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Posts posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. 3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Yup, called it when we got the news about skyscale fireball being added with soto. Thought it will be a bad addition back then and still think so now. 

    No, you didn't, because skyscale didn't have that ability years ago and we had no information about it getting added at that time either. No need to make up this stuff just so you can claim "you told us so". You evidently didn't. 

    I claimed that Skyscales would be a bad thing for open maps. This thread is calling Skyscales an Epidemic. I'm pretty sure I was on point. The fireballs are just exacerbating the issue that was already present from the start.

    You already knew that. But you couldn't resist coming into another thread just to single me out. This is getting ridiculous. You could have responded to anybody else..

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  2. 13 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    but they aren't required  to complete the content.

    Except it will probably take you 3x longer and you probably wont be able to keep up with the grind train, arrive late to events, feel like a noob, etc..

    But you want to call it optional. Yeah, technically everything is optional if you want to put it that way.

    With this mindset, how about let's call all mounts, including gliders optional? Do you think you will be having much fun limiting yourself? No, it will not be fun. At the very least you want to keep up with everyone else and not fall behind. That makes the Skyscale essential in the players mind. NOT optional.

    If Skyscales were not in the game it would be a non-issue. Nobody would complain about there not being a flying mount. The fact is they DO exist, and you need one unless you have some weird conviction and won't use them. I don't like using the Skyscale either but I'm not going to pretend like I don't need it going forward.

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  3. Just now, kharmin.7683 said:

    Good thing the flying mounts are optional for practically all OW content.

    Yeah right.

    Why do you think they streamlined their acquisition with SotO?  Expecting future content to require or at least heavily favor the Skyscale, maybe?

    As the old saying goes, why Walk when you can Ride? Well now it's why Ride when you can Fly?

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  4. 33 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    So in conclusion it because not enough people both in the player base and more critically in the dev team had the foresight to see how this was going to affect the game and thus here we are. So to summarize what has been a long enough diatribe already I'll just paraphrase what someone else said above: We told you so.

    All you needed to do was look at what flying mounts did to WoW. Anyone paying attention could see the problem coming like a runaway train without breaks, because MMO's have made this same mistake before.

    The dev team likely saw it coming, too. But couldn't resist putting them in the game because they are big for the Gem store, not to mention it makes everything trivially easy (especially the older content) and makes grinding more convenient overall, which is what most PvE'ers want in the end.

    So here we are as the after effects of adding flying mounts to the game continues to snowball.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

     I'm surprised no human in a position of authority ever suggested the Tyrian equivalent of napalm; certainly Countess Anise seems hard enough to consider something like that.

    "All things have a right to grow," and yet the Sylvari run through the world slaughtering everything in their path because the arbitrary Wyld Hunt overrules all other considerations? No, their morality and belief systems aren't questionable in the slightest.

    This is exactly the kind of story GW2 needs. I had actually expected there to be more of this after Rytlocks ramblings about the Sylvari in the HoT trailer, but we never actually got to see it develop further than that.

    Instead of all the races always being friends all the time, there should have been more rivalries develop throughout GW2's lifetime. Another example is the pact between Humans and Charr. I would have liked to see it be broken and for there to be more rivalry between the main races and factions. We needed that kind of drama as it could have opened up so much opportunity for story development.

    Instead we're left with the Dragons being defeated and the writers scratching their heads trying to come up with a new super villain out of thin air that we can band together to take down once again. It's tiresome.

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  6. 36 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    No, that's the title, the subject is "tagging with fireball and out of danger while others do the work is bad", that's an entire different subject

    You mean I can't post my own grievances about Skyscales in a thread about Skyscales unless it is DIRECTLY about the OP's grievance regarding Fireballs? You are going to need to come up with something better than that..

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  7. 4 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    So you brought up a subject that didn't existed yet at that time and you are surprised you got confused reaction?

    That seems kinda normal to have those reaction

    The subject is that Skyscales are an epidemic in open world. They were a bad idea long before fireballs were added. As someone else said, the genie is out of the bottle.

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  8. I brought this up years ago on this forum back when Skyscales first got introduced and I got nothing but confused ratings as a response. Now it seems the honeymoon phase has worn off and the chickens have finally come home to roost. I hate to say I told you so..

