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Flowerpot.6025's Achievements

  1. That's what bothers me the most, tbh. I've been playing Engi since release. I never complained about how other classes felt better in pretty much every single aspect of the game. I just kept playing because I liked my class even though I knew I'd never reach the DPS output or supportability of other classes. Came back recently and I've been really happy to see that the newest elite spec is what I've always wanted. A fun summoner/pet class with good DPS where I don't have to do finger gymnastics to do decent. And it's just really annoying to see so many people complain about it. And I don't even understand why. Yes, it's easy to play, yes it deals good damage. Now, what's the problem exactly? Where were your complaints when we had to manage multiple skill kits to do half the dmg other classes did? Most people never really cared about the class, only now since it's a top/good DPS class.
  2. I never understood the crying about other classes. So we got an easy to play class which still allows for good dmg. How is that a bad thing? If it's boring to you simply don't play it? I for once enjoy the fact that I don't have to finger break dance to put out some decent dmg.
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