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Everything posted by Ariurotl.3718

  1. As in, a very dark gray, almost black hair color that makes the textures pop? Right now we don't have that and I don't understand why. We've got plain black (available without the Makeover Kit) that just kills the hair textures much like the Shadow Abyss dye does, and then there are some very dark texture-popping color variations (most of them in the kit) but ALL of them have a tinge of some other color, most often blue. Black Gray is the closest to what I'd like but it has a slight blue tinge. An extremely minor annoyance, I know, I know.
  2. I have it on good authority that it's a popular hairstyle with both men and women in Cantha. *nods*
  3. Asura male for sure. With the exception of the line "I feel six feet tall", I never get tired of Steve's barks. My personal favorite is "Infuriating!", he says it with such hilarious indignation.
  4. I know but it doesn't work if you click on the skill rather than using the key on the keyboard. And yes, I prefer to click on skills, people already have expressed their bemusement at that on the old forums.
  5. A toggle for ground-targeted skills that'd let me use them always centered on the current target (or on myself, depending on the skill).
  6. That's how it's supposed to work. The plural just means "players who play Scrapper with this trait equipped" not "players around you".
  7. It's been a few months so I might as well ask for it again: offer the Inquest Exo-Suit Outfit headpiece as a separate item. You did it for Braham's crappy shoulders, I believe that you can do it for this headpiece and it'll probably be more popular! It still doesn't clip through anything and is still probably super-easy to convert from the outfit. Lots of Asura mains will want it, GW2 streamers will want it, I can promise you that. Just do it, please. Pretty please?
  8. It's a massive problem for me, yeah. I rarely complain about creative decisions ANet makes but this server situation is close to a make-or-break issue for me. You can't really be considering another expansion without fixing servers first, can you? Cause that is just plain insane.
  9. Caledon Forest. It's one of the most lovingly crafted maps in the game and I still love going back there for dailies.
  10. It's definitely better than your terrible alternatives. shrug
  11. Please bring back Dreamcleaver Logging Axe (hopefully at a discount) Also would be nice to have other Dreamthistle-inspired gathering tools to complete the set. And Dreamthistle mounts or just more Sylvari-themed plant mounts (Mordrem Wolf is alright, I guess, but I'd rather not use Mordy-themed skins)
  12. Trahearne was one of the best characters, yeah. There were only two real problems about his implementation: firstly, he used to bug out in missions early on and people hated that and him by proxy. Secondly, he was put in charge over our character and the incredibly entitled g4m3rs couldn't stand the fact that somebody with a real knowledge of the region we're fighting for outranks their meathead character who solves 99% of their problems by bashing heads in. "Why aren't I the leader of the Pact? Why do I not get to have this shiny sword in addition to every other weapon the game showers me with? Why is my behind not getting kissed enough? Whine, whine, whine", etc. Furthermore, your general MMO population has very little interest in a character plagued by internal struggles and self-doubt. They get enough of that in the real world. They want hypermasculine gung-ho badasses, hot chicks and comic relief (how are you doing, Tybalt? Nice job ruining the mystique of a secret order with your dangerously hapless but HEEEEEElarious hijinks!). A character like Trahearne was singularly unsuited for the target audience. More's the pity.
  13. On a side note, you don't have to copy those skins from the Achievement screen. If you apply them the regular way through the wardrobe screen, it won't consume a transmutation charge which is neat.
  14. Nobody "just" flips on the TP and does nothing else in the game. At least I hope nobody does that cause it makes no sense. It just allows you to play the game however you want to and not just farm metas for hours on end for the gold. Just like in real life, knowing that you're largely set for the long term frees you up to do things in the game that you actually like to do instead of worrying about not earning enough gold and getting yourself willingly locked into whatever joyless farming thing is most profitable at the moment.
  15. Just because it's been 2 years or so since I last asked: The headset of the Inquest outfit is really bloody good. The rest of the outfit is... not so much. Since the headpiece is not connected to anything and is extremely unlikely to clip through anything, please do with it like you did with Braham's ugly shoulderpads and offer it as a separate item.
  16. I've only got to the start of episode 2 but the prologue to me was hands down the best storytelling they've ever done in this game. EVER. There was subtlety for once, a sense of unease that was almost entirely natural, with only the slightest hints (and not marked with a [You Feel Uneasy] or [something's Definitely Wrong] modifier like in that laughably bad season 4 instance, by gods that was a bad choice). The start of episode 1 was also one of the better ones, with a horror mystery feel that wasn't too overblown. Looking forward to see what was so bad with the rest of it tho.
  17. Caudecus fight is pretty bad, especially on Charr and Norn. Generally, I don't like any fights that require you to use a special ground-targeted skill or fights with difficult terrain and special mechanics like Aerin (although I absolutely smoked Aerin the last time I faced him so I got gud, I guess). Other non-boss fights I hate are Awakened Defilers (boon corruption fields with zero warning, the AoE hits straight away) and Awakened Abominations (I'm still not entirely clear how to fight them, they just pull you into range and slice you up to neat pieces).
  18. For dailies, mostly. Or when I'm in the area for some reason and somebody mentions it's WB time in map chat.
  19. Renown hearts are fun for me, plus they make me stop and do something in an area which I would've just skipped otherwise. As a result, I'm way more familiar with events in areas that have hearts than in ones that don't, cause I barely ever stop there for more than a split second it takes to grab the PoI or vista.
  20. Not angry or anything (more resigned at this stage) but I just want to know: will it get better? Every day there's massive lag, it's pretty much the only thing people talk about in map chat. Are you winding down the game, and if so, why is there still new upcoming content when the existing servers are in a pitiful state? Shouldn't fixing the lag be a priority before you invest in new content? So many questions.
  21. Breaking my own rule (as if that matters), another minor thing that's not a bug but still annoys me greatly is the voice acting for Deputy Mira during the Claw Island story chapters. I don't want to be too mean but BY GOD that voice acting is bad on so many levels, from generally awful delivery to completely wrong emphasis on some lines.
  22. Siren's Landing also has a bunch of coral nodes off the coast. EDIT: Oh, it's been mentioned. Reading comprehension fail, smh.
  23. Flipping in GW2 requires two things: knowledge and patience. Prices often change slowly and you have to learn what items might or might not increase or drop in price. Currently one of the main flipping sources is the BL chest rotation. Exclusive dyes and skins available from the chest are rotated regularly so the idea is to buy them when they're available (ESPECIALLY on key discount days) and then sell them when they rotate out. Free tip: currently the much-coveted Permafrost dye is available from the chests, and therefore its price has dropped. That's a good investment opportunity. This dye will never go out of fashion and once it rotates out of the chest (could be with the next update or the one following that), the price is pretty much guaranteed to go up.
  24. That's definitely annoying but I kinda see it as a trade-off. Minions are currently a "cheat" utility skill category for Necros as we get to keep them in Shroud (unlike every other type of utility skill we have). Losing them to transformations and whatnot counterbalances that somewhat.
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