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  9. 1 hour ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

    no pips for loss unless within 100 points, afk fixed

    if the matches are TRULY balanced, they should be within 100 points


    I think rewards should be tied to overall participation rather than a win/loss.

    Only ranking should be heavily affected by a win/loss, as that is the competitive nature of it. But I think everyone should be rewarded for their participation.

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  10. Win with top stats - 11 pips

    Lose with top stats - 4 pips

    Lose while AFK - 3 pips

    There is a 1 pip difference between playing and AFKing in a seemingly losing game. Since that is the reason most people AFK matches (because they assume it's a lost cause). There should be better rewards for participating regardless of the match outcome.

    I propose we give additional pips for active participation in a losing game. The end result should look something like this;

    Win with top stats - 11 pips

    Lose with top stats - 7-8 pips

    Lose while AFK - 3 pips

    Players will still be incentivized to win, because they will still get overall more pips by winning. But can still earn pips by doing a lot of effort and losing. And AFKing should be bottom of the barrel..

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  11. Are the Asura Anet's favorite? It seems like as far back as I can remember we're being led by the nose by Asura characters and their technology and their techno-babble. Can we take a break from Asura culture, please? Just when I thought we were done with Taimi and Gorrick, you bring back Zojja. What is it with Asura favoritism? IBS was good for Norn and Charr, at least. But Sylvari seem to be totally forgotten, apart from the odd appearance from Caithe..

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  12. 8 hours ago, Bobby Stein.3612 said:

    Came for the discourse. Stayed for the food posts. 😉

    In all seriousness, I appreciate the conversation. As you can see, Guild Wars is a living, breathing IP that has evolved with every release and iteration of the dev team. With the Elder Dragon tale completed, we've been shifting the story and tone to feel a bit different in comparison to the last decade, starting with Secrets of the Obscure. So whether your comment looks back at the story from the original 2012 release or at where we're headed now, I'm happy that you're examining it with a critical eye and sharing your thoughts, whether or not it appeals to you. Appreciate the feedback.

    I know it may seem harsh that I compared some of the GW2 story to fast food like Mcdonalds, but it's really true.

    I'd like to see stories that are less formulaic and predictable, and with more grey areas. And also, as someone else said;

    On 1/15/2024 at 10:44 AM, cyberzombie.7348 said:

    From my pov it doesn't need a darker story, it's just overall lacking in more grounded plots that isn't resolved by some supernatural feat. Having such plots would also help in setting a better contrast between what's extraodinary. 

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  13. 31 minutes ago, PrinceValentine.9320 said:

    Not recommending to nerf it to the point that it becomes useless but a little shaving should be ok so other specs can shine too. Please see image links below for reference. Thoughts?

    Image 1

    Image 2



    ArenaNet already shaved off 30% of it's healing potential in the last big profession update and killed off more than half of it's condi-cleanse ability. And you want them to shave a little more off on top of that?

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  14. 8 minutes ago, GBEW.5947 said:

    yeah this is actually the reason i joined in the forums. Its annoying to see from an outsiders prospective, and even more annoying knowing how wrong they are about nearly everything they've posted. 

    Your problem is you can't think for yourself. You see a few people ganging up on someone else and so you assume the larger group must be right.

    I was at a protest a few years ago and I watched as a group of youths physically assault an elderly man who disagreed with their protest. Do you want to know how the rest of the crowd responded? They all joined in on the assault, of course, without even knowing what the elderly man was standing for in the first place.

    You've added nothing of substance to any of the discussion in this topic. You simply decided to finally to chip in with your worthless 2 cent opinion. Don't worry though, you'll make lots of allies here with your behavior.

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  15. 6 minutes ago, Surelia.2651 said:

    All I have seen for the last few weeks on this form are threads from you where over and over you post nothing but uninformed whinging about the game and it's features, then proceed to spend then next few days arguing non-stop with everyone about every single thing they say in response, despite they are simply trying to help you understand how this game actually works.  Forum trolling for fun is apparently more productive for you than actually playing the game 🙄

    Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and go play the game instead of coming on the forums and whinging about other people that take the time and effort to make suggestions for the game? Your post adds literally nothing to the topic of discussion and is just another hopeless attempt at attacking me. So who's really the troll?

