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  1. It would be very nice once one dies in a content instanced raid and strike to have the possibility to activate the spectator mode as it already happens in pvp and have the free camera to look around and better understand the mechanics of the boss instead of standing still in a distant spot. It would be nice if you could copy the system that already exists in pvp with all the keybinds already present.
  2. Hi everyone, this is my first time here so please excuse me if some things aren't clear to me. I saw that from the API it is not possible to get the completion status of the Adventure Guide: Volume One and Two etc. e.g. in https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:2/account/ I challenged to see if any ids like 6664 or 6678 were present but nothing. Would it be possible to have something about this in the next API change? thank you very much
  3. It would be really nice to always have end-of-game statistics available even after the game is over ( damage done, capture points chart, healing done, etc) As happens in other pvp environments it would be really helpful to improve oneself and understand the mistakes one has made. The absolute best thing would even be to have an Api for all this without making any in-game changes. please dwanya help us in this valley of tears and salt!
  4. For next halloween it would be very nice to have back in the game the instance The Reliquary found in Black citadel that talks about the Bloody Prince Thorn. I understand that we have moved on with the mad king story but to remove the past altogether I think is a mistake.
  5. TLDR Making guild experiments and personally evaluating stronghold mode for what it currently is in its current state it is clear that it is a perfect map for a 10v10. Hi all! while playing with other friends it occurred to us to organize a 10v10 match within the stronghold mode. We had so much fun that I'm here to write this post. The Stronghold map in Guild Wars 2's Structured Player versus Player (sPvP) is an excellent choice to be played with 10 players for several reasons. 1) The 5 mechanics (gathering supplies, attacking, defending, summoning, and using trebuchet) are in my opinion much more balanced for 10 players than for 5. With 10 players, specific responsibilities can be assigned to each team member. For example, some may focus on gathering supplies and summoning, while others focus on attack and defence. This allows for an equal division of work and a more effective strategy. 2) The Stronghold map is designed so that there are two lines, one of attack and one of defence. This structure essentially divides the group of players into two teams (5+5=10). Each group of 5 can thus concentrate on a specific objective, thus increasing the chances of success. 3) With 10 players, there is much more room for a variety of skills and roles. This means that it is possible to have a well-balanced team composition, with players specialising in defence, attack, support and control. This diversity of roles can lead to more sophisticated strategies and more interesting game tactics. 4) With 10 players, the Stronghold map becomes a highly dynamic battlefield, with actions taking place simultaneously in different areas of the map. This creates a great deal of interaction and exchange between players, providing an immersive and adrenaline-fuelled gaming experience. 5) When playing in a team of 10 players, there is less pressure on each individual to complete crucial tasks alone. This allows new players to learn the dynamics of the game in a less stressful environment, where they can gradually gain experience and confidence without being immediately overburdened with responsibility. In addition, the presence of teammates offers support and help, allowing less experienced players to contribute significantly to the team's success. What do you think about this?
  6. Even if this is true, many have already finished the story a few weeks ago and if you don't open the HUD you will never realise that there is an additional step
  7. I don't understand why EoD 'Interlude forward' is not announced in-game perhaps with a simple email. A lot of my friends didn't realise the addition of the last part of EoD and that's why I went so far as to give them unintended spoilers. Also there are small clues added to Garenhoff's village that can only be seen after this instance is completed and many not knowing about the previous step will probably miss them. I highly recommend doing something
  8. I would like to give away expansions to some of my friends and some streamers I enjoy that I see occasionally playing on gw2 but there is no in-game method to do so. Is there any chance that an in-game method will be added in the future? Will it maybe be possible to do this when gw2 comes to steam?
  9. Recently I am writing some articles about gw2 for my blog. I have a great passion for game design and by analyzing the systems that encourage players to do better and help each other I discovered a point that could be a great improvement for Gw2.Rewarding players for doing better changes a lot the way people view various game activities . In particular, I believe that the current ratings for participation in open world events displayed with medals could be extended to activate virtuous behavior. I think it makes a lot of sense to create more medals after gold in order to encourage people to do better.There is no need for any reward, even just compliments are enough as an in-game message (similar to what happens for rides with mounts).The mere presence could lead people to deepen the gameplay and consequently activate positive behaviors. I believe it can be not only a simple system to implement (since an asset already exists) but also has a very high impact at play.What do you think?
  10. I believe, after adding the build template, the legendaries could become more useful if they had the possibility of choosing each single attribute.No longer use prefixes ( like the berserker magi etc.) but attribute the points one by one to achieve the perfect stat combination on your own.The legendary would thus become the maximum possibility of choice present in the game.
  11. What kind of progression do you think is possible after level 80 without giving the player new skills or new stats for equip? Please do not disagree on the terms, I am not a native English speakerIn any case for me an autoloot system is a clear a reward as it is to get a mount.
  12. the masterys are quite clearly a system that rewards leveling up.The system is currently active only by donating account bound skills but to improve it I think it is necessary to add other options. Having some of them passive could be an opportunity to stimulate people to complete events.This wants to be a discussion on how to improve the system without forcing developers to create new skills. Don't you think that improvements are necessary (especially for those who have completed everything)?
  13. it is not just a question of money but of the possibility of choice that does not exist today, especially after completing all the current masteries.The mastery could make the game more replayable.
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