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Everything posted by Deadmoose.6594

  1. Haven't seen them yet but we all know its coming.
  2. This is for all the good dawgs out there, just wanted you to savor the moment that you have right now. Even though the game mode is perfectly balanced and in a good place, warriors are going to get a massive nerf next balance update. I mean, I personally believe that bladesworns should be able to faceroll full chrono shatters, full on reaper shroud damage, and generally should just be able to survive 3-4v1. I feel like that is a perfectly balanced game with nothing wrong with it, and it really just alludes to an individual bladesworn's skill in pvp. If a bladesworn can go 4v1 against a team, facerolling massive amounts of damage, then that is just pure raw skill that should be rewarded and praised. We should all be bowing to their awesome skill.
  3. also entering shroud and reviving a downed player is a super powerful option
  4. As a roamer its pretty good, you can run around the map really fast and go toe to toe with most classes
  5. Not sure where to post this but please lower the speed of ghostly infusion. There's currently not much ghostly about it when the spectral flames whip out of you at a high rate of speed. I'd much rather see a slow burn effect.
  6. I have some evidence that core guard is underpowered right now. After four losses as core guard, I swapped into WB and instantly won four games. Usually top dmg at least, with some other top stats. Core guard is good for getting healing, revive, and sometimes defense top stat, but that's literally it. If you're farming top stats, core guard is easy but don't expect to win a lot. Could be that I was due for some wins I guess, but I'll keep trying WB and see. I can tell you that I pretty much wreck a scourge as WB, but scourge wrecks me as core guard.
  7. Playing against them or playing one, they get wrecked so easily and do very little to actually support their team. The game mode is so bursty right now, you have to either have a really good dps team with you or playing against bots to stand a chance. Heals don't really do enough compared to how much damage some specs are putting out right now, and the cd's are way too slow. If you go against conditions its game over because there's literally no counter to it.
  8. Sure but usually things shift very slowly so things have time to adapt. Except for sudden mass extinction events, which are actually super rare. You're not really taking into account how in balance the ecosystems all over the world actually are. There's a certain randomness and chaos to nature, but definitely a balance as well.
  9. I lolled so hard...so hard that I have to commend you and call you a real good dawg bro
  10. Let us know what class/spec you play and I won't attack this comment.
  11. My observations as a mesmer main who just got into necro and is playing reaper, I'm finding dagger to be way better than actual shroud which is super disappointing. Not sure why but I feel like it does more damage. Reaper as a whole is too predictable, opponent just waits until you reaper and then unloads on you...so much can stop a reaper, moa, the 10 snares DH has, warriors 5 stuns, etc etc etc. Reaper dmg < War dmg. I've been going toe to toe with a lot of wars and can't kill them 1v1, not even close. Sure I can run but its a loss because warrior is flat out better right now. Chill? Doesn't seem to do anything even though I have 8 chills. Seldom see the enemy actually slowed. Same with fear, lasts like two seconds, kind of worthless. Every attack in shroud needs longer range, because people just run away from it. The worst feeling in the world for a reaper in shroud is getting slowed and watching your enemy laugh as they run joyfully away from you and your useless attacks. It has some good aoe damage in a mix but evaporates in conquest on point if other team has conditions. Edit: It's a massive magical undead scythe, there's 0 reason why it shouldn't have a 600 range like a friggin dagger.
  12. What the kitten does this matter? Oh yeah I forgot you are one of those hand selected by God to be a gift to GW2 pvp.
  13. Score was 270 to 70 and you had just ran into a group of 4 mid, alone. Let's be clear, being plat doesn't mean kitten. All of these plat 1 players think they're god's gift to pvp, because they either duo or use a broken build. I know enough about how other classes play to know how to fight against them, and when they're ridiculous. For example, my willbender went up against bladesworn, game over. Couldn't even dent the bladesworn, willbender dropped like a fly. Is that balanced? Let me know.
  14. I stand by what I said, racking up loss after loss now. Can't get a single win. I guess willbender kind of sucks because you need to be in close and its gg if they have conditions. Even with the meager condition cleanses built in, doesn't help at all.
  15. This is exactly what I'm saying. Turns out willbender playstyle is a bit similar to chrono and I've been getting top dmg pretty consistently. By similar I mean it does a lot of dmg quickly and dies just as fast. I got a couple of wins with it so far, but yeah had to tweak a build to my liking. Not really sure how to survive if focused and stunned to death though aside from Renewed Focus meditation. Need to find another class though too. I might try a thief and just make them super fast and decap the entire match.
  16. No, with the state of the game mode as it is, expecting someone to be competent enough on a class they aren't familiar with at the same level as their main class is unreasonable. It's no different from a complete pvp newbie coming into a pvp match. Skyscale completion was deemed unreasonable and so was nerfed, I see this as no different.
  17. For whatever reason no other class besides mesmer clicks for me, so I can't seem to complete the League Professional achievements. Locking an achievement behind making people play other classes is kind of crappy. At least make the achievement available in unranked matches.
  18. Go back and read. I said I WAS. I dropped down to gold 2 after a massive loss streak.
  19. This is a really bs take tbh. I was a high gold 3 player nearing plat, so your assumption isn't even valid as it pertains to my post. I like to think I got to gold 3 for a reason, because I know how to play my class. If you think there aren't balance issues in the game, I suggest you pull your head out of the sand and actually look at what happens in a match outside of your own spec. Edit: Not even to mention the other issues that affect the game mode, probably even worse than balance issues: win trading, afks, bots, exceptionally bad matchmaking, and duo q's.
  20. You seem like the kind of person who only plays OP specs.
  21. Pretty sure Willbender already has stealth and it's among the dumbest things I've ever seen in GW2 pvp.
  22. What if you were carrying a team and you still lost? Clearly the game only wants you to win half of your matches, but sometimes you are the carry on your team and you strive to win but fall short. -12 points or more to your rating. What if you had more of a points boost for overwhelmingly good top stats? It would reflect your true value as a player and not just blanket you in with the scrubs you were paired with. Just a thought, definitely won't be implemented because Anet doesn't listen or change anything based on what we say here.
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