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Posts posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. 4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    my brain just works diffrently i guess.... i could tell you the exact name of that one necro from that one game i had 3 days ago xD

    I only tend to remember people if I see them a lot, then I start to build a long term memory. My short term memory just sucks, which runs in my family.

    On 5/29/2024 at 11:15 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Need to put what their rank is as well, and a line if they are unranked

    I'm sure this has been widely discussed and considered for a long time, with the ultimate decision not to do this. I know why we would want that info, but with the community being so small, so many players end up seeing each other again in several matches in a row. It would definitely shape decision making in a match, like your team would focus a specific guy if you knew he was plat and going to try to carry. Whereas the silver guy might get relatively ignored. Also just thought of the fact that harassment would be real bad, people already attempt to rank harass in game and even here in the forums. I've seen it and been the target several times, though I don't engage in that myself. Even humble bragging about one's rank can be seen as a "better than thou" strat in attempt to win arguments.

  2. 4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    While i totally understand where you are coming from with this idea....

    I gotta say, that you are not playing very concious, when you cant tell which 5 specs you just fought.

    Has nothing to do with that, I check before the match and know who I'm going up against. My point is I want to take my time to see who did what in terms of top stats. After the match if all I see is a disconnect symbol next to a person's name, it makes it more difficult because I'm not here to remember people's names and associated class. My memory already isn't good.

    In general I want more metrics from everyone after a fight, which I think would make the pvp population better informed.

    • Like 1
  3. After a person leaves a match, its fine to grey out the name but please leave the class/spec symbol on the scoreboard. I like to see who did what and analyze everything after a match for learning purposes. When someone leaves I can't do that anymore. I'm sure other people would like this improvement too.

    • Like 4
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  4. On 5/21/2024 at 11:32 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    Make F4 invuln channelled (or delete it again lol).

    wtf? might as well remove the class from the game then. If f4 is deleted or even chanelled anyone will be able to delete a chrono.

    • Confused 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, ascii.1369 said:

    I am just telling you what the balance situation currently looks like.

    Then you don't really know what the balance situation currently looks like across the entire game mode, do you? Or wait, do you think plat is the only level of play that matters? Yeah...you're one of those. There's so much, "I'm higher rank than you so therefore my opinion matters more than yours." in this thread that it's repulsive, just goes to show how extremely toxic this pvp community is and why new people don't want to join.

  6. 7 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

    It was you 100% And I am talking about games with low golds maybe even silvers mixed in with plat players.

    Theres mechanical and positioning decisions you could work on. Using jumping puzzles and kite spots and no port spots vs my sd thief would be helpful. Decision making of who to engage and being patient. Not willingly pushing the node off respawn to 1v1 a thief and tank their sword 3s with shield 4. Time your f3 (or daze mantra if you use it) to rupt certain animations. (Like the tail end of the thief sword 3)

    Honestly if anything just duel people a lot, hop in a server with someone. It will help you improve a lot. Watching gameplay of good mesmers will help too

    Chrono is all about positioning, the bad games I have are games that I tend to veer away from this and side node. This usually happens if no one on the team is doing it, but it really should never be a chrono trying to side node.

    I already port around, not sure what you mean by jumping puzzles. I use terrain all the time in matches.

    Thief is a hard counter for mes, so I think any mes is going to struggle against a competent thief. The mechanics of our abilities don't work well against thief due to going invis, it's difficult to shatter against them though I don't really fear them as much as before in this meta.

    I'm already a good mesmer, I've watched other mesmer players and all the high ranking ones duo. Literally the only difference between why they're higher ranked and I'm not. I've been almost plat solo queueing power chrono, so don't get it twisted, I'm a good mesmer. When you word things like, "Watching gameplay of good mesmers...", you're implying I'm not already a good mesmer player. Duo me with a DH, other chrono/mirage, deadeye and I guarantee you I would be plat right now no question.

    • Confused 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

    Also i have played vs you @Deadmoose.6594 in some shadowrealm games. You have some things that you need to work on mechanically that would help solve some (not all) of your current issues with power chrono

    Please, enlighten me with your master wisdom...

    Also, I don't know what a shadowrealm game is so not sure its even me you're talking about.

  8. 5 hours ago, ascii.1369 said:

    Right now Chrono is an insane healer while Mirage is the best DPS spec for PvP and Virtuoso has the most survivability.

    Almost never seeing chrono healers, mirage is the best dps spec but also has the best survivability. Virts get deleted right now. Not sure what you're seeing.

  9. 1 hour ago, ascii.1369 said:

    I am a Mesmer player and the counter argument seems to be that not every spec of a profession needs to be good at everything. Power Mirage is pretty decent right now and heal Chrono is meta. Just learn the full range of Mesmer rather than complaining that the one spec you want to play isn't the damage spec of our profession.

