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Posts posted by Ariurotl.3718

  1. I'm completely fine with how they are at the moment. The "corrected" version makes them look more human, which is the opposite of what should really be done. Literally all complaints here use the human-looking Norn females as a feeble crutch of an argument that just doesn't hold any water when you consider that for the umpteenth time, THEY'RE NOT HUMAN.

  2. Never really thought I'd ask for stuff in this thread, but I've lost (or should I say temporarily... devalued) most of my in-game savings at the worst time, said time being: MORE INVENTORY SPACE TIME. So I would really love Supreme Runes of Holding for my main, a whopping... 18x8 = 144 of them. Oh wow. If anyone could spare a few, that'd be absolutely awesome.

    I take this thread very seriously and I'm going to update this post regularly with the number of runes I still need. Any excess will be returned with thanks. <3

    EDIT: [Oct 29] 55/144 runes OBTAINED! <3

  3. If you don't know what you want, just don't post in the thread until you do. If this is anything like the old thread, nobody will frown upon an extravagant wish (that doesn't mean it'll be fulfilled). Just try to avoid looking like you're just fishing for lots of free stuff. I'm sorry, but that "I'll take free BLC keys, guys" thing just looks crass (well, it does to me, can't speak for anyone else).

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