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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. The ability to hide and prevent certain UI elements from coming back again and again on map change (story journal) despite turning it off. Hiding achievements/Reducing Event description clutter completely hijacking the right side of the screen.
  2. It's 10%. Another useless ripoff for the herald. It's my main character and playstyle and i am just mad at the incompetence of the guys that made the changes. Can't imagine unironically saying this.. it's much better than before.
  3. Waypoints work through leyline energy and it's basically like we're travelling through the stream I believe. The living story leading up to HoT has a chapter talking about this I believe
  4. Honestly not true. Most fights have some mechanic you should at least pay attention to. Be it the one shot of the Deadeye dude or that you might have trouble damaging through the heal of the ooze if you miss the DPS check. The fact the enemies can be easily stunlocked makes them easy though.
  5. Í did it on my thief with unload spam and scorpion wire, throwing a smoke screen once too many came up and rolling back with Roll for Initiative to give me the last Unload lol Could have tweaked my build and used the trait for extra initiative, but that was boring to me. Did it later with all gambits on on a reaper with level 60 gear, corrosive cloud definitely did the trick. Pulled it close with Spectral Grasp, then GS 4 for the blind GS3 for burst, shroud burst then Gravedigger for the kill. Also dropped plaguelands under the thing. Around 60% I dropped the corrosive cloud to get the poison when it actually matters. Didn't have to move a single step lol
  6. Well, it does punish you for ress rushing multiple times. It can stay as it is right now lol too harmless to be annoying, too inconsequential to be punishing
  7. You can use TacO and have it be two intersecting lines that you will never be able to miss or use something like yolomouse, both of which are perfectly fine to use together with GW2 and don't run any risk of getting you banned as of now.
  8. I never noticed this before lol I've tried my other weapons and none of them played any sounds. It must be the combat animations that want to trigger or something. It's a very minor issue though if I haven't noticed in the few months I have the weapon now
  9. The game is fine as is. Sure, its age is showing, but it still holds up pretty well. PoF was a wallpaper machine, where every screenshot you take can make a nice background. And as somebody who doesn't suffer 5 FPS during intensive metas in Istan or WvW raids I can't complain on that front either. Using base models and lowering the model quality does the trick.
  10. Literally apply the mechanic the previous instances taught you and throw bloodstone at him, insta stun, burst. Just like the golem fight in episode 2 of season 4 this is one of the easiest fights once you stop ramming your head against a wall
  11. If you leave the playable area by such a large amount the game thinks you have 0 way of getting back in on time so it immediately kicks. Since the teleport is 3k range and that mechanic doesn't account for such ability it throws you out
  12. Server pride hasn't been a thing for a few years now... Good news is that guild pride will be more of a thing with this though So the logic is if something is wrong or broken or missing, accept it's broken and make it worse?Accept that you can't fix it and wait until somebody else does
  13. Server pride hasn't been a thing for a few years now... Good news is that guild pride will be more of a thing with this though
  14. I've literally opened 35 chests today and had no issues. For the last chest to reappear I just had to relog and it was back.
  15. Is it though? Checkpoints in story instances exist & they've always put you at the checkpoint and not the start of the instance when you leave or log out
  16. I use them a lot, but mostly in towns or while waiting around since not being able to use mounts is way too much of a restriction in any of the new maps
  17. Berserker stance is alright. If you feel like it's not enough you can look into using Shake it Off instead, it's better against condi pressure but obviously also easier to mess up by using it too early/late. You need to spam Break Entchantments on cooldown and hope your Fullcounter is enough to aoe mesmer clones and the like down. What you want to do is position yourself properly. Bait a shade from necro and just don't fight them while they pulse out the damage and conditions, then time your CC right. It's a lot of moving out of aoes. Just remember that you can't just 1v1 them down, you have to disengage since they'll be running super tanky builds + barrier spam, wait for cds + kite then go in again Rangers I hate fighting honestly. Can't always count on a reflect to help you, the CD is simply too long. You definitely want to stay as close to them as possible. Usually Greatsword 5 into Bulls Charge does the trick, though you definitely want to cancel the GS 5 charge since it locks you into the animation later on and they can just run away during that. Besides that I often bait them by running away, waiting for them to get close enough, then switch camera around (set a keybind for that) and bulls charge right into them for some free damage. Many players in WvW get caught off guard by that because it's a near instant turn around And as a general tip: Don't panic, never piano all your spells because you only have one chance at surviving
  18. Honestly for me it's a tie between female human and male sylvari Too bad I don't have many human characters, but my first 1000 hours of this game were on my sylvari and I've come to adore the line delivery so I will go with that
  19. Fair enough. I'm hoping that it does get fixed before I run into the issue myself ;)
  20. I simply don't think anybody gives a damn about it anymore. Personally I only do it for the AP
  21. Only immob should be excluded from that imo, rest is mostly irrelevant.
  22. I've contacted the support for this very issue and they were able to transfer the expansion(s) to the right account. You will have to contact them and keep in mind that it might take up to two weeks to get a reply. You will need to provide proof that you are the owner of both accounts. That includes knowing the emails, character name, date when you last logged into the account/character and also a date when you redeemed the codes to the account. That should be enough information to get it handled as soon as possible.
  23. This one I posted in another thread, might make new and different ones later when I have time to go back to the game
  24. It will be restored in a little while. Happened in the last weeks too, the servers just failed to communicate with each other.
  25. Would be cool if that eventually became a reality. But the time where we have 100% legendary equipment will probably be close to the end of the game's lifespan. They should all require that amount of work, so it would be bad if they just slapped it into the different modes like that. It would have to be new content, so no dungeons unless they get completely overhauled. Dunno about WvW or PvP honestly. In WvW I could see it become an issue because there are only so many things you can do. If you attach part of the collection to holding or capturing a certain objective for example I could see it turn into a situation like people waiting for it to get flipped just so they can flip it themselves quickly. If it's attached to a tier 3 objective and idk, on lord kill you have a drop chance for a certain item it could still be quite problematic, besides that those objectives turn absolutely worthless at night with 0 coverage.
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