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Fade to Shadow.4579

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Posts posted by Fade to Shadow.4579

  1. Hi! Im playing using a Full Berserker Core build but vs Champion I've 0 Sustain, especially now that i'm doing the HoT Expansion where i need to survive poison, bleed etc Any advice? Staying with the berserker gear.

  2. It's because I don't want to spend enough gold for the Armor / weapons. Id like use Exotic Sets and survive most of the PvE Content, up to Champions, I dont want to kill legendaries. A build with a lot of AoE dmg would be nice so i can save up time killing things.

  3. Hi! I've already a Guardian and a Mesmer with maxed gears and so on for playing PvE content, mostly on Solo (events, farm, killing champions etc). I'd like to play as a Engineer now. Can you suggest me please a build that allows me to play alone, with good sustain and damage? I've read about mechanist. The doubt I have is: Conditions or Power?

  4. What's the most effective way of dealing with Open World Content (Group of Minions, Champion Mobs).

    For istance, I have a Guardian with DragonHunter Power Build and I'm doing ok, most of the times it works and If I want to bring down a Champion, it takes a while.

    My 2nd Main is a Mirage Condi Mesmer (Axe/Pistol/Torch); I'm doing ok, maybe I can't deal with large group of minions and to bring down Champions, it takes time.


    So, just for PvE, the most efficient way to deal damage? Power or Conditions?

  5. 14 hours ago, stormemperor.3745 said:

    Cele reaper if can't any reaper. If can't, core necro also works.

    Use staff



    Not only it can solo a lot of stuff it can also tag like crazy. Other classes require to target and atk. Necromancer staff can aoe anywhere in 1200 range with 240 radius, no restrictions, you don't have to turn your character away. Just skill anywhere.

    Tired of staff? go into reaper and spin around.

    Want to pull enemies? Spectral grasp

    signet of locust for movement.

    You want more tag? You can use 3 wells on top of 4 staff marks and f1 shroud spin.


    You don't even need cele reaper for this, it is just good for perma quickness. Full berserker works fine, staff marks hit 3-8k. You might need to tone down damage for some events.

    Thank you.


    I'm looking for a Class that can tags Minions like crazy. Ok, most of the Loot is trash but despite that, during a big event (Drizzlewood, Dragon's End etc) I'd like to tag like a crazy, without too much effort.


    DragonHunter Guardian is ok, I can tag a lot of stuff but maybe there is a Class that can do better; moreover I have 2,5k hours with my Guardian, I'd like to play something else.

  6. TL;DR: I've finished all the stories . Looking for just PvE content to play. No legendaries, no mounts, I'd like to focus on easy achievements. Need help. 


    Hi! I've been playing Gw2 since D1 but actively only for 5 years. A few days ago I've finished the last expansion and now I'm feeling lost. 

    I don't want to quit again right now so I'm looking for content to do, related to achievements. 

    I've already a Legendary Weapon I don't need more and I'm not interested in crafting Ascended Armors. I've done more than enough champion trains in tyria. 

    At the moment I'm focusing in doing events in Cantha to unlock more achievements but I don't have much free time to focus just on them so I'm looking for easy achievements and maybe some collection. 

    I've unlocked all the mounts with all their masteries. I just need to complete all the Masteries related to HoT. 

    Any suggestion? I'd like to play PvE content, not interested in PvP or WvW. 

  7. Hi! Years ago, when ther was the "Influence" valute, i was able to upgrade the Guild (Bank etc) Now influence has gone and i don't know how to upgrade my existing guild. Is there a way to earn the new valute? Morover, where can i found the NPC that allows me to make some upgrades?

  8. 27 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Personally I would recommend willbender.  A build that looks something like this.  I know you're thinking that it looks frail due to the berserkr gear and all that.  However, the build really isn't that frail at all.  Power willbender specifically has several "invulnerability" buttons built into it.  These let you obliterate enemies while either healing yourself immensely, or being shielded by aegis.  The off-hands are not set in stone.  I picked scepter + focus for variable engagement distances, however you can also run Sword + Sword for more melee dps.  The build works like this:

    While walking around you camp scepter + focus.  When you see an enemy, you use the focus to shield yourself, activate Rushing justice, use ray of judgement  + symbol of punishment, then you switch to the greatsword and start ripping them a new one.  From there, it is ability spam more than anything else.  Now, if you encounter trouble with surviving, your three "invulnerability" buttons are Crashing Courage, Flowing Resolve, and Litany of Wrath.  Crashing Courage will give you a lot of Aegis, letting you block most attacks.  Flowing resolve will heal you immensely, letting you face tank most damage.  Litany of Wrath heals more than Flowing Resolve does, but for a shorter amount of time.  Using these buttons in sequence will let you survive just about anything.  Worst case scenario, switch back to the scepter and just run away.  

