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Posts posted by Tongku.5326

  1. So...

    This might be a silly question but... When is this going to be implimented ? Or is it in the game already ? I kinda looked but wasn't able to digup solid info. I think I will come back to the game for a while for this.

  2. Traditionally in vast majority of MMORPGs I have played pretty much since they came to existance since UO and EQ1, what is here as "power" based damage tended always to be the burst side of DPS, while DOTs which are here condistions tended to outperform power but on sustained DPS. There are many differences here with the traditional DOT / Direct DPS systems in this game. I am going to list some of these differences here, pretty sure there are more too, but these are just off the top of my head:

    1. Condition Damage is tied to soft CC. If you reduce it too much, there will be a lack of soft CC in general in addition to it, thus completely negating a lot of tactical gameplay.
    2. Condi damage here, depending on class / condi, is meant to provide either burst or sustained, for example 5 stacks of burns from a burn guard, vs 5 stacks of bleed from a bleed necro. This blurs the line between sustained and direct DPS. The burst condis by their nature are fast hitting, if reduced they will make ceirtain gameplay styles / tactics unusable.
    3. In many, but not all, other games, alternating both DOT and direct damage is part of an overall optimal DPS rotation, for example using a debuff DOT which usually lasts a while and provides a big debuff to ceirtain type of damage, then using a direct damage ability to take advantage of that debuff. This is not very viable / possible here due to divide between power and condi damage stats. In those games all damage is applied through a single stat set, with secondary stats having some, but not main effect such as a bit extra duration, or a bit stronger debuffs.
    4. Some games use specific DOT types and specific resist types for ceirtain classes / specs, this provides rock/paper/scissors balance which is missing here almost entirely on some classes. This leads those to be too vulnreable thus limiting overall average playability.

    There is a plethora of other differences as well, too many to list.

    I don't see why there shouldn't be some condi resistance here from vitality stat much like armor provides damage resistance against power damage. Vitality already by its nature gives a pretty big boost. Having 3-5 seconds to react on a 22-24k hp guard vs 12k hp guard is a gigantic difference. But there is room for the built in base resistance. It doesn't have to be as strong as the armor reduction, it can be for example 0% at 12k hp to 20% at 30k hp and everything inbetween. Granted that some classes have easier time of achieving that high hp, thus they would need a slight boost, preferrably via master trait addition so that a trade off can be maintained for those that choose to use it.

  3. @Aerlen.5326 said:I've suggested repeatedly as have others to please limit the effects of flashing or strobing lights in this game. It's a migraine trigger for me and an epilepsy trigger for others.

    Well, in the PoF instance in Glint's lair, the final phase of the Facet is nothing but constant flashing effects. I got so confused and sick that I just stayed in the center and brute forced the thing instead of trying to grab the shield to break it's CC bar. Thanks for allowing a safe spot to auto attack and wait it out but my gosh, why? You could have just as easily created that minefield without flashing lights. It's nice none of your developers have vision or neuro issues but it stinks for those that do.

    Then, I was on a bounty hunt in the highlands and there was a bounty that did NOTHING but constantly flash lights. It was so bad, I had to not look at the screen and randomly press buttons hoping I was hitting it. Again, why? Another effect that could have easily been done without blinding, flashing lights. Others who are not disabled even complained, the flashing was slowing down their game and hurting their eyes.

    Since Hearts and Minds, this seems to be a big thing with Anet - strobing lights, blinding lights, moving filters you can't see around, etc. with no option to disable or minimize. Please, stop. There are better ways to do these effects and artificial difficulty without constantly painful flashing or nausea inflicting filters. It's not fun. It's not revolutionary.

    If there's no plans to stop, can we at least get an option to disable? No amount of Git Gud is going to fix a neurological issue.

    A lot of these lights are due to excessive particles, there was something in the game options that used to limit how much particle effects you get, but now I can't find it again. Though I don't get migranes or seizures from it, I do wish I could go easier on these as I tend to play long sessions over the weekends and it definetly contributes to eye strain in general even for those of us that do not have the extra problems with flashing lights.

    So if someone could point us to those options that lower the particle amounts, this can help the situation.

  4. @Junkpile.7439 said:

    @Chris.3290 said:Scourge heavy groups are easily counterable, it's just that too many people are too lazy to take off their PvE Marauder's gear and move beyond HoT boonshare to actually get something done.

    Step 1: Find spellbreakers who are actually good and have them rotate WoD. You just nullified the Firebrands.Step 2: Rediscover CC skills. It used to be a cornerstone of the game but Boonshare made people too lazy.Step 3: Condition mitigation, again used to be a cornerstone. Dust off your Warrior's warhorn and Lemongrass Soup potsStep 4: Perhaps the old mindset of just putting bodies on a tag isn't a winning strat anymore. Running an organized composition has never been rewarded much in WvW in the past; but the way Scourges work kind of makes that a losing strat. Perhaps more organization and less screaming for more people before leaving spawn.Berserkker gear is PvE gear, marauder is tank gear.

    LOL no. Examples of tank gear: Minstrel, Nomad, Sentinel, Soldier, Dire, etc. Marauder is basically berserker with a sprinkle of vitality on it and its glass as fuck, much like a lot of dire has a sprinkle of precision on it.

    On the side note, I'm very happy that there is finally a way to nuke unskilled groups twice the size of organized groups. If you guys feel threatened by this, I wonder how you'd feel if the game was like it was in the 1st year, when we used to mow down entire map ques in groups of 8-10. Go kinda "zerg surfing". Incidentally, that was all power based.

    It is also a given, that no matter what the meta changes or develops to, we will adapt and still do the same, and there will still be same posts here and everywhere, only difference will be nerf this instead of that !

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