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Khalid Zeyad.5620

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Everything posted by Khalid Zeyad.5620

  1. The picture maybe doesn't show it, but in-game you can see it clear as day. 12 rangers running into a wall and keep on using traps, using the same pet,. they all look the same and act the same to the split second ! No one plays like a bot .. you see them stuck on rocks in Sandswept and ASK in the desert .. what team of 5 necros all with the same build and no skins full minions out AFK together without even being in the same guild ? I'm just saying, its not difficult to stop them , you can easily detect IPs that create hundreds of accounts and block them and block them permanently, OR just track those bot accounts to the main account they send the gold to and ban that account if they can't explain it. Or even just have a few GM's run around tagging bots to be monitored.
  2. Honest question, are you even trying to stop bots from ruining the market ? I played for like 3 hours a week ago and reported more than 20 accounts none of them got banned ! not a single account ! How hard is it to spot a bot ? its so easy to see them running around in the same path doing the same skills over and over. Why can't you have a team dedicated to banned bots ? just force teleport them to a specific area and see how they react .. hell look at this PICTUREI ! do you even need proof ? you can see them ALL OVER the map getting stuck on a stick and a stone and all bunched up together .. Botting is the easiest way of hacking that you can stop .. there hundreds of ways and if you don't do something about it now it will only get worse .. I used to see one or two a day. now I see 30+ ... I love this game and I've played it since GW1 but honestly this is a new level of laziness ..
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