    The weapon skills come pretty fast, and you'll want to use those before using the utilities.  The trait Restorative Virtues makes the weapon skills recharge very quickly.  You'll want them on cooldown as fast as possible, so given the choice between a weapon skill and utility skill, go with the weapon skill.

    I don't have EoD, only HoT and PoF. Thank you anyway. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    Viable is a very difficult term. I can offer something that keeps you alive and helps you with exploring the maps. But that is not viable from the meta-perspective. 

    Excellent, you already have gear. Instead of forcing you into new stuff, I will try to make you something that works with your equipment:

    (you can ignore the trinket/backpack stats, I've just picked something that meets your explanation)

    This is the Top-Sustain variant. Your HP pool almost reaches 20k, which is a lot for a Guardian. The utilization of the Valor traitline allows massive heals from all non-trap skills, condition cleanses and AoE damage - more information at Combat Strategies. In addition you get more HP from every NPC you kill.

    If you feel this is a bit of an overkill, you can switch the Vampiric Runes for Dragonhunter Runes for more damage. If you still notice the HP recovery exceeds your needs by far, you can try the build below. The average Guardian is fine with the damage-to-HP conversion of Litany of Wrath ONLY.


    This variant has almost the same HP as the Top-Sustain build above, but significantly lower recovery abilities. You cleanse conditions on weaponswap and gain your additional might passively via Empowering Might by dealing critical hits. To help you survive a little longer, you gain protection when activating your heal-skill, which reduces incoming damage by 33 %. The heal is still sustained. You can also dodge more often. Both the might-on-critical and the protection from heal are group-buffs, so you even have a little support with you.

    Combat Strategies:
    - after every battle, switch to Sword + Shield
    Symbol of Blades is a great gap-closer to get to your enemies quickly, good to start an encounter. If you happen to be attacked by surprise, you can use your shield to block attacks and projectiles, heal up a little, knock your enemies back. In addition you have another block via Zealot's Defense + short-range projectiles.
    - switch to Greatsword for fighting multiple enemies. Walk a little backwards (S) while using auto-attack to line up your enemies in front of you. Let your HP drop to 20 % before you cast your heal-skill. It will instantly heal up for a lot and keeps healing while you deal damage.
    - if you need a lot of sustain, cast Whirling Wrath after your healing skill. The more NPCs are nearby, the more you heal up.
    - you have gap-closers on both weapon-sets and via F2. In addition, Judge's Intervention is also a gap-closer. But it should be used when you are suffering enemy CC attacks as an emergency-button. It also heals you for ~ 2k.
    - Litany of Wrath (heal), Judge's Intervention and Smite Condition deal area-damage. They are extremely powerful when you fight NPCs which spam conditions on you. Those skills can be used freely to increase your damage to multiple enemies.
    - when you swap to GS, always use Symbol of Resolution before Whirling Wrath to maximize the damage-output. This also helps with Litany of Wrath (heal).

    Other Tips:
    - Your build lacks a ranged-weapon. I would carry an exotic scepter with you, with the same stats/upgrades as the 1h-sword. Copy/paste your equipment template but replace the sword with the scepter and keybind both equipment templates, so you can switch on demand.
    - Shield of the Avenger has 3x casts, blocks projectiles in a dome around your target location. Five seconds each shield. It is very useful in Path of Fire territory, where you have to deal with plenty of ranged NPCs.
    - What you slot in for the Elite Skill is up to you. I placed the trap as it deals good CC AoE. The Shout is also a decent option. 

    I do not claim the meta to be trash. It is the best possible solution for every situation - if you are an expert with your class. If you are not an expert, you run into problems. Guardian is one of the most optimized classes in GW2 with very few useless skills and traits compared to others. If you follow a few guidelines you can get almost everything working, even the hammer. Not on a meta-level of efficiency, but decent enough to have fun playing the game.

