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Everything posted by Ariurotl.3718

  1. Speaking of auto-targeting, I'd love nothing more than a clear distinction between utility skills that do and don't pick a target when used. Namely, ALL non-offensive skills shouldn't autotarget, I whined about it before with regards to Guardian shouts. The number of times I used "Retreat!" to, well, retreat or just run past a neutral critter and it caused me to start attacking with a ranged weapon instead...
  2. I'd say do one per post but I don't want to limit anyone in their extremely minor gripes. Let's go! My all-time no. 1 is: Critical hit soundbites that OBVIOUSLY should be playing when YOU score a critical but are instead played when a critical is scored ON you. It's been there since the start (probably, at least it's been like that since I started playing in 2014), never got fixed. "Oh, that had to hurt." Yep, it sure does.
  3. Before I left the game for a year, it was between Engi and Guard but I'll be damned if I'm not currently having massive amounts of fun with the core warrior after they'd revamped the Tactics tree.
  4. Doing this fight now and he seems to have disappeared for good the second time he used that ability. I've circled the entire arena many times and he's nowhere to be found. No mist this time either. Bug? EDIT: I might have killed him? The AoE snow things don't have any effect on me now, I think they're supposed to damage or debuff or something but I'm just standing in the room letting them fall on me and nothing happens. EDIT2: Meh, I restarted it and it didn't bug out this time. Thanks for letting people restart from that point, ANet, it's refreshing that I didn't have to do the entire instance again.
  5. As I didn't know about Aurene's death by that point (and haven't played any subsequent story chapters either), it's only possible that I unlocked the collection in some other way. I think I bought some collection-unlocking item somewhere but it wasn't in any of the areas ahead in the story. So yeah, I guess if the collection has to be unlocked before the page is usable, it's a much more minor issue. It's still an issue (cause again, I definitely didn't skip ahead in the story in any way, so it's still possible to spoil stuff by unlocking the collection), but a very minor one.
  6. Yeah, trying to solo champions in the open world without trying too hard is probably the #1 for me.
  7. Eh, WvW seems overwhelming but there's a lot of things you can do to get that reward track meter rolling. I pretty much abhor all sorts of PvP content so I just hung around repairing stuff and whatnot, and got there through sheer perseverance. You don't have to run around trying to kill people. Note that this sort of behavior is generally frowned upon by HARDCORE WvW players and they whine about it occasionally but who cares what they think?
  8. Yeah, that's largely what I thought was going to happen but my issue is not with what actually happens. It's that the Torn Page is there for the people doing the story for the first time, which means that unless the player ignores the page with an icon hovering over it, they WILL be spoiled way ahead of time. This is something that required a bit of common sense. Like I said, maybe don't let people read the page unless they'd already done the bit where Aurene dies? (No need for spoiler tags here as I'd marked the entire thread as potentially spoilerific).
  9. Nah, central Tyria is fine. Give a revamp to Southsun Cove instead. Been there recently for map completion on an alt, the place is deserted and all outposts are perpetually overrun. Give people a new reason to come back there.
  10. Honestly, not that bothered as to whether Aurene dies or not but the note makes no sense and it's not like the page is tucked away in a corner somewhere. It's RIGHT NEXT TO THE WAYPOINT towards which the story at that point literally railroads you. Leave the keep, instantly find the page, read about something that hasn't happened yet. Unless Caithe is later revealed to be clairvoyant, this is just so shabbily done.
  11. I've been away from the game for about a year, came back to where I left off - LW S4E5 - All or Nothing. Just done with the trials at the start of the episode, leaving the keep... and here I find a Torn Page from Caithe's journal right at the second waypoint of Thunderhead Peaks... and it details Aurene's death (?!) as if it had already happened? What? Now yeah, I get it, the page has probably been added at a later point for some collection or other. But here I am, doing this part of the story for the first time, getting hit with SPOILERS FROM THE FUTURE. Does nobody actually think of these things? Maybe check if I'd already done the relevant story bits BEFORE the page becomes interact-able? Not even mad about the spoiler, just disappointed about how it will look to somebody invested in the story and doing this bit for the first time.
  12. Still can't log in on any of my toons, Network Error. :# EDIT: Never mind, it works now.
  13. I mean hey, at least it'd be something new, right? I'll be honest with you folks, if you invite me to your guild, I'll offer almost nothing of value. I don't raid, I only do the easiest of fractals once in a blue moon, I'm largely bad at combat (rotations? get outta here!) and I'm just generally an unsociable miserable old bastard who thaws out once every few months to run a scavenger hunt on a daily map (if you've seen a "find me on this map and get a modest prize" game run on a daily core map, there's a chance it might have been me). I'll mostly sit in the corner and keep to myself, truth be told, so while I'm not much of an asset, I won't start any sort of trouble either. Things that would instantly cause me to bail on your guild include politics of any kind, general edgelordery and, uh, typos in your guild description. I swear, every time I get invited by a random guild looking to raise the numbers by any means necessary, there's always an egregious typo or twelve in the guild description. That's the face of your damn guild, people, run a spellcheck on it at the very least! Ahem, where was I? Right, yeah, that's my exciting pitch. After this sort of dazzling presentation, I'm sure you'd absolutely love to have me in your guild ignoring you 9 out of 10 times. Looking forward to hearing from you! :unamused:
  14. Ah, so those changes are only for competitive modes? I must have missed that, sorry everyone.
  15. So hey, here's the situation. I've been away from the game for some time (about a year) and lost track of some of what's been going on (as well as some mechanics) but I'm toying with the idea of returning someday and I occasionally read balance patch notes, that's why the most recent balance update made me do a double-take. Specifically, the seemingly massive power scaling reductions on some skills. If I recall correctly, power scaling on skills has always been key for skills to be useful, right? So when it goes from 2.x to 0.x or whatever, doesn't that just make the skill... pretty much unusable? And there's so many skills affected... Is that, like, the general trend lately? If I come back, will PvE be more of a slog? Man, I don't even know what the real question here is. I've been away for too long. Cool story me.
  16. Offer the Inquest outfit headpiece as a separate item, pretty please. It looks great and it can't possibly be clipping through anything as it's just an eyepiece located miles away from any other armor.
  17. If I absolutely had to, I'd choose a new race. If work has to be done, I'd prefer it to be something new rather than the huge heap of manhours spent on re-stitching personal story and such without anything actually new to show for it as a result.
  18. Inquest outfit headpiece as a separate item. I know there's quite a few people who'd like that. And don't even mention clipping as an excuse, the headpiece is not connected to anything at all.
  19. I for one appreciate the relative lack of skimpy skins in the game. Not a prude by any means, but you just can't trust players with this stuff, else you end up zerging exclusively with gangs of strippers in technicolor underwear.
  20. Right. That is called "supply" and that's the other half of how the market works. Market (aka demand) is a nonsensical qualifier.
  21. The market decides what this luxury is worth. Turns out it's 2500g. Cheaper than the Chak Egg Sac, comparable to Liquid Aurillium, and serves roughly the same purpose: make people stick around on HoT maps doing metas in hopes of getting one.
  22. What you're asking for are called buffs. They're not quality of life changes, please learn what the term actually means in this context. QoL changes only make your experience in the game more convenient without making your characters stronger (or weaker, for that matter).
  23. No, I don't want another human-centric expansion, Elona was monotone and bland enough as it is.
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