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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. To any Anet employer who may be reading this, I apologize on behalf of everyone else. I only wanted to provide some feedback to the game and how I think some of the encounters could use a re-tuning to be more enjoyable. But unfortunately it must be difficult for you to read through all the noise and get anything useful out of it, as there is a particular mechanism in this community to attack people who even suggest the game might have a shortcoming. To this end, providing feedback is pointless.
  2. So you weren't banned, then. This confirms it. Otherwise you'd remember. I certainly didn't forget who you are, DanAlcedo.3281.
  3. Who cares anymore? They don't want to talk about anything else and chose to hyperfocus on one thing I said and pretend like their assumptions are fact. They'd rather make sweeping generalizations about my ability as a player than face any kind of negative feedback about the game. It's typical fanboy behavior that you see all the time on subreddits. The thing is, when it comes down to it I'm a huge fan of GW2. Why else would I have stuck around for 10+ years, and completed most of the content? The difference though is I'm not a white knighting fanboy. I can accept the games shortcomings and even speak out about it. Shocking, I know.
  4. ^ This is what the GW2 community does. When someone complains about something in the game they will resort to insulting you and stating that you are a bad player like it's a fact, and will even go to these kinds of lengths to try to humiliate you. Look in the mirror GW2 "veterans", this is the reputation you've made for yourselves. I never recommend GW2 to anyone who's interested in checking out the game because of this toxic community.
  5. Try comprehending the thread topic next time. It's "Make content more engaging", it's not "Make content more easier". I never said the content was hard or I was having trouble with it. I said it was boring and drawn out longer than it needs to be. If I supposedly "rise up to meet the challenge" like you keep saying, will the content somehow improve because I can get through it faster? Is getting through content faster your idea of improving said content? I'm just trying to understand your logic here, professor. Since you seem to think none of the responsibility is on the developers because you sympathize with them so vehemently. Also Checkers is more stimulating than some of this GW2 content, which is dumbed down to a game of Simon Says. Checkers is a more mentally stimulating game so it would actually be an upgrade for GW2.
  6. I feel like this thread is an accurate summary of the Anet fanboy hivemind that exists here on this forum. It's a well known phenomenon, ask anyone who's wise enough to avoid this place. Nobody paid attention to anything I said. Someone decided to turn the thread into a classroom and you all jumped on the bandwagon and act like you know everything, yet you still fail miserably because you can't help yourselves because you all think the same way.
  7. Yes it is. I fought a boss, it felt bloated. Felt like it took 30 minutes. Maybe it took less than that in reality, but it was so boring and repetitive that it felt like 30. And skill rotations are so short in GW2 I felt like I went through my full rotation like 50 times, at which point my brain actually starts to hurt. I understand maybe Anet are super proud of the combat system and want us to use it as much as possible but the amount of combat in story instances is simply excessive. EVERY story instance you are fighting a horde of monsters and likely some HP bloated boss. Sometimes I just want a story less combat focused, but we really don't get enough of that because apparently nobody thinks it's a problem except for me, according to the pro's in here.
  8. I might have pulled a few if you all didn't turn this entire thread into a matter regarding my build. Which is completely pointless because there's nothing wrong with my build. Instead of discussion about the game, all you've tried to do is make me answer for things. I've told you the content is repetitive, boring, and the playtime is drawn out by HP bloat. But you want to make the argument about something else, and make me spell it all out for you so you can further make this thread about me. I haven't made generalizations at all, I'm describing my experience with much of the game.
  9. LMAO!! The community has spoken, he proclaims. I've been on GW2 since pre-launch. I have over 6000 hours played, over 7k PVP matches, 13 characters over level 80. GET A GRIP
  10. Well that's easy. I can pull a random card out of a hat with any number of things and it would probably be relevant to the topic. That's just how much repetitive stuff there is. But I'm not playing your game, sorry.
  11. It is not natural that for every argument there should be only counter arguments for the sake of counter arguments. Every counter argument in this thread ignores the actual point I'm putting forward and reducing it to "u bad, skill issue". Is that your idea of a strong "counter argument"?
  12. This is why player feedback is rarely given. Some people are so hilariously inept and defensively ignorant about it.
  13. You're right. The whole game will fix itself , encounters more varied and interesting, story less repetitive. All of this if I change my build. Ok, got it. Im going to metabattle right now thanks everyone!
  14. I get the exact same responses no matter what I post on this forum. I once made a suggestion for a Gem store skin and I still managed a slew of responses disagreeing with me. Which is bizarre to say the least. There's some sort of screw loose on this forum.
  15. Where in this thread did I ask for help? I didn't ask for help. Not even once.. Read the title of the thread.
  16. It's always a "skill issue" when someone criticizes anything about GW2. Next I'll make the statement that the GW2 community is not receptive to feedback and you'll continue to ask for my build so you can verify it. GW2 content is padded out, and content is repetitive, it's as simple as that. And what's with everything being done in 3's? Burst this thing down 3 times, or do this special attack thingy 3 times, or fight 3 different versions of the same enemy, etc. It's always the same thing, and I can always predict exactly how an encounter is going to play out. I can start any story instance and I'll be there talking with some of my ally characters and then the bad guys always turn up "unexpectedly" and you and your friends have to fight them off. Does all this sound familiar yet? But no, it's my "build" that's the issue. Good one.
  17. I'm not asking for advice. I'm telling you the bosses have too much health and every encounter is designed this way to pad out the playtime. It is mind-numbingly dull the way Anet designs these encounters. Every single one is the same. Hit boss for 5 minutes -> 2 minute segment doing special ability to break bar -> hit boss for another 5 minutes -> kill minion / thing before it heals the boss -> hit the boss again for 5 minutes. It's been like this for like 3 straight expansions. It's like Anet is trying to bore me to death.
