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Everything posted by teeth.3501

  1. Finally! Hopefully we'll see more casual clothes available later too, like sweatpants, tank tops, etc. Fantastic news for finally making more diverse looks.
  2. Honestly, these changes do very little in PvE outside of a select few builds that get either a bit improved or a bit nerfed, and considering the release schedule for these updates I may literally grow old until actual problems like old underperforming skills, useless or outdated traits, broken gameplay loops, unfun bugs and outdated SFX/lacking animations get patched, if ever. Kind of a sad thing to be thinking about when looking at patchnotes, ngl.
  3. More normal clothes would be fantastic, for future ideas. Tank tops, t-shirts, good pants that aren't medium-exclusive, the works.
  4. Make the silly sand road apply it's boons in an AoE radius upon casting, rather than force me into running circles around those I want to apply stability to. Visual indicator for Sandstorm shroud needs to go. It's just visually inconsistent, and there are several more skills with the same issue, like ele's air dag 5. Why is this even a thing? Source of vigor would be nice. I get that with the barrier applications we kind of don't care about people dodging, but some builds benefit from this boon being present and supplied and no other support seems to struggle with providing it. Final one, a pet peeve: Make big shade the alacrity trait. It's entirely useless and the big shade CAN actually be used for target-capping your boon application, like if it turned off you being the source of shade skills so it's only the big shade that pulses alac to 5 targets only. That could be great. Otherwise, it's a dead grandmaster with no real use in any gamemode; there's absolutely no reason for you to be running it at all. Otherwise, HSCG is nearly there. It's got almost everything, but the annoying bug of your Sandstorm shroud being only on you and inconsistencies in boon range applications across various skills (with honorary mention of the Silly Sand Road having effective range of like 50?) introduce a lot of clunk into what could be really good.
  5. Also standing up for our warrior brothers and sisters - Arc Divider being a third of what it was makes Warrior play just axe/axe again. It's pretty boring. I doubt you want to make your classes/builds, like, boring, so y'know.
  6. They want their specs to feel bad when you play them? Based balance goals tbh
  7. Yes, really. Nothing was wrong with Scourge from gameplay standpoint until that happened. It's an abhorrent change. However, if you want more insightful opinion - lol, demonic lore back to 33% and + burning sources +10% burn damage. That'll make Scourge hit those 40k's yet again, however it'll still just suck to play.
  8. Scourge still won't feel good to play because you fiddled with shade durations, literally doing an 180 on stated goal of "reducing spam gameplay" by making scourge rely on spam gameplay even harder. Please adjust this, it makes the spec not enjoyable to play and no amount of bandaid fixes like changes to shade-related traits will fix this.
  9. When vast majority of your players can't even be expected to output half of normal damage output the build is capable of, this approach creates accessibility for newer players/ more modern audiences (?) / the dreaded C-words. It is in my understanding that that's the exact reasoning behind this being the new baseline - they want you to do okay damage even if you don't know what you're ultimately doing, still capable of clearing content on barely more than autoattacking. I personally don't see this as a "bad" thing, it's more of a choice between two evils that both have nuances consequences. It they really wanted to give these 40k+ dps builds a place to start putting these eggs into a basket, all they need to do is crank up HP on bosses for CM modes (as indeed they kind of do), and rather than throw countless DPS-reducing mechanics at you focus on DPS checks or such. Wishful thinking on my part, of course; they have way too many ways to go about it, and seemingly none of the interest besides what I mentioned above. Back to the original topic, any DPS build not being on 38-40k range right now is just suboptimal and you should be playing a DPS support with exactly similar numbers, while also filling a boon role for your group. In squads/parties where "anything goes" it's a non-issue, of course, but then again - nothing really matters in those anyway. Another point I want to raise is, what is actually being so horrendously broken besides Gorseval? I guess you can sometimes hope to skip a phase or some mechanics if your squad total dps is doing okay, but I don't think it's all that hazardous. Honestly, compared to other games where this can become a thing, I'd say GW2's raids held up pretty well. Don't even have to go that far to see an example to the contrary - Dungeons are as screwed as they can be, and they will be screwed still even with the "make everything 30k" as a baseline, lol.
