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Everything posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. If you read my post I don't say anything about changing winning points, just losing Really good point here, solving this problem might help retention a bit Yes the lower rated team will get punished more for losing against the higher rated team, which would help to put them in their actual rank. If a silver team goes up against a gold team, the silver team is expected to lose and get demoted. However, crazy things happen and if they do their best with my system their rating won't take as much of a hit. You're also forgetting several variables, teams are composed of a mix of players of various ratings and skill level. Certain classes and specs have advantages over others. There's a lot at play. People afk, people duo, people win trade. As it stands right now, you can get unlucky on a team with someone afk and you're pretty much guaranteed to lose that match. This happened to me recently but we 4v5'd and won the match. Should you go on a massive losing streak because you got unlucky several times in a row? Very well said, I don't even have anything to add to this but I just want to point out how good of a reply this is
  2. Good thing I have a reply to all of this. So 1/10 Critical Thinking skills, good job. You actually think that teams will let the other team have 400 v 450 points and I'm delusional? Teams have come back from 100 v 400, what makes you think people in a game as close as 400 v 450 are going to discuss winning and losing while the match is on going? Who is going to have time for that instead of you know, actually tying to win. NEXT! Wtf are you talking about? This doesn't even make sense. NEXT! Come on man. These aren't good points. NEXT! Disagree. It'll make matchmaking more balanced. Even if you're getting carried on a team of 5, you have to have some kind of level of competency in order to get a win. In other words, you can't be complete trash. If you think about this system in terms of several games played, a carry person is more apt to win so their rank will more likely increase, whereas a non-carry will eventually scale depending on how good or bad they are. I agree with the top stats argument, top stats can be farmed so shouldn't equate into any pvp reward/ranking outcome. Edit: Just wanted to discuss a little more by how I think this would play out...say you are a gold 3 but obviously you're paired with a lot of gold 2s and lower. Those less skilled players are going to make you lose games unless you can carry. However, if you all do your best, you can score more points and take less of a hit to all of your rankings. So wait...does that mean you are actually rewarded for your efforts in pvp? Yes, yes it does. You're no longer lumped into those less skilled players and severely demoted and forced into the 50/50 system. The system will still try to make you win/lose 50/50, but its your job to try to overcome the games you are designated to lose. There are a lot of variables at play so there's always a chance. Sometimes your team will still get stomped too and your rating will take a big hit.
  3. ^ Well said. Thanks for the purple cups all, appreciate it. The GM response was that they actually do read forum posts "every day" and take things into consideration based on how the community perceives things, so maybe this is a step in the right direction???
  4. Came up with this idea in another thread but it deserves its own: Points lost should scale based on how badly you lost. As some examples, and this isn't necessary well thought out but I'll give it a go: 500 v 450-499 = -3 points to losers 500 v 400-499 = -5 points to losers 500 v 399-350 = -11 points to losers 500 v 349-300 = -13 points to losers 500 v 299-250 = -19 points to losers 500 v 249-0 = -21-28 points to losers This would do several beneficial things to matchmaking and the conquest game mode in general: It'll blur the 50/50 win/loss system a bit so that you'll actually see which matches were very close and then individual players can think back on a loss and ask themselves what could've happened differently in order to get that win or made it a closer match Take the onus off of the individual high ranked player(s) in the match to carry, as they will now suffer the same penalty as the rest of the team if there is a loss Essentially make afk'ing nonexistent in the game mode. Losing by a little is way better than losing by a lot, so afk'ing is going to be a really bad move. I'm sure it'll still happen, especially those who take on a personal grudge against someone else on their team and do it out of spite, but it will happen WAY less The community will start to appreciate a match more, if it was a close game and you only get hit by a -3 or so, you're not going to be as pissed about losing that match. You'll get hit by the negative points but since it won't hurt as bad, you'll feel that your efforts for making it a close game mattered Some unknowns: How much would the current system have to change to implement this new system? Can anyone think of any negatives with this system?
  5. I appreciate that! I added you. I do my best. My best work comes after I lose a match in game.
  6. What if your rating loss scaled to how bad you lost by? For example, if you lost by 1, your rating would only go down -1 or something. It would then scale more severely depending on how bad the loss was. This would encourage everyone on the team to participate to the fullest extent, knowing that at the very least their rating wouldn't be hindered as badly as the way losing works right now. Afkers would be nearly non-existent with this method.