    So a power chrono doesn't need to be good at doing damage??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 

    • Confused 4
  10. 7 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    Ok lets shorten your way of communicating to its essentials:

    1. If other ppl claim something, they have to prove they are right/ not lying 
    2. If you claim something, still the other ppl have to prove that you are wrong
    3. If other ppl present or offer proves, you claim those proves have no value even tho they do

    yeah... so in the end you can claim the biggest nonsense 24/7 while not delivering any backup and the other ppl should do all the work to dismantle your -300 iq and skill nonsense and also have to backup every little thing they say,  even when it is quite obviously right anyway.

    Makes sense! xD

    And all that, just because you know, that you personally can not prove your mechanical skill on mesmer with duels, since you know you suck at mesmer and only can prove in duels that you are bad. 

    Got ya!

    Anecdotal evidence is more than enough to prove I'm correct. Like I said just whisper me in game and I can give you my discord and share with you how many games I've played, which I've already stated in this thread. I main a power chrono, it's undebatable. If you want proof just whisper me.

    Since we've established that fact, I can claim things about the spec because I use it every single day and have for about two years straight (this is undebatable). These things are anecdotal, but as you can see from this thread that other people who play this same spec share the same opinion with me (undebatable).

    Nobody has been able to counter the argument successfully. Only counters are from people who main spellbreakers and rangers so pile on their confused emojis to everything that isn't their OP fotm spec. Not really a counter. You yourself tried to state my rank as equating to me being a bad pvp'er and not knowing how to play mesmer, meanwhile my rank has been climbing. At this point you're just full of kitten and huffing air, your arguments have 0 substance because all you're doing is attacking me and not going after my main point because you know you can't. Again, thank you for continuing to grow the page count of this topic.

    Edit: I want to be clear that you're not clever in attacking my credibility in playing mesmer. Anyone who knows me in pvp or here in the forums knows that I know my kitten with power chrono. People I've played against have whispered me to complement my expertise in matches where they lost, multiple times. Your attacks on my credibility aren't working. I know you think you're trying to undermine my main point by discrediting me, but I have the numbers to back up my words.

    Edit 2: I also wanted to say that everything on the pvp forums is anecdotal evidence. If people play against spellbreaker, for example, and notice it's OP, they come to the forums and talk about it. At that point, it becomes a fact and then gets its deserved nerf. You seldom hear about specs that are underperforming because why do people want to play something that isn't powerful and is going to get wrecked in pvp? Well guess what, some people actually do play those specs. They deserve to be listened to so that there can be some god kitten balance in this game mode.

    • Like 2
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    • Confused 5
  11. 1 hour ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

    Dang, BBQd to a crisp🔥💀

    Nah son he's about to get Deadmoosed. Sit back and watch.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    ofc still did not find you on the lb with 1259 rating after 65 games

    Go ahead and exclusively play power chrono for a season and then come back and tell me your rating.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    I were never riding melcor

    Dude, you literally brought up Melcor in every single one of your posts.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    i did not say anything about chrono f1 need a little rebuff or not

    You were literally countering the argument about buffing f1 the entire time by constantly bringing up Melcor's post. You don't have to believe me, you wrote it. Go back and read.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    I mean, i get why you try to insist on games played in current only 1,5 months old season, since that is lit. the only category you have a chance to shine. As no lifer newbie you grind a 10yo, dead and no competition game way harder than any veteran, who already reached some goals and plays this game for 10 years. But your games in current season mean nothing.

    hahahahaha, again bashing the game mode. Just to be clear so you know where to read your own words where you bash the game mode, its here: "grind a 10yo, dead and no competition game" I underlined and bolded it so you can read it clearly, I'd make the text larger for you but I don't want to get a forum ban.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    are very VERY big indicators, that you just suck at the game and at mesmer: 

    Feel free to message me in game and I'll give you my discord, and I can share with you several dozen screenshots of matches where I did over 300k+ damage as a power chrono.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    You have a very low amount of overall pvp games played 

    Nearly 2,000 games played in about 2 years is pretty good to me. I'm comfortable and confident with these numbers.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    you play on insanely low rating

    I've been nearly plat solo queue'ing power chrono, which just reiterates my point. I can no longer carry a team with power chrono as it stands so my rank will only be so high solo queueing. Your argument that my rank is low so I'm bad is a kitten argument and literally the entire forum knows it. Also let us know what you main so we can judge you properly. You've got nothing to hide right? Clown brings up duels again, as if its going to prove anything. Your post is so dumb I had to remove my confused emoji and put a laugh one, because it's hilarious.

    2 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    as your bad-vs-worse-player-dialog about mesmer shield showcase

    Nah, shield is too slow an ability in pvp. I still stand by that, Terror is right in that it could be a good ability but he's missing the point. kitten almost never lands, rendering it useless. You're also pretty dumb to continually weigh in where you don't belong as you don't even play it, then you go forward with riding whoever you think is right. You must be a master equestrian with all the riding that you do, are horses expensive in Europe?

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 7
  12. 13 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    Don't buff chrono, nerf everything else instead.