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  16. Just now, Schimmi.6872 said:

    This wouldn't help in this case, if the skills don't go through like in the mentioned case of large WvW fights, but the rest runs rather normal, the usual problem is that the server is overloaded with calculations. A better utilization of the clients hardware won't change this.

    Server upgrades aren't on the table, either? And here I was thinking technology had improved 100-fold over the last 2 decades.

    Never say never.

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  17. 12 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    You think Thor: Ragnarok is an example of a bad Marvel movie that was poorly reviewed?

    It's one of the highest rated movies in the franchise.

    Ragnarok is the example everyone gives of mixing humor and serious plot correctly.


    Spotted the Marvel fan.

    Sorry to tell you, but that entire franchise is trash.

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  18. 15 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Have you ever played wvw ebg with a 3 way fight?

    If you have you would notice you pressing skills and it just flashing not doing anything.

    That would happen all the time if you get your way with this idea.

    I proposed the idea with a hypothetical engine upgrade bringing the game tech more in line with current day computer hardware because as we know, GW2 in its current state does not utilize computer hardware very well.

    Why are you ignoring what I'm saying entirely? I don't care if you think an upgrade like that will never happen, because nobody knows that. And technology is improving rapidly.

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  19. 9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Yes it is. Even if the scaling was perfect -which it isn't- do you think every player has the same impact whether they do content solo, in groups of 5-10 or zerg a meta as 50? Because they very obviously do not. I'm not "ignoring" anything, once again it's your lack of understanding what you're trying to talk about. Take a boss and make 1 player fight it. If that players fails and dies, the boss won't be killed. Take a 10 man raid. If one person fails and dies, 9 people still can easly kill it. Increase the number to 50, 150, 500 and try telling me the gameplay and player impact doesn't change. You're simply incorrect.

    More semantics.

    Gameplay and player impacts change all the time. But you're telling me if we had some more players on the same map, suddenly the entire gameplay and it's systems collapses under the weight of it all? You have to be kidding me..

    The sole reason map instances exist in the first place is because of performance. GW2 came out in 2012, for 2012 computer hardware and was on DX9. It's antiquated and it shows the age of the game. How is that so illogical to you? You don't think Anet originally wanted to have as many players in a single map as possible? Of course they did! It was one of the major selling points of the game, to have BIG cooperative battles seamlessly with other players. But in reality the limited engine and hardware of the time forced a compromise, and that is why we have instanced maps.

    You are just making things up now to try to justify it's continued existence in the game because that's what you always do because you don't like anyone questioning the status quo. Or you just like to argue with anyone who gives feedback on the game. Either way you're wrong.

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  20. 14 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    How about describing it for what it most probably is, so: people don't like playing in empty instances (so they're ok with instance swapping to the more populate ones) and they don't want 500 players in the same place at the same time, either for gameplay or performance reasons (so they're ok with several instances of the same map existing)?

    Gameplay is not a reason when every encounter in the game can automatically be scaled to the amount of players. 500 players or 50 players? It makes no difference when the boss HP can scale to it. You are ignoring this fact on purpose.

    Secondly, you mentioned performance reasons. I literally included in my OP the question if technical upgrades to the engine could open up the possibility of more players on maps without performance issues. We had an upgrade to DX11 already, so we know more improvements may be coming in the future. But you inconveniently ignore that also.

    But arguing with you is pointless because you are only here to disagree with me since you turn up in almost every single thread that I post in just to reply to me and try to shut me down. You are targeting me and trying to gaslight me constantly.

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  21. 19 minutes ago, GBEW.5947 said:

    You don't give feedback. You complain about many things that you have no understanding about. I would absolutely hate the game that you want guild wars to be.

    I must have no understanding because the way you think makes absolutely no sense to me.

    GW2 becoming a more seamless open world MMO without needing to taxi to other maps constantly to find other players somehow makes the game worse, according to you. It would ruin the game so badly you would hate the game. Is Taxi'ing to other instances your favorite feature about GW2? Try to help me understand. Thanks.

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