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Everything posted by Atraleos.5849

  1. Yeah Lucent Motes were near worthless before Legendary Relic. I sold several stacks right before SOTO landed, and promptly regretted it. Charms and Symbols were FAR more limiting than the Motes requiring absurd amounts of salvaging to "gather your own" resources for crafting the legendary runes and sigils.
  2. Yes we are agreeing! I phrased it the first part of the post poorly and gave it the wrong tone.
  3. The problem is exactly as I stated: Mixed weapon skills and mount skills on the same bar make for conflicting input. They introduced the original issue by adding "mount skills" with the introduction of skyscale's fireball. Then they further screwed things up by adding warclaw's 4th ability as a weapon skill and they appear to have an "empty" mount skill that takes priority for the warclaw's lance ability. This entire thing can be verified very simply: Assume you bind weapon skills 1 through 5 to their same number. Then bind Mount Skill 2 to C and Mount Skill 1 to V. Make sure Mount skills are NOT bound to any numbers (no secondary binds)! You'll see the following button bindings for each mount: Raptor, Springer, Jackal, and Turtle : [1][ ][ ][ ][V] Skimmer, Griffon, Beetle: [1][ ][ ][C][V] Skyscale: [1][2][ ][C][V] Warclaw: [1][ ][ ][4][V] This shows a few key features of their design: Mount Skill 1 always replaces Weapon Skill 5. For Skyscale, Skimmer, Griffon, and Beetle Mount Skill 2 is replacing Weapon skill 4. Some reason Mount Skill 1 always comes after Mount Skill 2 on the bar (probably because Mount Skill 2 is optional and Mount Skill 1 is not). Warclaw has a Weapon skill 4. If Mount Skill 2 is bound to '4' then the warclaw's lance is disabled. This seems to indicate warclaw has an "empty" Mount Skill 2. So as I stated before, if all the mounts had mount skills 1-5 in the correlated button slots then all the problems would go away. Players that wish to use the buttons exactly the same as their weapon skills would be free to do so. While players that wish to use special buttons for different mount skills would be free to do so. Additionally if they introduced permanent and custom weapon skill and mount ability ordering in the Hero -> Build Tab -> Weapon Skill Panel (and a new mount panel) then players would be free to set things up exactly as they need. However, the simplest fix (for PVE) will be moving warclaw's new lance ability from weapon skill 4 to mount ability 2. This won't fix the changes for WVW, but I'm not familiar enough with WVW to say much about it other than I miss the WVW warclaw double jump (I don't have the double jump mastery).
  4. @Parasite.5389 I've heard you need to leave a set of glyphs at the homestead, so the extra 3 glyphs are more than just a few extra glyphs for your alts. It is the difference between an emtpy set of gathering tools or homestead and filling both. Edit: I really wish they made glyphs in general a lot easier to get. As it is, they aren't really worth buying separate from tools.
  5. @Maienstern.2154 Sounds like we are similar, I also have fairly small hands. I went from the G604 (RIP double click) to the G502. I've put Ctrl on one of the mouse thumb buttons and use that as a modifier for all skills so AQWRT covers weapon skills, utility, healing , and ult. It was a transition learning to use ctrl on the right thumb, but it works well. My profession F skills were moved down to the numbers and the F buttons are now for each of the mounts.
  6. Yes it is very frustrating that they have broken the mount functionality a couple times now. I ended putting mount ability 2 on shift, but it isn't ideal. You might consider moving the movent skills to ESDF instead of WASD. Doing this means abilities can be on AQWRT.
  7. Thanks for the additional details Darkvulpine! I unbound mount ability 2. That fixed the Warclaw but it broke the Skyscale (and probably other mounts). Their input implementation is all kinds of messy and they've really coded themselves into a corner with this one. At this point they need to fully commit to 5 mount abilities. Mixing weapon and mount abilities on the same bar is confusing to the player and will never work cleanly. Eliminating mount abilities altogether will cause problems for those of us that have bound mount abilities to the dodge button (or other buttons that are disabled only while you are mounted). I would love if they allowed us to rearrange the default position of weapon and / or mount abilities on the action bar. I would put Roller Beetle's Drift ability in the engage slot. I've been juggling my keybinds since my mouse died (I lost button count with my new mouse!) and I need to get the drift ability off the fingers I use for movement.
  8. Some reason the keybind for warclaw's lance ability isn't working for me. I failed a couple different warclaw races because I couldn't hit the targets. Turns out I have to click the ability to get it to activate. I've rebound 4th weapons skill to 'R' and "Mount Ability 2" also to 'R'. Utility skill 3 is Ctrl + R. This configuration has worked on all mounts for a very long time and only broke with this expansion. Edit - TLDR for anyone else with this problem: Make sure Weapon Skill 4 and Mount Ability 2 do not have the same keybind. Hopefully an ArenaNet dev sees my later post in this thread where I give more diagnostic details.
