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Everything posted by chaosdurza.3291

  1. Agreed!! I also think they should take BMing more seriously. For instance, I got 6v1'd in a camp and this cele harb started emoting and jumping on me. Imo, this should be a bannable offense.
  2. Bladesworn is mostly fine the way it currently is imo. I think the last nerf we got was too heavy handed, either add the stun back in for DT and change nothing else, OR undo the delay on DT 2 and give us stab back. One of those changes by itself would fix it for the most part. I'd prefer to get our stun back personally, the delay on DT 2 is annoying but workable. Not having stab (at least in competitive modes) is also annoying, but it makes you use your aegis well. Don't mess with the reflect on aegis.
  3. You guys are all wrong, best mesmer is obviously cele virt. This little asura guy that I keep getting matched against, can't kill him at all. Trust, if I can't kill him, he's definitely the best. Trust.
  4. Even with 100% boon duration, having 100% uptime I think isn't gonna be possible on nearly every raid boss, world boss, and fractal. If the boss moves at all, if you get blinded, if you get CC'd, or even worse if you just make a mistake and miss, you lost quickness for 5s.
  5. I did some rough testing with mine, was able to get 25k-27k dps pretty consistently with 0 boon duration. Quickness berserker, however....really terrible.
  6. Is the damage on the dodge going to be increased to compensate the lower frequency? Felt like it was tuned to the current number of dodges we were capable of doing, now it will be quite a nerf to PvE/WvW dps. This could also be said for the boons/conditions/barrier for the other grandmaster traits as well.
  7. I'm basing this on the fact that running into spvp and wvw with a very mediocre build will result in no progress gained. Versus running into open world pve with just about anything still lets you kill mobs and progress. If you disagree, I challenge you to run a full soldiers build with all condition damage focused weapons/traits/utilities in wvw. Because you can absolutely do that in pve, and you'll still kill stuff. Pve legendary armor also requires this. Only spvp and wvw armor doesn't, and that's supplemented by the fact the process to unlock them is much longer than the raid set. Ironically, I have been playing wvw for years and I'm not even close to having a single piece of legendary armor for wvw hahaha. Nor do I have the backpack. I think I'm around rank 900ish, but all I do is roam. I don't really zerg at all. So, I can confirm this is also untrue. I do, however, have the legendary backpack from spvp. And again, I am not even close to having a single piece of spvp legendary armor. I think an argument can be made that the game modes are less popular because they're more difficult. If raids were not difficult (and in all honesty, they're really not that bad to do), or at least if they weren't intimidating, I genuinely believe more people would do them. Hence my suggestion that legendary armor via open world pve should require a much longer time commitment, since the content is quite forgiving for most people (which is why it's more popular). I definitely think a set of open world legendary armor should come from achieving the BEST of the things the game mode can offer. And you'd get to do your favorite game mode while you do it! Collecting petrified wood, thousands of diflourite crystals, branded masses, a few full stacks of chak eggs. These are things you would passively do while playing the game mode that is preferred by the majority of players.
  8. What I'm suggesting is this exactly, but for open world pve. And since the difficulty of spvp and wvw are much much higher than open world, a longer time commitment would be necessary to unlock legendary armor via the most forgiving content in the game. How are you finding this metric? It's not theoretically quicker, it just is quicker. If you're suggesting that the play time to unlock Nevermore is comparable to unlocking a full set of wvw legendary armor, I don't know how you've come to this conclusion lol. Absolutely agreed, open world pve is the most played aspect of the game. However, this changes nothing in my argument. So you're of the opinion that someone who has previously sunk time into open world pve, should be able to easily acquire 3 full sets of legendary armor now...? That is not a logical argument.
  9. Quite confused by your argument here, this actually makes no sense whatsoever. You are completely incorrect about armor not being more exclusive, it absolutely is more exclusive. The pve armor set requires you to raid, which requires you to complete additional mastery tracks in order to participate. As well as needing a build and skill level high enough to be competitive in some of the hardest pve content in the game. The pvp armor set requires you to be rank 20 at a minimum in spvp, as well as 3 spvp seasons fully completing the pip reward track (again, at a minimum). Odds are this will take you more than 3 seasons, especially if you're starting at rank 1 in spvp. The wvw armor set requires rank 500 in wvw. This would take quite some time to reach if you were starting at rank 1, as well as requiring a fairly deep knowledge of the game and how to be competitive. There are no legendary weapons in the game that require pre requisites like that. None. In fact, the overwhelming majority of legendary weapons can just be outright bought with gold. If you don't want to buy them with gold, you can do a collection which involves (gasp) open world content. And just to really nail it shut, we would not be having this discussion AT ALL if the armor wasn't already so exclusive 🙂 So yes, the armor is far more exclusive than the weapons are, and should remain that way. Setting extremely high expectations for unlocking an open world legendary armor set is completely justified, and necessary.
