 10 you're going to pick the Skyscale.

    - They made gliders and their accompanied masteries completely irrelevant. But gliders are just more old content. So who cares, right?

    - It is the only ESSENTIAL mount. If you wish to keep up with the commander or the event chain and not fall behind, you need the mount. Nobody wants to feel like they are falling behind in a game about community open world events. It is the reason Anet made Skyscales easier to acquire in SotO and advertised it as a main feature of the expansion. READ THE WRITING ON THE WALL! Anet knows what the players are thinking. Those who don't have a Skyscale yet are thinking to themselves "kitten, I really need a Skyscale!".

    - They are and will kill most of the sense of the adventure now and going forward. A good analogy that I saw another forum user make; Imagine if in Lord of the Rings Frodo just jumped on a Skyscale and flew to mount doom and dropped the ring? Movie over? Guild Wars 2 used to be a game about the Journey and not the destination. Flying mounts change this fundamental entirely. It is now all about jumping on the Skyscale and beelining directly to where you need to go. You can ignore most of the ground mobs and environments now...

    World of Warcraft added flying mounts to their game over a decade ago and they were renown for being a bad addition to the game in the longer term. Arena Net completely ignored this for some reason. I am very glad we got mounts in the game, but I really wished they'd resisted the temptation to add in the terrible idea that is the flying mount. It's a great idea on paper, but it changes the game too much by trivializing content or simply making it obsolete.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    If you think you were somehow "on point", you didn't read what OP actually wrote. He's talking about fireball allowing players to easly leech events from the air while in reality not even realistically contributing anything. Hence the subsequent solutions he proposed which, again, don't have much to do with what you're talking about.

    It has everything to do what I'm talking about..

    My original complaint is that flying mounts made it easier to circumvent obstacles to reach events faster, leaving other players behind who may miss out on participation. Fireballs don't exactly help alleviate this, does it? Really try to think about what I'm saying. It's not that difficult...

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  14. 20 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Well, for that matter, let's just skip the Twitch idea and give everyone a free item.

    Technically it wouldn't be free.

    Anet would sponsor some streamers to give away some items for people who tune into their stream. I saw Warframe do it a couple years ago, but that was a bit more involved, with actual Twitch integration. It worked almost like a reward track, where the longer you watched the stream, the more materials you would get. And now and then the Streamer would pull a name out of a hat for a bigger prize. I remember it bringing big numbers to Warframe for about a 1 week period.

    Best case scenario it would bring some new eyes on the game. Worst case it would be a fun community event where everyone can take a break from the grind and enjoy some rewards for participating in a special event.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Aegis Fang.5394 said:

    I returned to play after 10 years or so and this is ridiculous.   Every time I go somewhere I get this popup every single time.  It just now cost me participating in a meta event on Amnytas where I went to where more players were but the event was gone.  Just gone.  WTF?????????????


    Allow players to opt out of this harrassing kitten function since you cant be bothered to answer my appeal about a storyline Im stuck in an havent heard a thing in 2 weeks that has stopped play completely on one character I have.


    The map change harrassment is ludicrous especially for returning players who do not understand what this BS is for to begin with.   Ive not once went to a more pop zone and actually saw more players.  Not once.   Its the same amount.  WHY??????????????????????????????????

    The GW2 community loves loadscreens. It's actually the meat and potatoes of the gameplay.

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  16. 5 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Did you get them for the achievement? 

    If yes, then I share your pain. 

    If not, only a handful are worth using anyway.  Delete the ones that are useless. 

    If it wasn't for the achievements, I would have like 5 total on my account. 

    I got them from the achievements, yes.

    Now I'm looking at the materials required for a Legendary Relic and I'm feeling more pain..

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  17. I applied after some friends convinced me. I actually have a lot of relevant experience. I'd probably have to move if I was successful, though.

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  18. Hot take, I know. But it would make the PvP seasons more impactful (no queuing for conquest during off-season), and it may also improve the low population in ranked matches. Discuss?

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