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araiya.5160's Achievements

  1. That sucks that it's such a sticking point for you, but I get it if that's the part of the game you would most enjoy "if only..." Hope you find something that does click for you out there!
  2. Don't expect that to change. I mean past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future, but let's be real. The good news is the game just keeps going and going even if it could be even better. I read the studio update and just "meh" over the yada yadas and look at the near-term specifics. Next EoD chapter on the 28th with partial new map and rest of map within a few months after. Anything past that I figure is too fuzzy to really get excited about. I fully expect delays and changes in direction -- just seems to be how the company works... maybe too much turnover? I dunno. Still a great game though.
  3. Sadly the old excuses are just that, getting old. They keep making new story instances with exactly the same issues, or even worse, now making you have to walk along with chatty npcs for minutes or the whole story halts. I get that fixing this for older content would likely be way more work than it's worth, but when they just keep doing it and making it even worse... I've just come to the conclusion the story instance folks really really really really want you to listen to every word every time. I'm not quite as fed up with it as OP, lol, as this game has so much more to it than the story instances. But yeah, there has to be something I really really want before I'll replay any of those instances, which is a bit sad because I'd probably enjoy redoing a lot of the fights and puzzles. GW2 is a weird combo of truly respecting your time and efforts and other times just seemingly sadistic, haha.
  4. No issue. Just a simple request for an alternative. If the request is never fulfilled, fine. I'm sorry this has just spiraled into circular arguments between us. Prolly should just give it a rest. Status quo favors your "side", so you win by default.
  5. Sigh. That is probably what some are saying; I haven't seen it but then again I might not notice, lol. But that is NOT what I'm asking for. An alternative does not mean gimmegimmeeasyeasy. I got the turtle egg via the meta, but knowing I could get it another way if I just couldn't stand the meta or couldn't play during the right hours or whatever, well that was nice. As far as I remember, this strike is basically a upped 10 man version of the story instance, correct? If so, why couldn't a hard-to-get acheivement in the story instance be an alternative?
  6. That could just be because of the popularity of each mode, could be each mode has different types of players and open-world folks whine more (lol), or could be the other game modes are so neglected they're just beaten down and don't speak up anymore. Regardless, I don't see how making more people have less fun solves a thing. Adding an alternative doesn't take away the strike. If anything, it means you'd be less likely to see someone just there because they feel they have to be, and therefore woud be dragging your party down. I forget what it was, the decade stuff?, that required 10 pvp matches or something. Tons of people were just sitting mostly afk in pvp to get the requirement done. That doesn't sound good for any game mode player. Yes definitely I get why they do these things; and it probably works to get more people trying things they might actually like. But, in my opinion, it's a crappy way to do it quite often. You can make strikes rewarding and enticing to new players without blocking them from other rewards that really have nothing to do with strikes, in this example. Legendaries requiring gift of battle etc. seem different to me as they are high prestige items that take a lot of work across game modes to acquire -- and it's known that that is what they are. Legendaries exist precisely so a player can show how they've somewhat mastered (or at least put time in) each game mode. I don't think the turtle mount falls under the same category, but if it's supposed to be the legendary mount it's fine if I never get it. But I'd argue the skyscale is more of a legendary mount and I got that without leaving my preferred game mode.
  7. I also don't have the turtle because of this one requirement. Not a big deal to be honest. I don't think that mount is worth me spending my time on something I don't enjoy. I do wish I had realized the requirement before I did all the other things necessary, but, oh well -- those parts were actually fun anyway even if I didn't get the mount in the end. For the rest of you that disagree and really enjoyed the strike requirement, why would you be so opposed to an additional method of obtaining the Thruster Control Unit? It would have absolutely zero impact on your experience. Unless you just don't like the idea of someone else getting something in a way you don't like. Just weird.
  8. I think misunderstood the topic; it's just about the personal waypoint part, not all the jade bot stuff in its entirety. As Debesyla.7102 mentioned, the glide boost alone makes the jade bot worthwhile -- I miss it everytime I switch to an alt and realize its character bound -- or switch to a lower level alt where it isn't even available.
  9. And this is what I wish laws mandated: If you're going to offer a lootbox you must prominently display the odds for receiving given items. It's a pretty crappy practice to hide all that -- yeah, it's normal gaming industry practice, but that doesn't make it any less crappy. Luckily ArenaNet is good enough to put those Statuettes in there as a pity prize over time -- and they don't lootbox items truly important to gameplay.
  10. I think this falls under QoL: Make a chromakey room for doing character screenshots without scenery. My thought was maybe adding it to the Special Forces Training area or something, so that you could get multiple players in there at the same time too. The idea would be that you'd walk into a room with solid color walls, floor, and ceiling. Before you enter the room you interact with a door offering a selection of green, blue, white, or black for the room color. This allows someone to much more easily create cool group photos of the characters on their account. 🙂 Right now I screenshot the Hero Panel previews and futz around in Krita for a while trying to clean up and merge these screenshots into one. It's kinda time consuming and the result is "pretty good". Example: https://imgur.com/a/Nbw5ZJs A chromakey room would make it all "great". As an aside, I know there are chromakey possibilities by using something like reshade, but that's quite fussy to work with as well, many effects are just lost, etc. Maybe somebody knows some cool places in-world for chromakey-like screenshots?
  11. Definitely agree -- it's barely viable for me (okay, I exaggerate a little, but it is non-optimal).
  12. Yes, absolutely a built-in option would be better. Also, maybe a few cursors to choose from as the one they provide is pretty cruddy to be honest -- as you said, when it's on you lose precise pointing as it obscures the exact click spot. >_< Another option you might try (and one that I also wish they would implement as an option) is to have a hotkey that jumps your mouse cursor the center of the screen. I use https://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dmt_cursor.html to make Win+F do this. Honestly, I think this helps /even more/ than the more visible cursor.
  13. I too was underwhelmed with the cursor contrast options and display. I did find a solution that works great, for me. I use BlishHUD https://blishhud.com/ and its Mouse Cursor module. It has a combat-only mode, though honestly I always have it showing as the custom cursor I use works really well, again, for me. 🙂 I wasn't super crazy about the cursor options the module had, but there a lot to choose from and some are pretty good. But, since they're just PNG files, I modified and created my own -- might work well for you too. https://imgur.com/tka8VVn Edit: Oh, forgot to mention, if you want to try my (or make your own) custom cursor, just plop it in <GW2>/addons/blishhud/mousecursor as a png and restart BlishHUD. Should end up an option in Mouse Cursor at that point.
  14. I know there was a thread about this a while ago, but I've lost it and can't find it again. That said: I've been running with dpi scaling OFF for a while now and haven't had any problems with the login window remembering my credentials. I was playing around with settings today and noticed that with dpi scaling ON the login window started randomly forgetting the account name / email. If I just close the launcher when that happens and restart it it'll eventually remember that it remembers, haha. Once I switched back to dpi scaling OFF, the login window seems fine again. Just a bizzare interaction that'll maybe help someone find the bug? Also, please make an EVEN LARGER option for the Interface Size setting. 😄 Or fix the DPI Scaling to not be so durn blurry. Edit: Ah, ty for the merge, not sure why my feeble search skills failed so miserably.
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