  9. Will SOTO's "Unusual Coins" be re categorized as "Ancient Coins" by the Society of Coin Collectors as was done with the EoD "Unusual Coins"? Or will the current Unusual Coins be recategorized as a different coin? What will happen to the coin portion of the the Gift of Persistence cost? Edit: Will Gift of Persistence continue to use "Unusual Coins" and effectively require the Janthir Wilds expansion?
  10. Both the Permanent Trading Post Contract and the Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract spawn NPCs that don't do anything useful for the players that didn't use the contracts to spawn them. These NPCs can block treasure chest interaction, and if I'm not mistaken even appear on the mini-map. This interaction is at best confusing for other players and is often annoying. Spawning "exclusive use" NPCs doesn't make any sense in an MMO. I propose these 2 permanent contracts are either reworked to open the interface without creating an NPC (like the bank contract), or create an NPC that all players may freely use. Given how popular the Permanent Crafting Station contract has been, I think there would be great value in allowing players to "share" their shop keeper access.
  11. Thanks for the thoughtful response! I hadn't considered achievement gems. This is a great point! Seems the best time to do all this would have been before when core accounts could easily get tomes. Now the grind to 80 would take a long time on core only accounts, time that would be better spent on the main account!
  12. Considering the price for Mystic Coins are shooting to the moon and the discounts on expansions + gem store, I'm thinking it may be worth buying a few alt accounts for WV farming. This post is a bit of theory crafting about min/maxing accounts for this purpose. If price is the main consideration, is it worth buying Copper-Fed-Salvage-o-Matic, 1000 Seas Pass, or Recharging Teleport to Friend for an alt account? If so, assuming the account only has 1 shared inventory slot, which is the best? For WV alt account farming there are 3 priorities: 1) Keep cost as low as possible 2) Minimize time spent completing dailies / weeklies. 3) Minimize time spent getting your first level 80. Bear in mind these accounts are ALTERNATE. They will be mailing stuff to the main account and will only be played to complete dailies / weeklies. A lot of the valuable QOL items are pointless on such accounts. Given those priorities, there are 3 strategies when making an alt account. Each has various pros and cons and adds different amounts to the "daily and weekly quest pool": Buy SOTO and no other expansion. Cost $25 USD (~700 gold). Gives instant level 80 booster and shared slot. Gives access to an additional legendary weapon kit. Basically only adds rifts and SOTO metas to the daily / weekly pool. Can only do Core builds. Buy HoT/PoF bundle. Costs $7.50 USD (~200 gold). Gives instant level 80 booster and shared slot. Gives lesser access to WV. Adds 2 expansions worth of content to dailies / weeklies which will expand traveling but not hit the lengthy EoD dailies. Gives access to more meta builds. Use Heroic Edition. Free with certain promos (one is currently running on Geforce Now). Requires you to grind a level 80 (unless this account is older). Gives lesser access to WV but also keeps the minimal list of dailies /weeklies. Can only do Core builds. Assuming you use one of the purchased accounts that come with a shared inventory slot, is it worth filling that slot with an infinite salvage kit, premium lobby, or recharging teleport to friend? I'm so used to salvaging on my main account, I'm not sure if it would be reasonable to mail all salvage from alt accounts to the main account (and avoid buying the kit). 1000 seas lobby is very nice for getting new characters to new areas, but the alt account wouldn't do that very often. Therefore I'm thinking it may be most prudent to get the teleport to friend. The alt accounts theoretically won't have the pile of TP2F that a main account has, and they can be used for JP skips / quickly moving to the meta. Recharging TP to Friend costs 512 gems on sale (~175 gold). Additionally, If you are going with PoF, it might be worth getting LWS 4-2 to get the position rewinder + IBS 2 & 3 for Bjora chest farming. This comes to a total cost of 600 gems (~200g) + time getting the position rewinder + time getting relevant masteries. Fast Farming reports 3 characters would earn 1 to 1.5g each per day. Given you likely won't have a flying mount for this account I'd go with the low estimate of 1g / character / day. For a "break event" time of 67 days and 3g / day after. It'll also require consistent access to teleport to friend or a mesmer portal. What are your thoughts on doing all this? Would it be better to go with WVW / PVP instead of PVE for dailies / weeklies? Are any non-expansion purchases worth it? Are WV alt accounts an evil abomination that no one should be discussing?
  13. I'm requesting Recharging Teleport to Friend. I just got some friends to start playing because of the expansions sales, and Recharging Teleport to Friend is super useful when I'm helping them unlock certain things that I can't quite reach with a Mesmer portal (IE Masteries, WPs for metas we want to do together).