  10. The funniest part is that CTTB is still a bad skill outside of trash mob scenarios, and even there the quickness part is redundant at best. Like, if I pull in trash I'm going shroud and pressing 4 to win anyway, why would I waste time on casting CTTB if I get my quickness in shroud? In anything organized, it's still Lich vs Golem. CTTB does not do enough breakbar damage to compete with Golem, or just enough damage to compete with it either (despite hefty coeffs, they did forget that utility skills use pitiful weapon strength and all that amounts to is what, 15k damage on best of days on 1s casttime? Look at your weaponskills and see how DPS-effective casting that is, spoiler alert - not at all), Lich remains the best burst option albeit still a super clunky/bad one, it ain't OWP by any stretch of imagination. If you want to make something with Onslaught to justify it's self-quickness and maybe a buff, my hope slash dream would be just making Shroud not replace your HP like it's Harb for when you're using Onslaught. Give up all defensive qualities of Shroud for cracked DPS and self-quickness in it, sounds fair enough. Would also fix Reaper's annoying issue of shroud (thus DPS) melting to things that don't affect normal classes. Best thing to buff Power Reaper right now would be giving Spite attention. Not only it's just a bad power dps traitline, it also limits any other power DPS builds (like harbinger, or god forbid, core). Then it'll be weapons as very, very close second; They suck. Anything but greatsword just sucks for power on necro.
  11. It's not, actually. It's way too high cost to fire off CD without delaying any F2s, which are cheaper and do same damage. In most fights using F3 off CD is impossible, as well as on benchmarks. Not sure you know how scourge works with your wild 1200 hps claims.
  12. It's a very unproductive stance. I don't want others to get worse, high average DPS contributes a lot to the current state of things where we have more diversity than ever. It's easier to argue for us to get on that level than it is for everyone else to be brought down.
  13. It's extremely easy to avoid. New and Improved Sadistic Searing: Replaces F2 with another version of it that no longer cleanses condi but applies extra burning on use. Result: Scourge gives up running Desert Empowerment (so no extra barriers for stacking purposes) and loses it's ability to cleanse (though I personally find it hardly problematic, but I guess to have good things on this class we must Sacrifice™) in order to have it's 38k. A very easy change to 1 pointless trait that instantly justifies scourge existing as a DPS.
  14. I see your point, but; A) I don't see them doing a huge nerf sweep. It did not go over well with people last time, and on tails of announcing that they're not going to do actual expacs I can't see them even attempting to. Welcome to new mess, it's here to stay for years. Besides, seeing where we're at globally across all specs, again, it's unreasonable to say that "35k bench is fine" - no, we're the bad ones. Rest are okay and aren't getting nerfed. B) I just want my class to be good. Seeing just 1 build being on competitive damage numbers across the entire class is downright depressing, and that build is tied to the worst spec design in entirety of EoD, both creatively and mechanically. I'm more than happy to have Sadistic Searing reworked into an actual good DPS trait, thus giving up last bits of "free" barrier on Scourge if that means it gets to be good at damage.
  15. Specter does all of that too, what's your point? We shouldn't have nice things because of some nebulous concept of "balance"? There's more "broken" specs than there are underperforming ones, frankly 40k is the new norm as is evident by their balance direction, and we're the odd ones out sitting on boonDPS numbers while not providing them boons, not them.
  16. Scourge's barrier output has been gutted in favor of DPS build, so stacking won't be an issue anymore. Besides, I don't see anyone stack Specters despite both dealing more damage and providing more barrier than Scourge before nerfs, hmmmm. Almost as if it's no longer a relevant argument. And please, don't say Specter isn't braindead to play - it just goes 3333333 and then 254112 in shroud, repeat and tap venoms on CD. Scourge deserves a higher bench, especially since Harbinger just legitimately sucks to play. I don't know a single person who said they truly enjoyed benching or playing Harb, and those forsaken few who gave it a chance have long since abandoned it. This spec needs a full-on rework at it's base level to become less annoying to play, straight up. Btw, multitude of bugs with certain skills still aren't gone for it and it went for an entire year since it's release without any meaningful changes, with a dead power build nobody asked for and trait design so shallow it makes puddles look bottomless. Reaper just needs honest and generous help. Let it be good at power DPS for once, it's been 8 years. E i g h t. Not once it's power DPS was actually good.
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