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Everything posted by RazieL.5684

  1. i don't play mesmer, so i can't go too much into the details, but from what i've seen from mesmer players they seem to enjoy it and it is strong chrono especially
  2. you can't kite a willbender like every other skill is mobility... but my point on mesmer still stands especially with spear now it's not just one burst and they can also do it while invulnerable mesmer is top tier right now
  3. don't forget mesmers too, their burst is absurd rivaling willbender at this point but from stealth and range and unblockable
  4. well it didn't take long... in fact cele is not even actually nerfed and the next one is on the chopping block... this is why i never listen to people on this forum you guys are clueless as all hell
  5. oof was that your attempt to sound smart for when i pointed out that reflecting deadeyes' malicious judgement is broken and does 140 damage (with any build, idk where you got support ele from but yeah) and you defended it as some kind of ~11000% multiplier... big oof... thanks for proving me right for everything though that was nice of you... on topic: imho the stats that should have been removed are concentration and healing power idk why expertise had to get cut as it has nothing to do with the "oMg ImMoRtAl CeLe" if you cut the concentration to lower the boons and the healing power to lower the sustain and suddenly cele loses its sustain
  6. oh wow stealth is fixed then! praise the gods all thief issues have been resolved and stealth is now completely balanced! jesus kittening christ man be serious for kittens sake i know you main thief but still...
  7. ofc i'm not denying that... my point is that even now if i go into wvw i will find 10 thieves/willbenders in about 5 minutes and maybe i will find 1-2 cele players so why aren't anet doing something about THAT oppression? stealth is still broken af nothing is done about that... and guardians still kitten boons while also killing you with their diarrhea and nothing is done about that either... personally i don't really care about the cele nerf for me nothing changes but what is frustrating to me is the blatant bias and favoritism that happens... in another thread someone was claiming "aaah viper gear is a pve set it was never meant to be viable in wvw" but somehow berserker which is it's power equivalent is somehow supposed to be? and cele is always compared to the berserker gear for some reason? all in all everyone is always just up for a quick win and nothing else matters...
  8. jesus cele is getting nerfed and people are still crying about cele 😄 yeah we are gonna see huge diversity of builds now like power thieves power willbenders power rangers and power mesmers... maybe power reapers too? idk man sounds like marauder/dragons/zerker gear is too oppressive and needs some stats shaved off...
  9. well they gave it to thief so... i guess it's possible... having like a holy power shield that fills by burning your foes
  10. nerfs to thieves and willbenders in wvw when???
  11. Hello, i was looking for some information on spell effects and other than the usual effect lod there is not much to go on... anyone have any idea what the reason might be that i am not seeing half the spell effects in the game? and they are not overwritten by number or players or something for example i fight a harbinger 1v1 just us nearby and his shroud 5 is absolutely invisible on my screen and idk what i haven't tried yet... also very often virtuoso bladesongs are invisible and many other effects that are crucial i just can't see on my screen? does it have something to do with 4k?
  12. check if you have any driver updates waiting to happen, that usually destroys my fps for some stupid reason...
  13. 3 condies on a cleanse OMG INSANE!!! too bad condi classes drop 6 condies on your face per button press so 3 condies on an 18 second cd is pretty meh... self heal on 5 is 2k in wvw... pulsing stab on earth 5? not bad... good luck hitting any of those skills on someone with eyes... i will never be impressed by these meh skills while willbenders run around critting over 7k with their kittening F1 on an 8s cd and their other F skills have more sustain than my entire skillset...
  14. the devs don't read the forums and don't care what you think/want... if something works out great it's because "they made the great decision" if something doesn't work out great it's because "you don't get it" and "it will work out great in next patch"... so far ele got 3 horrible weapons in a row and i wasn't surprised by any of them... the devs think they are doing a great job because look at how much support they get and how many people are still playing the game after so many years... just accept it, you get a kitten weapon that has 0 survivability 0 sustain 0 cc and 1 damage... if you want to complain go play a blue boy that does more damage with his F1 than you do with a full etching... nothing's gonna change, the devs don't care... sincerely - another open beta player
  15. i agree with everything i just don't want them to nerf staff to compensate for how kitten spear is...
  16. my 4 button on warclaw doesn't work as well even though it works on all other mounts
  17. i know this is not the right thread but i don't want to make a new one for this question... does anyone else have the FPS issue? why every time i turn around i get 1fps? i even turned to "best performance" i have 2 people on my screen and the game lags? i can't fight anything in wvw if i have to turn around... it wasn't like this before... i have no addons, nothing changed really i haven't logged in the game for a while and now wanted to try spear but it's literally unplayable...
  18. this is nice but nowhere near enough... weaver is in a horrible state and no group benefits from bringing one, you are better off bringing pretty much anything else... like mukluk says in his most recent video about weaver you are better off bringing a dragonhunter that does the same but also has amazing utility that is always there without having to swap elements 5 times for basic CC options and stuff... right now weaver is F tier...
  19. i could believe it's "oneshot" but i think it was just played improperly even though i probably wouldn't do better myself on that class... the thing is i have seen people do 8k mauls on cele but somehow this one barely did 4k rapid fire even though half was dodged still that was some pathetic damage 😄this video was pretty pointless
  20. i didn't want to sound offensive to trevor but honestly this kinda looked like my 3 hour experience on ranger... clearly trevor doesn't play much ranger considering he pushed his opponent away and used worldly impact in place... that's something i would do... but he did make the challenge so excuses are not acceptable imho...
  21. idk how? he said he is testing in game right now so i'm waiting to see
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