  14. Would you happen to be using a specialization that modifies the dodge? (IE: Mirage or Daredevil). I've read some of those specializations were not getting proper credit for the daily.
  15. Coincidentally, I recently had the Imperial Chef Yileng's Golden Spoon to drop in fractals (was the last spoon I needed for the achievement). As others have said, getting into fractals is pretty easy. You just need to check the LFG and gradually build your fractal level and AR. Most players are friendly and willing to teach the mechanics if you ask. I think most everyone is nervous when they first start fractals, but they are also a lot of fun!
  16. Not entirely true. You can easily copy the dye from an "old" armor to a "new" armor. These steps must be done on each slot one at a time (IE on chest slot): Start with the old dyed armor equipped Equip the new armor Equip the old armor Equip the new armor May need to repeat 3 and 4 a couple times. The new armor will copy the dye slots from the old armor. I'm not sure if this dye swap feature was intended or not. I think you have to do the swap quickly for it to take, but I'm unsure. I just rapidly swap the pieces a few times until the dye is copied over. I suspect the dye swap only works if the new armor is undyed. I'm uncertain if it works when going from non-legendary to legendary. When swapping from an armor with lower number of dye channels to one with higher number (typical when updating gear as you level), the new channels will be undyed. Also the dye channels aren't consistently positioned across armor pieces. However this dye swap can allow you to quickly propagate your "dye palette" to a new armor sets and you can "fill in the gaps" / "swap colors" using the eye dropper and / or favorite color. Edit: Note I am not talking about transmuting with this. This is physically equipping a new piece of gear such as is done when upgrading gear as a character levels or when equipping a new gear set for a different build.
  17. They are classed as rare (yellow rarity) weapons and cap at level 78. Around level 60 you get access to exotic (orange rarity), which is stronger than rare weapons. As leveling weapons, the very point of bloodbound weapons is you grow out of them. However, they save buying a lot of weapons at the lower levels and their value increases the more characters you have use them. They really shine for key farmers where you frequently restart the character at low level.
  18. Thanks for the info! Guess I will have to find an LFG to join. If AFK teams can rank maybe I have a chance!
  19. If you have cheap access to Obsidian Shards (Don't buy from the wizard's vault!) You can trade 1 shard / day for Provisioner Tokens from the Ash Legion Provisioner in Black Citadel. You can then trade 10 Provisioner Tokens for a Bloodbound weapon. These weapons are specifically designed for leveling: They can be passed around your characters and automatically scale with the wielding character's level. You can also trade Mystic Forge Stones for Provisioner Tokens in Lion's Arch. More info can be found in the following 2 links: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodbound_weapons https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Faction_Provisioner
  20. In the immortal words of Jaya Ballard (from Magic: The Gathering) "Eenie, meenie, minie, moe . . . oh, why not all of them?" Guild Wars is purportedly designed to allow all professions to fill all roles, though your mileage may vary. Also consider, healing works very differently in each of the modes (PVE, PVP, WVW) and even within different parts of PVE content. You won't typically see "Pure Healer", rather you more commonly see heal + a specific buff. For example Guardian is heal + quickness (Firebrand). Engineer is heal + alac (Mechanist). Most of PVE group meta typically involves everyone stacking in one spot so buffs and heals can be spammed in one spot, but there are encounters that disrupt that. I've always liked Guardian myself (esp for open world due to aegis) and found Engineer (Mechanist ) to be too passive. For healing, I've been meaning to try Ranger (Druid), and maybe Necromancer (Scourge). Ultimately, Guild Wars 2 is very "alt" friendly. You'll want a good "open map" character for advancing through the story and can have other characters for other styles of play. Here is one popular place to find builds for the different modes: https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki
  21. That's great! I was eyeing this set myself, but decided to get more shared inventory spaces with my gems instead for now.
  22. To add, is there some form of LFG for tournaments? Ranked PVP is stressful enough. Entering a tournament that might be recorded seems a bit... much. I may have to abandon my goal of 100% of all dailies and weeklies this "season."
  23. I got the weekly in title. How do I even do this weekly? It looks like I have to queue with 4 other players and the tournaments are only open at certain times of the day. I'm mostly doing PVP to get my legendaries and am frankly not great (though I would love to learn!). I chose only PVP for dailies for synergy on working towards my legendaries each day. What is the match structure in tournaments? I would assume most teams are extremely skilled pre-mades, meaning I'm likely losing every match. Am I going to have to play 3 matches I am doomed to lose before I start? This weekly quest seems a really strange choice to me. Forcing players into tournaments feels similar to forcing players into raids, and I really wouldn't want to play raids with players that don't want to be there.
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