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Everything posted by illuminati.8453

  1. I don't understand the doom and gloom - this xpac will be over soon enough and then on to the next. It's probably the only thing I can think of that I like about the new seasonal cadence.
  2. I'd like to gather (mine, herb, etc) while mounted. Seems like a very straight forward mastery.
  3. When searching for treasure with the warclaw, don't make us look at the minimap to see the treasure, put some kind of marker in the 3d world that we can run towards. The green clouds of smoke aren't enough ... I want an arrow or something significant in world.
  4. Even with jumps, some of the checkpoints don't register. There is a particular angle and height the jump needs to be. Please review w/ programmer.
  5. All the testers had to do was use the item to track rifts to know it was bugged. Makes you wonder. /smh
  6. Please make this work with homesteads. Come on now, we already have issues with keybinds, just put a menu selection on the item and call it good! It is the right thing to do!
  7. This *has* to be a thing. Don't make me undo my jade bot teleporter! Come on now Anet, you know it needs a keybind.
  8. Oh wow, I had the exact opposite reaction. I *hated* soto, but this is a return to form imo. After you finish the story, there is nothing but action, farming, metas, etc. This is a breath of fresh air!
  9. Please put this in, for personal use. Is the spear better for my playstyle? I don't know. Don't make me use 3rd party DLLs. This would be so easy for you to put in and provide a huge amount of information for those looking to maximize their build! To be clear, I don't want anyone else to see my DPS, but I really want to know if using one weapon over another works for me. I want real world use, not golem.
  10. Thumbs up on new map. It is a subtle change, but makes it feel more RPG. Please continue to do this, it goes back to your roots!
  11. Yep, I'm the first to complain about their effort, but I have to admit - I'm a fan of the first map. /thumbs up
  12. I played all of FF14 straight through for the first time last year. I was exhausted by the end. I mean, they even put cutscenes in raids/dungeons!
  13. I'm going to rate this one above Soto for now!
  14. Anet : please give me unusual coins back, I was using them! If you were going to do this, why not warn us so we could spend them BEFORE you turned them all into ancient coins?
  15. I like to give Anet a hard time, but when it comes to releases, they are generally pretty good at giving us something stable. I'm sure there will be a patch or two today, but nothing that will prevent you from enjoying the new season.
  16. The writing has generally gotten worse, but each Living World season and major expansion is largely standalone and can be skipped without major issues. That said, getting a skyscale might be worth it. You don’t really need to save everything. It’s often better to avoid being a pack rat in this game. Equip what you need and get rid of (one way or another) the items you aren’t using. As you engage more with the game’s reward paths, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for upgrades. Tomes of Knowledge are for leveling characters that aren’t max level, not for masteries. However, there are items that provide XP towards masteries, and those do need to be used in the corresponding zone or expansion for them to apply properly.
  17. This seems about right. Note, you will need a patch that fixes the living world season release, and then subsequent patches to fix the earlier patches. Also note, the patches will be listed all under the same date, regardless of the day they will be released so don't go on the current date alone. 😉
  18. I plan on doing events (i.e. content) so that I can progress the story and unluck my masteries.
  19. I would like auto deposit button (the material storage one) to work with the bank items too! If I have an item I've already placed in there, and it can stack, when I hit auto deposit, I'd like it to go there!
  20. Yeah, be careful what you uh, 'ask' for. Anet wouldn't fix this in the normal way - they would hide all mobs a certain distance from the portal, causing people to enter combat from the invisible mobs when they can't see them. Also, combat mounting would not work, because....why would it? As you slowly run towards the rift, unable to tag anything and get credit, it closes, and you then come on here and complain that they need to spawn more mobs with the rifts. 🙂
  21. Oof, I suppose they could make a bird or something that evades for 15 seconds ... oh wait, they did that. How about a mob that lays down a strip of fire that one shots you....oh yeah, that too. Pack of raptors that maul you in 5 seconds? Yeah, been there, done that. Not sure what you want, they have a lot of variety!
  22. Why not just create a legendary portal book? Not everyone would need one, but for those that do they would grind/spend time in the game. Potential gem customers, etc. It would also give them a legendary (which they are going to run out of soon) for us to chase. It's this sort of stuff that would increase engagement and good will as they get us excited about GW3!
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