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  1. And what we're doing now is like arguing in the comments of a review.
  2. I mean, giving up in this context often means quitting. That's not really a good thing for anybody. Tbh, I actually agree with Obtena is saying there in your quote. It probably was a purposeful change, and they likely won't change their mind no matter how much noise we make. It's just that we, the customers of the product, have the right to be the judge of the product we're receiving. Their intent for the game is irrelevant if we don't find it fun. Idk why he or she thinks that's ironic that we think such, but it's likely you're just being baited into a fight for their amusement.
  3. Nice to see that my expectations that nothing would change from June 29th to now would change was met perfectly. GG guys.
  4. Of core traits, Guardian has the most defensive tools, and can get expanded tools via Firebrand later.
  5. If your group is as competent as you make yourself out to be, you aren't succeeding on razor thin margins to justify that level of micromanaging. And the point remains, you're not going to purposely stay out of shroud to do 25k damage rotations (which have downtime) when you could be doing 35k+ damage rotations by including shroud.
  6. This is just not true for two reasons: 1.) Soul Eater will heal you 400 hp per 10k damage, but only while out of shroud. The vast majority of your damage comes from shroud or is done from utilities such as wells that you're not about to blankly sit and watch if you can do it and immediately hit shroud after. Greatsword skills are not that fantastic. 2.) Having more 6000+ more max hp is a massive buffer that allows for more mistakes. If you always play perfectly, it doesn't matter, but no one actually does, and your dps while your character is crying feebly on the floor is near 0.
  7. It's not quite that simple. You need high power to get your worth out of ferocity. Otherwise you'd be better off stacking more power with less ferocity. I haven't done the math to know the exact tipping point, but I'm sure someone has. I will say though, if Decimate Defenses pulled that much weight, the Valkyrie build would be much more popular. Berserkers is enduring in popularity because you get much more power from a tri-stat build (which makes each point of ferocity go further) even though you get more overall stats from a quad-stat build, and you get to keep your %damage modifier from Soul Eater. Now, do I like full squish builds? No. But they are probably going to math out as stronger than bruiser sets. It's just not going to be so much stronger that you wouldn't want someone running Marauder or Dragon.
  8. The actions of a team member falls under the responsibility of the team lead, so that wouldn't change how I feel about it. I would lose even more respect for the team lead individually because of the additional lack of competence even. The rest of what you said I generally agree with, so nothing to say to that. Don't worry, just to be sure you're affected, they'll rework your favorite traits entirely. 😛
  9. If you're running Decimate Defenses to get to 100% crit, you'll be overcapped on crit chance. Although you'll need 1 precision infusion to make this true, Marauder gear with Dragon weapons and Rings with Death Perception brings you to a nice 75% and fury will bring that to 100%. Rune of the Eagle. You can take strike damage modifying sigils. You can keep Soul Eater that way too. Edit: Well, if we're posting actual builds... Use Dread over Close to Death in open world and PUGs. Sadly, Signets are borked, or I'd recommend Signets of Suffering. =\
  10. Regarding pre-nerf Signet of Vampirism and Signet of Undeath: With the old Signets of Suffering, as long as your build had vitality (via Marauder's + Dragon's Weapons and Rings to reach 75%), you could afford to use Signet of Undeath's active without danger as long as you had 75% hp or more or if Signet of Vampirism was up and your shroud cd was charged. The reason you can use it with vitality is because the cost is based on your base vitality, so the cost did not scale with your hp. Signet of Spite's active is garbage for power builds while the passive was intended for it, but you still burned it before every shroud because low extra damage is still extra damage and you would still get the passives once you were in shroud. So realistically, yes, you would use signet actives for these 3. Implying that you would never use them with the old build is disingenuous yourself. You wouldn't use them in PvE now if you care about the passives. Edit: Also, you're obviously biased.
  11. Imagine being such a salty person that you're bitter about something other people do that doesn't affect you.
  12. I wouldn't believe them if they promised such. The devs never really speak to us like people. They speak in vague, sanitized corporate-friendly ways, and only one-way, from them to us. Combine that with how they steamrolled the current patch despite overwhelmingly negative feedback, and that tells me that there is an agenda, of which we are not privy, and it overrides our preferences and concerns as paying customers. Any promises they make are subject to being ignored when they think it's not in their best interests, whatever that is.
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