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Everything posted by Baltzenger.2467

  1. Please Cal, reconsider this, some links are in a really bad shape, this is not a good time to this kind of things.
  2. Has it been mentioned that grenadier effect (grenades travel faster) should be baseline?
  3. @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" This are issues I have with the current system: Since the original gear setup and build setup has been replaced with templates, you cannot change equipment or traits/skills without changing a template. I think this should be corrected ASAP, templates should be aside the original system, not replace it, what's the point of registering templates if every time you swap something (without wanting that change to be permanent) you are changing something that is supposed to be a stored setup? Beyond being able to setup buttons for swapping gear, I believe each gamemode (PvE, WvW and PvP) should have some sort of "memory" as to which template or setup you used the last time you entered that mode, so we don't need to manually change setups each time we swap modes (given that previously the system had this memory, it's easy now to forget that you need to re-select your build when you enter each mode, leading to annoying mistakes) I think that by this point is clear that I expect this new feature to add to what we previously had, without replacing it. Additionally, things that I would like to see added or changed about the new system: The price is too high, I find no point for account-wide build storage, and the price of templates is just too high for what it is, while yes, you can compare a gear template with a bag slot, it has both pros and contras against just adding a new bag slot, on one side it allows you to quickly equip what you have stored, on the other hand, it can't be used for storage of any class of items, so I think that pricing it above a bag slot is bad, if anything, for good faith, it should be priced less. In a dream world, you could keep the price but make it an accountwide unlock. Build templates on the other hand have no reason to be priced so high, it is basically a macro, that offers no advantage at all beyond convenience, please consider pricing it fairly instead. what's the point of account wide build storage? the build templates are just a text, I don't understand this feature, I mean is nice to have it integrated, but at the same time, why are your charging for it? That's it for now, I support you guys, but you should be more careful next time, you had an entire month to listen to the concerns of players, and you went with it anyways, of course people is pissed.
  4. @Swagger.1459 that sounds really good! But I don't think that the scope of the next balance patch involves such mechanical changes, I remember that the devs posted the parameters that they're working with (such mechanical changes are beyond them). @"Cal Cohen.3527" Hey!Good to see that you are looking at this issue. I'd say that reducing the target cap back to 5 will affect compositions on wvw, but I don't know if it will ultimately work as a band aid before the big shake up. Reducing the cap is important, but I'm inclined to think that the treatment to such high AoE fighting styles should be similar to what you have done with spellbreaker. If the shade skills "debuff" enemies in such a way that they cannot be affected twice (or thrice) by shades, as in, once you hit them, they get the debuff and if another scourge plants a shade on top of yours, their skills will target the same enemy, but won't affect it, that would greatly reduce the impact of having 10 shades on top of a group, in the same way that stacking Wind of Disenchantment is of no use, spreading out shades offers better counterplay, and promotes diversity within squads. I've no idea if adding or removing "debuffs" from skills is within the scope of what you're working with though, if not, I hope that you can both get the skill to a manageable level before the big shakeup, without alienating necromancer players too much, we need every player that we can get on WvW right now!
  5. You get it @Matoro.9708 , core engi does have a cohesion on its aesthetics, is just that the skills are so bad. Like, for example grenades, why is there a trait that makes them travel faster? Do rangers need to aim their arrows? Do deadeyes need to calculate the wind resistance and ballistics of their proyectiles? No, of course not, it's a fantasy game, why not make grenades connect easily? Make traits something interesting, not about fixing the flaws of base design. Of course, we could go on and on about different engi skills, we should, maybe, but that's it for now.
  6. I disagree with barrier being "godmode", it's a form of sustain, and more often than not, a bad one.
  7. @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" Regarding WvW:At this stage, you could consider bringing back old practices like collaborative development initiatives, it is clear to me that there is a dedicated playerbase for WvW that is greatly invested in the gamemode, with plenty of opinions and ideas as to what the gamemode needs (and specially regarding things that are needed now, and that are needed in the future). Beyond the vague idea of alliances being a top priority that we will talk about in the future (as you've said, when it does release it will be a transitory process), we need a more concrete roadmap of what your plans are, ideas, or lack of, regarding the mode. A reason to play now, and to keep playing towards the point where world restructuring is implemented. Beyond rewards and moving pieces, the WvW community feels abandoned, even if some updates have happened to the mode, there is a lack of clear communication, and clear direction, to keep players invested. Please consider this, we don't expect you to make something appear out of thin air, we want a reason to believe that if we stick around there are great things to be expected, until you decide to stop developing the game. I personally was expecting at least some talk about new skills or traits in the future being added with the new saga, because that kind of things affect the whole game including WvW, and the lack of that was the source of my disappointment. I want world restructuring, it would improve things in wvw, but that alone is not a solution to all of the problems or lack of incentives that prevent the mode to thrive, so even if you say it is a top priority, what I understand is that it is due to the difficulty of developing it, but not because it is what is most urgent to be improved. Scaling rewards sounds great, the question is "which rewards will be scaled", as you'll quickly notice, wvw players soon reach a point in which there are no new things on the horizon to be excited about. Talk to us, do AMAs, do collaborative development initiatives, tell us what you expect from the mode, what's you plan for it beyond fixing imbalances that are caused by the lack of players (world restructuring). GW2 has confounded epic with emotional, and forgotten how to be epic for a long while.
  8. remove "presence of the keep" type of effects on objectives, replace with increased rewards not in the form of magic find, but tangible benefits that make players want to control territories. remove dodge on mount, make it cceable, increase hp. It should be a transport that helps getting back to fights faster, not running away from them. iterate on desert borderlands, it can be a good map if fixed. iterate on ruins system. implement alliance system, not just because of population imbalances, but because guilds should be at the heart of the mode. rework wvw related guild missions. They suck. Make tiers mean something beyond just who are you playing against, servers (or alliances in the future) also need collective objectives to want to improve, to want to make the effort to organize and help their less experienced players, you create communities around that kind of things, pride(server) was not enough to sustain the gamemode. Anet has the opportunity to follow their design philosophy of wanting every player be welcomed by realizing that players are the most important resource to any server, if handled properly. When you fester in rangers and taggers that die after one push, you're wasting potential good wvw players. improve shattered aegis, c'mon
  9. @"Raymond Lukes.6305" Raymond, this comes from a guild master of a wvw oriented guild. We struggle with the current system as a community, often we find ourselves trying to create fun instances within the game for our members, we love wvw, yet the imbalances on population, whether they benefit our realm or not, have made the experience stale, forcing us to adopt a style of play that doesn't reinforce our internal sense of community. What can we expect as a guild that will make the experience better for us? We were eager to hear about the alliance system because it shifts the focus towards the guild, but even if that is long ahead on the horizon, how can we fight against the current that brings players towards bigger and less personalized wvw guilds (serverwide guilds oriented to zerg fighting) and stay a cohesive community of fighters having fun? Guild missions often mean not fighting, stopping what we are doing, and going to do some menial task, forcing us to create our own "missions" and objectives, trying to fight enemies at a disadvantage, or taking a difficult objective. But without meaningful rewards associated. Most of the game's population does not play wvw, making it hard to recruit new members, specially because even if this players want some of the rewards obtained there, they dont need to join a guild to acquire them. Is there anything for us in the future?
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