    I'm willing to concede that if everything else gets nerfed, then don't buff chrono. That's a huge if, and unlikely to happen. Either way, one of these two scenarios need to happen. I, for one, would love to see a more balanced and dynamic game mode, where a player can pick up literally any spec and be viable. I don't buy that this can't happen, the balance team just has to listen to the community. It becomes super obvious what the meta is, and I'm not even in favor of overnerfing a spec to the ground so nobody plays it, only to get replaced by another super kittening annoying OP spec to fight that someone will pick and you'll face in every kittening match. Please, for the love of god, just tune things slightly and stop overnerfing. Get the game mode in a more comfortable state for all specs and then leave it alone.

  13. 15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:


    Doesn't always proc twice, need to get hit during shield. A lot of enemies know not to hit you.

    15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    Summoning a phantasm will proc all the phantasm traits

    Not everyone traits phantasms, I don't personally.

    15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    Works like a charm

    If it hits, that's a big if. The issue is the wave is just too slow. It's super easy to just run around while its moving, also pretty easy to shoot around it.

    15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    it's at least 20 stacks of vulnerability

    Not sure how you're getting to this number. Even if it hits twice, with domination that's only 16 stacks.

    15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    Works like a charm with sword 3 to stun people with the returning wave

    Yeah this is good synergy if you can pull it off.

    15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    With continuum split + blink + Mirror images you get a fat AoE burst out of nowhere

    Not sure what these skill have to do with the shield.

  14. 3 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

    IMHO the current iteration of shield 5 (counting speed + cast time + travel time) was perfectly tailored for the old lost time trait, which doesn't exist anymore.

    I'm very used to how it works right now, so it's whatever, but I can see how anyone trying to pick up the class would find it super clunky. It requires manual aiming in a game where nothing is manually aimed. If you do that, it works fine; but it's the only way to make it work.

    Compare it to something like herald shield abilities and it's not good. We get a double block (only sometimes), and a slow wave that can stun (if it even lands). Herald gets a massive amount for shield skills because of traits and boons, condi remove with hardening presence too.

  15. 55 minutes ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    Yes i do frequently but it is not my main as mentioned several times

    You haven't even played pvp this season. Unless you're on another account, in which case, let me know your anet tag so we can see your rating. You've got nothing to hide right? Same thing with melcor, also not even listed.

    56 minutes ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    I joined the thread because an experienced and higher ranked mesmer main (that was quite obvious from melcors first 2 posts) got called saboteur, non-mes-main, clueless etc by mediocre at best mesmers (the one who called him out will not duel because he knows he would get wrecked, no matter what excuses he comes up with) even tho he made good points

    Keep riding melcor he may https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2Hyax5W4Vg

    Also hilarious that you're taking his rank and experience at face value based on a forum post and have continued to ride him for 7 pages.

    59 minutes ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    All my points towards that topic still stand because they are just true

    Do you hear yourself? You've devolved into a clown show 🤡

    At this point you've lost all credibility, might be time for you to stop posting.

    • Confused 2
  16. 8 hours ago, Rdm.3186 said:

    Indeed, so stop contradicting yourself by asking for power chrono to be able to compete with fotm op specs. Instead go for well-founded big pic suggestions as experienced, skilled ppl like melcor with an actual competitive mindset go for. Or just admit that you prefer to make narrowed and selfish suggestions instead this fake "i play something more skilled because i have no defense (not even true) but i need oneshot dmg" ego-nonsense.

    Dude you're so out of touch that it's laughable. Vanfly just destroyed you, but feel free to come back for more. Even if the nerf is undone it doesn't even make power chrono meta, all it does is allow us to compete in damage with classes that have waaaay more sustain. It's a pretty popular opinion that more survivability should = less damage. Right now you have things like ranger that are like a 8/10 survive and 8/10 damage. It's really dumb.


    26 minutes ago, vanflyheight.6832 said:

    Shield- any unblockable: ranger, rev, warrior, plus any melee ranger specs like willbender and holo.

    Speaking about shield, I also want to propose Tides of Time cast speed gets cut from 3/4 to 1/2 a second. Right now its atrocious and useless. The travel speed of the arc should also be doubled. Thing moves so slow people just run around it, not even dodge, just run. People out here bashing our suggestions when half our kit is already useless...

    • Confused 2
  17. 9 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

    you are not asking for balance when you ask to have power chrono in the game at meta

    I don't believe in meta as a healthy term, there's a clear difference between balance and fotm op spec. Right now spellbreaker is there, ranger has always been there, guardian and ele are pretty close. I'm not asking for power chrono to be OP, all I'm asking for is to have damage in line with what it should, considering that many other specs do the same damage but have waaaay more sustain, health, condi cleanse, damage reduction, etc.

    • Like 1
  18. 4 hours ago, Pttf.2467 said:

    this dude a few month ago created around 20 posts "nerf this build that i just lost to" with all the mockery now his approach is "buff this build i'm playing"

    I'll always go after the fotm op spec, and will continue to do so because I enjoy balance in the game. As Rdm would say, if all of the single braincell pvp monkeys would play something other than what's op, than I wouldn't have to.

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