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  1. Hi Dguvner! Thanks so much for your reply. I am interested, I will check out your discord tomorrow. I was actually considering transferring to IoJ anyway because I have some friends on there!
  2. Hiiii just popping in here to say that, first, CAFÉ is a truly amazing community with some truly amazing people with some truly amazing stories and I'm so happy I found it. As someone very much 'at the margins' (transgender, lesbian, trauma survivor, ADHD), I often feel outcasted and misunderstood, but I feel right at home here. So, it is my pleasure to announce that I'm looking to start a beginner training & farm raid for CAFÉ! The idea is to run relaxed raids in easier wings and strikes in order to build confidence and get practice for our newer players and provide a reliable source of loot for our more experienced players! Whether you're an experienced player looking for a welcoming, relaxed, caring group to clear content with or a brand new player looking to dip their toes into group content for the first time, you're welcome in my group!❤️ Whether you're interested in the new raid event or you're just looking for a kind, caring community to hang out with, I hope to see you in CAFÉ soon! Much love, Valerie, AKA Moonbeam
  3. Hello! I'm in the market for a chill but competent team to get up to some trouble in WvW with. A bit about me: - I played WvW consistently for a little over a year then took a break for a while. - I primarily play support; I like firebrand & tempest. - I'm a very calm, relaxed and kind person, but I always give it my best. I strive to be successful but in the end I'm here to have fun. I never get salty. - I'm a very active and social player, I log on most days for atleast a few mins and am active in discord and in-game chats. - I'm transgender so it is very important the group is trans friendly!!! - I'm willing to transfer. What I'm looking for: - A laid-back, non-toxic, trans-friendly community. - No raging or saltiness!! This makes me very uncomfortable. I'm a super chill person. - Server doesn't matter. If you think we'd be a good fit for each other please post here or add me in-game! Much love, - Moonbeam (MissMoonBeam.9024)
  4. Hi, you can follow this link here directly to the application page: https://www.remnantsofhope.com/boards/index.php?/forms/2-application-to-join-remnants-of-hope/ Unfortunately, we don't currently have a regularly scheduled raid event, but we are working on getting it back up and running ASAP. We do have a weekly strike event open to both new and experienced players though!
  5. Of course! Follow the link below to apply. Hey, sorry for the inconvenience, can you try this link? It should take you right to the application page. https://www.remnantsofhope.com/boards/index.php?/forms/2-application-to-join-remnants-of-hope/
  6. We pride ourselves on being super new player friendly! All of our events are beginner friendly and we have plenty of people willing to help and teach. We've had plenty of people come to us brand new to the game, having never set foot in instanced content or WvW before, and we've trained them up to be confident, competent players in their preferred game modes!
  7. You can play with us if you transfer to our linked server, which is currently Anvil Rock!
  8. Hi, so sorry for taking so long to respond. Our current schedule for PvE is: Sunday, 10:00 PM EST: Fractals Monday, 10:00 PM EST: Misc Monday (various PvE events) Thursday, 9:00 PM EST: Meta Train (various meta events) Friday, 8:00 PM EST: Fractals Saturday, 9:00 PM EST: Strikes All events are beginner friendly. Currently we don't have a raid event but we're hoping to get another set up soon!
  9. Speaking of crazy keep defenses, last night we had an enormous 3-way fight at Bay where we were severely outnumbered by both green and blue. We moved around and in and out of the keep, picking off isolated targets and wearing down the stronger group, until our enemies clashed and blue wiped. With green's backs to the edge of the lord's room and their bomb spent, we swept in and cleaned them up, holding onto bay against all odds. It was amazing! Lots of awesome memories to be made in WvW with RoH. Also strikes are still going great, I love watching our new players learn and grow and our experienced players help the newbies along. Even stopping to give full explanations of every fight and taking in brand new players, we clear the strikes very efficiently. Whether you've never set foot in an instance before, or you're an old veteran, I promise you'll have a great time with us.
  10. Happy Halloween! Come hunt for treat bags with us in Mad King's Lab!
  11. This week, our strike team cleared Temple of Febe & Celestial Observatory for the first time! Grats to everyone on their first clears! A few weeks ago we cleared Old Lion's Court for the first time in quite a while. Many members of our strike team came to the guild totally new, never having set foot in instanced content before, and we trained them up to the point where they could clear one of the most difficult strikes in the game. So proud of everyone! Next up is Harvest Temple! If you'd like to join a laid back, zero-toxicity strike group filled with laughter and joy that still manages to clear difficult content, send in an application! ❤️Valerie, guild leader and strike commander
  12. We're going to be doing blind runs of the new strikes, Celestial Observatory and Temple of Febe next Saturday!!! Should be a lot of fun. Get your applications in ASAP if you'd like to do some crazy blind prog with a super chill and laid-back group. - Valerie, DC (guild leader) and Strike Leader
  13. Hey Rixende, I'm the current leader of the GW2 division of [RoH], and a member of [CAFÉ]. Both guilds are wonderful, and I recommend checking out both, and if you're feeling up to it, joining both! RoH has tons of activities that appeal to all kinds of players. We would love to see applications from you and your family ^^
  14. Hi, I almost never post on online forums but I wanted to tell you all about how awesome RoH is. I'm a transgender woman with social anxiety and I've always had trouble finding places where I can feel comfortable and fit in. I've been in a lot of different guilds in several different games but I've never seen one that's anything like RoH. It's an incredibly kind, welcoming, caring and diverse community, and they've always made me feel welcome, comfortable and wanted. There's virtually no toxicity or elitism, and the community is very helpful, welcoming of new players, and willing to help you learn. If you're anxious about groups or about getting into more difficult content in the game, if you're LGBT+ and worried about being accepted, or if you're just looking for a place full of wonderful people without any of the nastiness and elitism that many guilds have, I highly recommend applying to RoH. Thanks for reading and I hope you consider applying!
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