  7. Well said, yeah...I guess I shouldn't care about rank. Or what if rank was independent from winning or losing and based on how good you actually are? It's insanely dumb, like inception levels of dumb that your rank is based on ability to carry kittening idiots. Let me write that out in big letters because this is your real rank: YOUR RANK IS BASED ON YOUR ABILITY TO CARRY D U C K I N G IDIOTS ON YOUR TEAM I literally spent months playing mesmer in unranked before going to ranked. I already am a Dragon rank Losing 4 games was just a microcosm of the greater problem, I didn't need a massive losing streak to know what was happening. As others have posted about almost getting plat and then going on a massive losing streak, this literally happened to me as well. I agree about the asinine 50/50 system, I vehemently hate it. I already do this every match in hope my moron teammates listen to me, they usually don't. As a chrono, I see myself sort of like a basketball point guard. I know who I should kill first, and so I'll CTR-T that target. If you don't pile your damage on that target too, then you're a moron. This happens so much it's mind boggling. If someone else decides to CTR-T, then I hit their target because focused damage > single player damage. There are certain maps where it's better to try to get home and mid, and not go far. As chrono, I can usually lock down mid if I have enough support. Most people don't listen to that though. As chrono, I'm going to wipe the floor against certain people as the damage is insane, but most people also don't know that thief hard counters mes. So most people don't know to peel thieves off me so I can do my job. Most people don't know they should be decapping or side-noding, so I'm forced to as a team fighter because nobody else is. The list just goes on and on...
  8. I opened a support ticket with Anet, things should change. Pretty sure we all want some changes with how pvp works. It doesn't have to suck as bad as it does.
  9. I love logging in for the few hours that I get a night, only to lose over and over again and not even fill one bar in a rewards chest. That's my idea of fun. Thanks Anet!
  10. I like how you can literally afk for hours in wvw and nobody gives a f u c k and you just reap massive rewards. But nope, we can't have individual rewards for some reason. ANET WE ALL REALLY LOVE LOSING IN YOUR RIGGED SYSTEM OF 50/50 WIN LOSS RATIO.
  11. As a pvp player I spend a lot of money on gems. I at least want more pvp options and not just be locked into one mode per season.
  12. No, it's not just you. I'm good at this game, but I've been paired with absolute garbage players and I keep losing. It's not fun trying to carry and getting things like 35% dmg on a team of five and still losing. Absolutely trashing people where I'm at but the rest of the team failing everywhere else and our points getting decapped but not recapped by the morons on my team.
  13. Please upvote this if you're in favor of it. I'm really tired of Conquest being the only pvp option. There's literally 0 reason for it. The least the devs could do is give us ranked Arena 24/7, literally the LEAST they could do.
  14. Not sure how plat is even possible when matchmaking pairs me with absolute morons who don't know how to focus a target, and don't know where to go in the game. What a trash game mode, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to agree with anet that it's undeserving of new content. At the very least, at least give us an Arena option 24/7 so we don't have to deal with the kitten populace.
  15. This happened on reaper, and spectral armor in particular gives protection but didn't really matter much with a greatsword slamming my head into the ground over and over. Warrior has been made and will be getting hp's soon so I can spec into something!
  16. I was thinking to try spellbreaker first as I don’t really have a sidenoding character yet. Chrono is really a teamfighter and reaper is similar but more versatile. So I made this post after I fought a thief/gs ranger combo. They invis’d and then ranger popped and cc’d me. I used two stun breaks and neither of them worked, so I don’t know wtf that means. I was dead within seconds because stunlocked for literally 3 whole seconds which is a death sentence in pvp. This happened three times in a row so it didn’t seem an unlucky order of getting multiple stuns in succession right after I used my stunbreaks. Would be great if someone could explain this because it felt like they were cheating. Whatever it is, it was in the lines of being moa’d which royally pisses me off.
  17. @Azure The Heartless.3261 I'm setting up my war, what spec is good?
  18. Lmao ok. This guy just creates rules for everything so that he can compartmentalize things to fit his agenda. Nah it went waaay beyond helpful criticism.
  19. I have a warrior but haven't gotten around to playing it yet, it's on the horizon but not quite ready yet.
  20. #1: Invis mechanics #2: Moa #3: Ranger unbreakable stunlock #4: Scrapper 0 effort damage and aoe node control That's pretty much it, actually haven't been having much difficulty against warriors lately...
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