  10. It should definitely be core tyria world map completion! EoD, HoT, and PoF map completion can be done in a single play session (a whole expansion, not all 3 that'd be ridiculous). I've full cleared all heart of thorns maps in under a day multiple times making my HoT legendary weapons, we're talking some legendary armor here. It's gotta feel legendary. Full core tyria, 3 times per piece, is not a big ask considering the difficulty of the content involved.
  11. Well you get two for 100% completing the full core tyria map, so 3 full clears per piece. 18 clears total for one set. There's absolutely nothing stopping someone from full clearing the map, deleting that character, and then making a new one to full clear again! The best part is, it's completely free, no expansion needed. With the difficulty of open world being exceptionally low, a significantly longer grind would absolutely be warranted. Granted, with my other suggestions, all the expansions with all the living world episodes would be necessary. A few thousand petrified wood isn't going to collect itself after all.
  12. COMPLETELY agree with this point. My only caveat, is that legendary armor is clearly more exclusive than weapons, or else we wouldn't be having this discussion. Keep it a bit more exclusive by having the unlock process demand a significantly higher amount of time, while keeping it exclusively in open world content. That way the unlock process does not require a high amount of skill to do, it's something you can chip away at over the months/years as you're playing the game. I think requiring 6 gifts of exploration per piece alone would be a great starting point, since that's kinda one of the pinnacle open world achievements.
  13. I don't really see the issue with having a bland looking, open world legendary armor set. As long as they make it appropriately hard, and has a very lengthy collection. Something like: 6 gifts of exploration per piece 1000 meta boss tokens per piece, but they only drop off a fully completed Dragon Stand, Dragonstorm, or Dragon's End (present from start to finish) 6 ascended armor pieces of the same type of legendary armor (6 chest pieces to make 1 legendary chest piece, etc) and then just a plethora of map currencies, like well over 1000 of a BUNCH of different types. I think that, on top of a lengthy collection, would be a fair trade for a set. Since the content does not really have much difficulty to it, a much larger effort to obtain the rewards is justified.
  14. I'm confused, where are you able to buy the $99 collection that includes everything that's come out so far? I'm trying to get one of my buddies to join the game as well, and I see a $99 collection that includes HoT, PoF, and EoD. But none of the LW episodes are included in that. The $99 collection does come with 4k gems, but the bundle cost of LW2, LW3, LW4 and Icebrood Saga are more than 4k gems.
  15. I'd be pretty happy seeing a lot more classes get rifle. There's been some ideas tossed around for Elementalist getting an "arcane marksman" type spec, with rifle as the weapon and heavily focusing on single target power burst moves. I think necromancer getting a vampire-type spec with sword mainhand would be really really cool. Main hand pistol on mesmer with a sort of spell-slinger type spec could be interesting. Mesmer already has some pretty awesome mobility, that could be something that is capitalized on. But mostly, I would just be thrilled seeing more classes get the weapons that are heavily neglected. Namely Rifle, shortbow and mace. That being said, at this point I find it extremely unlikely we will see any more elite specs.
  16. Nevermore is one of the Gen 2 legendaries that involves a collection, so while it may be cheaper it's significantly more time consuming. The Shining Blade has no collection, you simply have to craft or buy all the components and throw them into the mystic toilet. Nearly all of The Shining Blade can be bought on the TP, and it uses most of the same materials as the other gen 2 legendaries that do not have collections, so that helps to drive the price up as well.
  17. Thanks so much for the tips and help! Gonna use those keybinds today and see if I can get the hang of it.
  18. Those all sound pretty reasonable and easy to reach. Something I've been concerned about is using skills while on the move, particularly ground target. Do you ever find it's hard to move around while aiming skills? It's very easy for me to do with all my skills on my mouse, but using the keyboard for movement AND skills is something that seems like it's going to take ages to get used to.
  19. I'm currently using a 12 side-button mouse (similar to a razer naga), and would like to change to a different style mouse. Possibly with between 2-5 side buttons. I've been using a naga and other mice like it for nearly 8 years, and I have no idea how people keybind without using a mouse with that many buttons on it. Can anyone share their keybind/set up with me, and how that made it work? Especially anyone who has moved away from using a 12 side-button mouse. Thanks so much!
  20. Mordrem saber is also very katana like, but fairly expensive
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