    Wow this is a lot of stuff, thank you very much for sharing all this informations, apprechiate that. 



  10. On 9/5/2022 at 2:34 PM, Santo.2419 said:

    Hey, WB.


    I've hardly played my guardian and don't main him. But since you have been gone this site may of came along.


    It has 'open world' builds which is basically what you are after. Have a look and see what takes your fancy: 

    Guardian - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds


    Also 'Vallun' on youtube has some good builds for all classes. have a look on his channel and see if you can find his 'one build for all game modes' for Guardian.


    Not expert advice, but somewhere to start.


    Thank you. At the moment I'm using Berserker's Armor and Berserker's Weapons  (Greatsword / Sword+Shield). As trinkets I wear stats like HP&Though. As Elite Trait I've used the Elite coming from Core Game and the DH.  As utility I use Heal, Bane Signet, Stand your Ground, Sword of Justice and Feel my Wrath. I've tryed to switch "Stand your Ground" and "Feel my Wrath" with "Procession of Blades" and "Dragon's Maw"


    I don't think this kind of build is suitable for me, I do a lot of damage but I'm still a Glass Cannon. 


    I'd like to play something that allows me to deal damage to 3-4 mobs at time; the ideal scenario would be aggro, let's say 4-5 mobs and then damage all of them at once. With the build I'm using i can focus just 1 enemy at time, kill it and then swap to another mob.


    Using this kind of set 

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  11. Hi guys. I've played GW2 from the release until HoT (2016). Now, in 2022 I'd like to come back and play the campaign so I can understand the lore bringing to the end of the saga. 


    Can you suggest me a reliable PvE build? I've already unlocked Ascended Armor (the tank one) and Ascendend Weapons / Trinket (damage one). I was used to using the Greatsword.  Can it be okay or do I need to change my weapon? 


    Thank you for the attention. 

  12. 1 hour ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    Welcome back!

    Why don't you start a new Guardian and start all over from creating that character and work your way up to level 80 on that character to learan how your skills work and what combination that feels best for you to play? The reason is that while you do that you would also have guide (New Player Experience) that explains things when you hit different level in this game and you would have a better understanding on how to play your profession.

    There is also GW2 wiki that might be helpful when you get confused about what to do or what all these message might mean. You can also find good guides on Youtube as a returning player. Just don't rush and get frustrated or "bored" this time and you will have better time playing this game.


    You can use chat command "/wiki" in chat and also add "/wiki guardian" to get directly to wiki secion about guardian and so on. It will open your web browser and go directly to search on wiki for what you added after /wiki.

    Here is a link to Guardian: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Profession#Guardian

    As a returning player you will probably not have Path of Fire (PoF) expansion, if you only had HoT when you left game. PoF added mounts in that expansion which is very useful for exploring and do things in this game. If you decide to buy PoF (today it is the base for a paid account as it is sold as HoT and PoF package) you will also have HoT in that a package. I would recommend to read on wiki how this work or just other threads that have several times asked the same question.

    In anyway it can be smart to wait until Black Friday for any large sale where it might be possible to buy HoT+PoF package for a reduced price (and also maybe EoD).


    /Have fun!

    Thank you for replying. Appreciate the hint about creating a new Guardian but I've already one with Ascended Armor (the tank one) and Ascended Weapons / Trinket (Damage one) 


    I would like to continue the adventure from where I stop (about half Hot) and I'm looking for a Solo PvE build. I saw that in the Forum there is The appropriate section, I think I'm going to ask there 🙂


    I need to remember how Specs work and so on. Is there a website or a good video on YouTube where I can see the major changing from 2016 to today? 

  13. Hi! I have been playing GW2 since its release, created 5 characters  brought to level 80. I played up to the HoT expansion and in the middle of the campaign I left the game due to boredom.


    I was thinking of returning but as soon as I logged in I was overwhelmed by notifications of all kinds and I have not the faintest idea where to start again. I would like to play PvE only and I would need to understand how to play the "Guardian" class with which I have unlocked Ascended weapons and armor.s


    Can you recommend a Solo PvE build so that I can train with that and go back to remembering how to play?

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