  18. As someone who plays solo, it is NOT FUN to have to bash a boss for 30 minutes straight to get their health down. Please come up with something more engaging to lengthen encounters if you have to. Anything would be better than these long drawn out HP bloat fests..
  19. It vanishes the moment I go to another map. It vanishes when I switch character. And it vanishes when I log out. What is the actual point of it if I can't use it to return to a spot of my choosing?
  20. I'm making this new thread because the last one was locked for some unexplained reason! Why do we have so many mount skins that resemble something out of the Final Fantasy universe than skins that are lore friendly and actually appeal to the GW2 lore? I've been wanting a Sylvarri hound mount skin for my Main ever since POF mounts were announced. The closest we've ever gotten is the Mordrem Jackal Mount. I don't want to ride a big majestic Lion straight out of Japanese fantasy. I want GW2 fantasy 😞
  21. Druid just doesn't feel the same since this was removed. The changes to Lingering Light, Celestial Avatar, and Glyph of the Stars was bad enough and went along way in gutting my playstyle. But Minor Seeds of Life combo fields and cleanses, too? It feels bad 😞
  22. I'm back after 1 year away and I'm disappointed this still hasn't been added! It seems like such a no-brainer. SO many Sylvarri mains will buy this in droves. Why do we get final fantasy / JRPG themed mounts before we get GW2 lore faithful mounts? I don't get it...
  23. yeah, this spec is now dead to me. The 30% decrease on healing to allies in the previous balance patch was annoying enough, but I was willing to soldier through because at least I had my other utilities and I found that I could still be an effective team support with skilled play. But now they've cut away even more and left me with nothing but some lame boon spam. Boons that could already be accessed elsewhere, or done better on other specs. Druid is a support, how can I do that effectively when I cannot cleanse myself and my allies from condi, or deny condi on a node for a short period of time, (glyph of the stars) which was an elite skill that actually felt impactful for a change.. This patch has taken things to the next stage and I no longer feel like Druid is a good support option any longer. It already paled in comparison to support Guardian before these horrible changes, but at least support Druid had it's own niche that made it effective in it's own way. They've successfully killed that now. They took away condi denial (glyph of the stars) and gave us stability on a radius in it's place. A guardian can already do that and much better with stand your ground and virtue of courage. So what is the goal here? To make Druid a different flavor of guardian, but just worse in every way? Why is Druid not allowed to have it's own support identity in the meta ? what is your obsession with boons boons boons??? Don't we already have enough boons from Guardians and Ele's and everything else??? Why did Glyph of the Stars have to be nuked? Is it because it was actually an effective way to counter a heavy condi team composition? Was someone at Anet mad that Druid could do something no other spec could do? I'm sorry, but activating one of my Glyphs and getting a magical boon does not create a warm and fuzzy feeling in my tummy.. So you're saying a Necromancer can drop a condi bomb on a node in Conquest, afflicting all my team members with stacks of conditions. But Glyph of the Stars being a method to counter that was just far too potent and game breaking, so they just had to destroy the elite skill entirely by instead making it *Drum Roll Please* Grant a boon! Oh Gee, I can't wait until the next team fight where this happens and I feel completely and utterly useless in helping my team! What am I to do with all of these great new boons Anet? Protection & Stability. I mean, my healing to allies is 30% less potent than before, and I can't cleanse or counter condi's worth a #%@%, but atleast now I can compete with support Guardian with these amazing boons. Right? RIGHT!?! If I loved Boons so much I'd be playing Guardian, not Druid. I played Druid for it's healing and it's cleansing. I enjoyed hard countering heavy condi in PvP, that's the thing that gave me the warm and fuzzy feeling in my tummy, not this lame boon thing. Like I'm really going to feel that -%33 reduction on damage with protection, and all my allies are going to thank me for that rare and sought after Stability. Oh wait hold on, everyone already has access to those boons. Oops, sorry Druid. There's nothing special about you anymore.. ArenaNet please, please, please, consult with real actual support Druid players before making changes to this spec. So far in the last few PvP seasons I have run into maybe 1 other Druid who actually had a staff and glyphs equipped. 99% of the Druids out there are just Rangers who only select the Druid traitline so they can abuse Celestial avatar invisibility and spam immobolize (surprise surprise, you just made that easier for them with CA access changes). I am not one of those players. I use the staff, I use all of the Glyphs, I used the +50% bonus to allied healing with lingering light (also now nerfed) and in teamplay my focus was on healing and cleansing. And so these supposed "support improvements" are impacting me the most (in a negative way). I feel as if I'm being punished for playing Druid faithfully.. You say you made these changes to keep Druid in-line with it's support role, but why haven't you touched on this humongous elephant in the room that is invisibility & immobolize spam? You should have fixed the obvious shortcomings with this specialization first before trying to "fix" things which already worked fine and fit well into the support role. Kill the cheese and buff the existing support utilities and I'd say that would have been a big step in the right direction. If you wanted to improve Druid as a support, then improve on it. Don't just gut it and try to change it into something it was never mean't to be. Because that is what you seem to be doing. I know this is a long rant but I had to get this all out there. As someone who has been playing Druid support in PvP since HoT release this is like watching a train crash in super slow motion. But since today's patch went live I just don't think I can stomach it anymore, my playstyle is far too neutered now for me to get any enjoyment out of it. And seeing how long it's taken for them to fix the 300s cooldown traits I have absolutely no hope at all that they will ever reverse these changes to bring Druid back to where it should be where it could be set on the right track.
  24. Have we forgotten that Druid already had it's healing to allies reduced by 30% in the previous patch? Look at changes to Lingering Light in that patch.
  25. They are killing Druid with this patch, it's as simple as that. It will be time to play another spec.. Druid just isn't going to be worth it after being neutered like this.
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