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Everything posted by Ariurotl.3718

  1. You think the chests suck now, back in the day we didn't even get guaranteed statuettes or wardrobe unlocks.
  2. The note was added after I posted this thread, haha. I had half a mind to do it myself. 👍
  3. It's like they learned nothing from Arah.
  4. Thank you! That's how I wanted it to work but the trait description is vague (and borderline incorrect in this case, huh?).
  5. Two days and nobody's been able to answer a simple question. Did I word it in a weird way or something? Does nobody play Harbinger?
  6. Does it share boons around your character or in the splash radius of the thrown elixir?
  7. It's my account name everywhere, picked by a random generator. I occasionally regret how unpronounceable it is.
  8. Racial skills are undertuned for a reason, so that none of the races become "meta".
  9. I (almost) always pick Priory for Asura because KNOWLEDGE but eh, it's all personal preference. Do what you feel is right. Whispers have Tybalt as a mentor, whom people tend to like for some reason (even the mentor tag being an apple is a reference to him). I was never a fan of his, he makes the Whispers seem like an utter joke of an organization. Also, I found it particularly funny to have Asura in the Vigil because the dynamic between an Asura char and the mentor seems particularly fun to me personally.
  10. Voted for rework but that's just because I'm struggling with ground-targeted skills at the best of times but especially when they're "instant" like Jump Shot. So, you know, feel free to ignore my opinion.
  11. Minion necro to never die with minimum effort.
  12. 90% of female characters in the game already look like the gaudiest of strippers and therefore it literally can't get any worse... so heck, why not, add more of that but only in the gemstore so Anet actually gets money from that occasionally.
  13. The Soulbeast trait Live Fast has the following description currently: However, it ONLY applies to the merged abilities (F3) and not to the regular Beast abilities (F2) pets have when unmerged. This needs to be made clear. Or you could make it work with all Beast abilities but I'm certainly not asking for it, for the love of Gods don't assume I'm asking for it as this is the Professions forums and I'd rather gnaw my pinky off than get into a buff/nerf conversation in here.
  14. By now I don't even remember what I had to do in order to get mine. Safe to say I wasn't particularly annoyed by whatever grindiness people are talking about.
  15. Yeah, I'd say it's Stalker, Drakehound and Eagle/Hawk that make the most sense from the lore perspective. Humans even have the Falconer cultural armor.
  16. Oh. I started playing around 2014 so I trusted wiki on this, guess that was wrong. Eh, the point still stands. Also got a chuckle out of the replies telling me where to find the pet in the game, lol. How does one get to over 22k posts without reading comprehension?
  17. Why the heck was it removed anyway? Why is it somehow more likely that a Krytan ranger's first pet would be a friggin' BEAR or a drake? I know it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but it still kinda annoys me for lore-ish reasons. Besides, your starting pet stays in your bio forever so why can't it be the most obvious choice to have for a Human ranger? EDIT: Apparently it never WAS a starting option even though the wiki says so. Well, it should be!
  18. When I get into a sticky situation in the game, I'm not sure my being paralyzed in fear would benefit much from keybinds.
  19. Man, people are weird. You kill enough sentient beings in this game every day to rival the world's worst massacres but kicking a chicken is too much.
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